

An Experimental Study on Curriculum Schema of Information Technology in Minority Junior Middle Schools

【作者】 段小娟

【导师】 杨喜权;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会信息技术高速发展,社会对于人们的信息素养水平的要求越来越高,掌握信息技术已经成为我们适应当代社会的必备技能之一。信息技术在基础教育当中的地位也越发重要,信息技术的有效实施可以培养学生的信息素养,开拓学生的创新思维,培养学生终身学生的能力。但是少数民族学校学生的信息技术水平还是比较薄弱,适合少数民族学生学习的课程模式还不完善,学生所使用的教材与教师的教学方法更多的是因袭主流教学模式,而缺少民族学校的特色。在新一轮的教育改革当中,建立适合民族中学学生学习的课程模式是刻不容缓的。本文采用理论分析、比较分析、分类分析的方法,通过大量的问卷调查进行数据搜集,采用数据汇总的方式,对实例进行分析,找到适合民族中学学生学习的可行性的对策。本文较详细的讨论了少数民族初中信息技术教育的课程模式,针对课程模式的内涵,发展状况和建构的相关理论基础进行了较详细的论述,重点对适合民族中学的教学模式和课堂评价模式进行了深入探讨,提出了一套适合少数民族学生学习的课程模式,加快了少数民族教育的现代化进程。本文由五部分构成,第1章论述课程模式研究的意义和内容;第2章论述信息技术课程模式内涵和发展状况;第3章论述初中信息技术课程模式的建构和特点以及课程内容的选择;第4章重点论述了双语教学环境下,适合民族中学的有效的教学模式;第5章针对信息技术课程评价原则,评价的内容与方式以及评价的组织实施进行了详细的论述。

【Abstract】 Information technology develops very quickly now days, the community has become increasing for people’s information literacy. Mastering information technology has become essential to adapt our contemporary society.Information technology in basic education becomes more important. Effective implementation of information technology can train students’information literacy, develop the students’innovative thinking, train the students’abilities of lifelong learning.But ethnic minorities’students on information technology are still weak. The curriculum schema for ethnic minorities’students are not perfect, the textbooks and the teaching methods mainly follow mainstream teaching schema, which are lack of ethnic features.Among the new round of education reform, it is imperative to establish the ethnic curriculum schema.The thesis uses theoretical analysis, comparative analysis, classification analysis, through a large number of questionnaires for data collection, and then collects the data to analyze the example, to find out the feasibility measures for the ethnic minorities’students.The thesis discusses the curriculum schema of information technology of Junior Schools in ethnic minorities. It also discusses the content of curriculum schema, the development and construction of the relevant theoretical basis. It also focus on the teaching schema and class assessment schema, and it brings forward a set of curriculum schema to the ethnic minorities’students.The thesis includes five chapters. Chapter One includes the research significance and contents; Chapter Two discusses the connotation of information technology and the status of development; Chapter Three discusses the construction of curriculum schema on information technology in Junior Schools and characteristic and course selection; Chapter Four discusses effective teaching schema for ethnic minorities under bilingual teaching environment; Chapter Five discusses evaluation principles , contents, methods and the assessment of the organization and implementation on information technology in detail.

  • 【分类号】G633.67
  • 【下载频次】119

