

The Research on the Compensation Mechanism of "Jilin Peasants Fitness Programme" under the New Rural Construction

【作者】 刘宝忠

【导师】 何劲鹏;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着农村经济的发展和人民物质文化生活水平的提高,以及国家颁布一系列惠农政策的出台为农村体育的发展提供生根发芽的土壤。国家已经将农村体育纳入社会主义新农村的内容,如何为广大农民提供必要的体育设施和体育服务,是摆在我们面前的一项重要工作任务。本文从社会学的角度,运用体育统计学、体育社会学、社会学研究方法等理论知识,通过对吉林省“农民体育健身工程”开展情况的调查分析,以18周岁以上的农民为主要研究对象,以农民的生产方式、生活方式农、民体育健身工程开展的情况、农民家庭及个人基本情况、体育锻炼基本状况的统计数据为研究依据,采用问卷调查、实地研究、文献资料等研究方法,对吉林省农民体育健身工程开展的实际情况进行研究分析。研究结果表明(1)吉林省“农民体育健身工程”在开展的过程中缓慢目标难以实现。根据国家颁布的“农民体育健身工程”我省依据实际情况制定了此目标:到2010年,全省农村各级体育组织机构健全,体育健身设施覆盖率明显加大,农民参加体育活动比较踊跃,农民体育意识普遍有所增强。吉林省体育局关于推进社会主义新农村体育建设的意见在7岁到70岁年龄段中,经常参加体育锻炼的农民占该年龄段的30%,全省有30%的乡镇建有室内外体育健身设施,有15%以上的行政村建有公共体育场地设施,每个乡镇要有1-2名社会体育指导员。(2)器材严重不足,阻碍了农村体育的发展,器械破坏严重没有专人负责管理,器械在使用方面不适合于农民。(3)各地区农民体育健身工程开展的不均衡性;其中长春地区、松原地区、吉林地区农民体育健身工程开展得比较很好,其他6个地区开展得一般。(4)通过调查发现农民还没有形成参加体育锻炼的意识,体育意识薄弱,应该制定出一套如何增加农民体育意识的激励机制。(5)通过调查发现镇一级部门很少有社会体育指导员,需要加大培训力度以弥补具有这方面专业技能人员不足的问题。(6)对于“农民体育健身工程”了解的不够,甚至有的农民没有听说过,参加体育锻炼更是不现实的。(7)经济基础薄弱,是阻碍吉林省农民体育健身工程开展的主要因素。因此,本文认为为了更好地开展吉林省“农民体育健身工程”应该从以下几个方面进行补偿;(1)补偿的主体1)财政拨款2)企业赞助3)体育彩票中心4)自筹经费(2)补偿的对象1)农民2)农民工(3)补偿的内容1)体育健康观念的补偿2)体育意识的补偿3)场地设施的补偿(4)补偿的方法1)季节性补偿2)节假日补偿3)集市的补偿4)镇级农运会的补偿(5)补偿的项目1)娱乐的项目2)竞技的项目3)民俗的项目。

【Abstract】 With the development of the rural economy and people’s material and cultural life, the development of rural sports is sprouting in the soil provided by the governmental policies. Rural physical culture is brought into the construction of new socialist countryside. So how to provide essential facilities and service for peasants is an important task for us. This paper, with the methods of physical statistics, sociology, and sociological research and based on peasants’personal state, aims to analyze the development of Jilin peasants’fitness programme. The target of the research is adult peasants who are over 18 years’old. And the research isAchievements of this research(1)“The peasants’fitness programme”in Jilin province is carrying on with a low speed and the target of this programme is hard to achieve. The goal of the programme in Jilin province is made according to the national project. And the goal is to make sure the rural sports organizations are at all levels in 2010, sports fitness facilities coverage is obviously intensified, peasants enthusiastically participate in physical activities and their sports consciousness is generally increased. According to the suggestion of Jilin Sports Association, the percentage of peasants who are between the age of 7 to 70, and are active in sports exercising should over 30%, and villages and town with indoor and outdoor facilities should take 30 percent. Physical facilities should be constructed in 15% incorporated villages, and each town should have one instructor to two.(2)The lack of physical facilities prevents the development of rural sports from developing. The existing facilities are seriously destroyed and there is no special workers to mange those facilities. Also, some facilities are not fitful for peasants.(3)The programme is carrying on a unbalanced way. Changchun area, Songyuan area and Jilin city area are those which carry on fluently, while the other 6 areas are not so good.(4)Through the survey found that farmers still not take part in physical exercise. So we should develop a set of how to increase peasant sport consciousness of incentive mechanism.(5)Through the survey found township departments rarely have social sports instructor, and we need to make great efforts to strengthen professional skills with the shortage of staff.(6)The understanding of the programme is far from enough, some never heard about it, not to mention participating.(7)A weak economic foundation is the main factor that hinder the programme.Therefore, the author of this paper believe that we should compensate from the following aspects: (1) the main body of compensation 1) financial funding 2) corporate sponsors 3) sports lottery 4) Self-raised funds, (2) object 1) peasants 2) peasant-workers (3) contents 1) healthy physical concepts 2) physical consciousness 3) facilities (4) methods 1) seasonal compensation 2) holiday compensation 3) market compensation 4) sports meeting compensation (5) items 1) entertainment item 2) athletic item 3) folk-custom item.

  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】195

