

National Fusion of Music and Dancein Chinese Ballet Works

【作者】 孙俏

【导师】 刘绵绵;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 芭蕾舞剧是西方艺术的舶来品,经过一个多世纪的繁衍与发展,芭蕾舞剧艺术在中国历经起伏与变迁,有传统性的传承,也有突破性的创新。1959年被视为中国版《天鹅湖》的中国第一部芭蕾舞剧《鱼美人》的诞生,不仅开始了中国芭蕾舞剧民族性创作的成功探索,而且也为中国芭蕾舞剧民族性创作指引了发展方向。近现代涌现出一系列中国芭蕾舞剧的经典之作,如《二泉映月》、《精卫》、《末代皇帝》、《梅兰芳》、《大红灯笼高高挂》、《牡丹亭》、《梦红楼》等等,均有机地结合了中国民族性艺术特色和西方浪漫主义芭蕾风格,使中国芭蕾舞剧的发展有了一个质的飞跃,这对于中国舞蹈艺术事业的发展产生了积极和深刻的影响。舞剧创作中的音乐与舞蹈是不可或缺的两个重要组成部分,在中国芭蕾舞剧的音乐与舞蹈创作中,如何将中国民族特色的音乐与舞蹈的元素有机地与西方芭蕾舞剧创作相结合,并且具有中国芭蕾舞剧的创作特点,“民族性融合”是众多艺术家们共同面临的创作问题。任何一门艺术都是综合性的产物,西方的芭蕾舞剧的产生是受西方传统文化、生活习俗等因素的影响,那么对于这样一个西方艺术产物,中国的艺术家们应该如何将其吸收、融合到属于自己的艺术氛围中呢?能做的不是改变,而是发展,创新性的发展,只有精通才能把握,只有透彻地掌握西方芭蕾舞剧的精髓,才能使芭蕾舞蹈语汇与中国民族舞蹈语汇融会贯通,创作出具有强烈民族性和创新意识的中国芭蕾舞剧。从中国近现代创作出的芭蕾舞剧作品中可以看出,一大批优秀的芭蕾舞剧作品脱颖而出,更有一部分在剧本、音乐、舞蹈等创作方面不尽人意的作品未在艺术大潮中生存下来,原因主要在于编导们没有把握好芭蕾舞剧创作的基点与创新,没有能够将中西方文化的精髓融为一炉,没有将芭蕾舞剧民族性创作的船舵掌握好,以至于整艘艺术大船淹没于汪洋的艺术大潮之中。本文从中国芭蕾舞剧中音乐与舞蹈民族性创作的发展与探索、中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈民族性融合的现状分析及中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈民族性融合的发展趋势这三方面来进行阐述,从现有的艺术实践创作的实例分析中得出研究结论。全文共分为三个章节来进行论述:一、中国芭蕾舞剧中音乐与舞蹈民族性创作的发展与探索。通过对西方芭蕾在东方土壤上成长的过程与中国三大著名芭蕾舞剧发展的历程的叙述,分析了中国芭蕾舞剧创作中舞蹈与音乐的民族性融合,并对影响芭蕾舞剧成败的音乐与舞蹈两个创作元素进行研究。二、中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈民族性融合的现状分析。通过对音乐民族性创作和舞蹈民族性创作的深入分析与研究,来说明音乐与舞蹈在芭蕾舞剧创作中的作用,及如何将具有中国民族特色的艺术风格融入其中。三、中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈民族性融合的发展趋势。通过对中国近现代创作的两大经典芭蕾舞剧——《鱼美人》和《大红灯笼高高挂》的深刻分析,阐述了中国芭蕾舞剧的发展应该是以继承传统,坚持中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈的民族性融合为基础,以与时代同步,发展中国芭蕾舞剧创作中音乐与舞蹈的民族性融合为动力。中国芭蕾舞剧的发展和中国芭蕾舞剧的民族性创作既离不开对西方芭蕾舞剧艺术的潜心学习与研究,又要始终坚持结合自身的文化底蕴与民族风格来进行创新性发展,创作出与时代同步的民族性的经典芭蕾舞剧作品。也只有这样中国芭蕾舞剧艺术才能形成学派体系,才能形成良性的发展轨迹,才能成功地走向世界舞台,并且能够在世界的芭蕾舞剧艺术中占领一席之地。

【Abstract】 Ballet is the foreign goods from western.With the multiplication and development of one century,ballet have been through repeatedly the fluctuation and the vicissitude in China.Not only has the traditional inherition but has the unprecedented innovation.In 1959 ,the first Chinese ballet ballet Fish Beautiful Woman was born.It was regarded as The Swan Lake of chinese version.It didn’t only started the successful exploration of chinese ballet with national characteristic creation but also has directed the developing direction for the chinese ballet with national characteristic creation. There are a series of chinese ballet works in modern times.For example, Two Reflecting Founts, Jing Wei,Last years Emperor,Mei Lanfang, Scarlet Lantern Hangs High ,Peony Pavilion,Dream of Red Chamber and so on.They unified the chinese national characteristic artistic feature and the western romanticism ballet style organically,it makes the chinese ballet have a development and a qualitative leap,It has had positive and the profound influence regarding as the art enterprise development of chinese dance.Music and dance are the most important parts in dancing creation.In the creation of chinese ballet,it is the comon problem for many artists to combine the music and dance that have chinese national characteristic with the creation of western ballet and make them own the characteristicof chinese ballet. the creation of dance and music chinese ballet.Every art is the synthetic production.The production of western ballet is affected by western traditional culture and life custom,so it is important for the artists of China to absorb and combine the production of western art into our own art atmosphere.All we can do is develop it with innovation not transform it.We can grasp it if we master.Of course,we can make the words of ballet and chinese national dance together if master the pith of western ballet clearly.We do that in order to create chinese ballet with intense national and innovative consciousness.In modern times,we can see many excellent ballet were born and some dramas,musics and dances that are not excellent didn’t exist.Because the directors didn’t hold the cardinal point and innovate.they didn’t combine the pith between China and western and didn’t master the national creation of ballet and it didn’t exist at last.In this chapter,I will elaborate three points in the creation of chinese ballet.They are the develop current situation of chinese ballet’s music and dance with national characteristic creation,the current situation of national fusion in the music and dance and the developing trend of chinese ballet in music and dance creation.We can get the research conclusion from the analysis of existing artistic practice creation example.This chapter divides into three parts to carry on the elaboration:The First part: the develop of chinese ballet’s music and dance with national characteristic creation.It thoroughly analyse the created present situation of chinese ballet through narration between the developed of western ballet in the Eastern soil and the developing process of the Chinese three big famous ballets,and also to research the music and dance which affected the ballet’s success or failure. The Second part: the current situation of national fusion in the music and dance in the chinese ballet. To Explain the function of the music and dance in ballet’s creation,Through thorough analysis and research of national characteristic music creation and national characteristic dance creation, and how to combine the Chinese national characteristic artistic style in it.The Third part: the developing trend of chinese ballet in music and dance creation.Through the analysis of the two big chinese classical ballet in modern creation(Fish Beautiful Woman and Scarlet Lantern Hangs High ),It Elaborated that the Chinese ballet’s development should inherits the tradition,and persisted the foundation of chinese ballet creation in music and the dance with national characteristic fusion and take national characteristic fusion of developing the chinese ballet creation in the music and dance as the power.The development of chinese ballet already cannot leave the concentrated study and the research on western ballet art and must persist innovative development of own culture and the national style in order to create the national characteristic classical ballet works.If we do like these,the Chinese ballet art can form the school of thought system, can form the benign developing path ,can trend to the world stage successfully and seizes the small space in world ballet art.

【关键词】 中国芭蕾舞剧音乐舞蹈民族性融合
【Key words】 Chinese ballteMusidDanceNationaliy creation Fusion

