

Research on the Inscription in the Han Dynasty

【作者】 张甲子

【导师】 曹胜高;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为两汉诸多文体之一种,铭文在其演进过程中,不仅具有自身独特的风貌,与其他文体的互动,也是汉代文学发展的另一层面。本文以汉代铭文为研究对象,试图从铭文的文体意识、铭文的文体分类、汉代铭文文体形式的变化三个方面为切入点,对其形成背景及其体式特点进行清理,探讨铭文在两汉时期进行的由实用性向审美性的转变,并在此基础上讨论其与汉代其他文体的相互影响。本文共分三章:第一章,仔细考察铭文这一文体意识的形成。从先秦的实用性探讨,至两汉的文体衍生,到魏晋时期的溯源正变,文学理论中对铭文的讨论,既遵循着本体自身兴替因革的轨迹,也随着其他文体的发展亦步亦趋。第二章,分析铭文的分类。铭文在历代文文学总集中所占有的位置,在文学评论著作中的理论研讨,以及唐宋后,庇托数目众多的文本创作的基础上所进行的二次分类等等,都是确定铭文文体标准的基础。从这个角度出发,本文以汉代铭文的铭刻载体的不同,在总体上将其分为四类,即山川铭、器物铭、居室铭、杂铭。第三章,对汉代铭文的文体演变进行梳理。铭文为“诗之变体“,承《诗经》之上,以四言为正,又与杂谣、杂谚等互有影响,与汉代诗歌的文体演变关系紧密。两汉铭文文体独立性不强,与箴文、颂文的同体异用,后又衍生出碑铭、墓志铭等文体,也是汉代铭文发展演变中需要研讨的问题。

【Abstract】 As one of the literary styles of the Han Dynasty, in the course of its evolution,inscription not only has its own unique characteristics, but also exert many effectsthrough interaction with other literary styles, that is another level of literarydevelopment in the Han Dynasty.In the paper, object of study is the inscription of the Han Dynasty. According tothree different areas, i.e., inscription of stylistic awareness, sense of style and trying toinscription, inscription of the style categories, changes in literary forms of the HanDynasty inscription, discussion of the background and characteristics of itsformation, study conducted in the Han Dynasty inscription from the practical to theaesthetic changes. And on this basis, analyze it with other stylistic interaction in theHan Dynasty.This paper is divided into three chapters:Chapter One, From the time point of view, practical inscription before the QinDynasty, style derivatives in the Han Dynasty, explore the origin in the Wei and JinDynasties,there has a stylistic analysis of the inscription of the Han Dynasty. Literarytheory in the discussion of the inscription, not only follows the body’s own rise andfall of the trajectory of inheritance and innovation, also picked up the pace with thedevelopment of other styles.Chapter two, analysis of how the classification of inscription. According toinscription in the ancient literary text position occupied by the total concentration,works of literary criticism in the theoretical discussion, the number of text undertakenbased on the creation of secondary classification in the Tang and Song Dynasties, wecan determine the style of the standard. From this point of view, inscribed withdifferent carriers, We will divide inscription into four categories: inscription onmountains, inscription on artifacts, inscription on avasatha, other inscription.Chapter three, discussion of the evolution of inscription. Book of Songs brings agreat impact on inscription, most inscription are four-character-to-a-line poems. so wecan say ,inscription is a "variant of Poetry". In the Han Dynasty, inscription andproverb influence each other, closely linked with the Han Dynasty Poetry. An analysisof the inscription from the viewpoint of stylistics, Inscription, Panegyric, Zhen Wen,Epitaph are very similar, this is the evolution of the Han Dynasty inscription issuesthat need discussion.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】318

