

Analysis on Underpinning under Horizontal Load in Building Moving Engineering

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 张鑫;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市现代化的发展,建筑物整体移位工程的数量和规模都在不断增长。建筑物整体移位技术有着较高的社会效益和经济效益,通过整体移位,不但可以满足城市整体规划和环境保护的需要,还可以节省大量的建设资金和搬迁安置费用、大幅地缩短建设工期、减少拆迁矛盾,并且能够有效地保护具有重要文化价值的历史建筑。建筑物的整体移位,是指在保持房屋整体性和可用性不变的前提下,将其从原址移到新址,包括移位和转向。结构托换是建筑物移位技术的关键环节之一,建筑物的托换改造,直接影响到移位过程中建筑物的稳定性和安全性,是移位成功与否的关键技术。在建筑物加固和改造中,对托换技术已进行了大量的研究,提出了许多托换方法,但大部分托换方法为基础托换,能够应用于建筑物整体移位工程中的托换方法很少。对托换结构至今未形成系统的研究,尤其是对其在水平方向受力性能的研究还没有起步。本文运用有限元方法在国内首次对建筑物移位过程中托换结构的水平受力性能和变形进行了分析,着重研究了结构托换技术在建筑物移位工程中的应用,主要的研究内容如下:1针对建筑物移位工程中的框架柱托换节点,进行了理论分析和有限元计算,该结果与实际工程相比较吻合较好。2从结构角度对三个典型的历史建筑移位保护与加固改造工程进行了总结,根据不同历史建筑的特点和保护要求,介绍了整体移位技术、托换技术和在保护历史建筑本体的同时如何提高其抗震性能等关键技术措施。3结合山东省莱芜高新开发区15层框架—剪力墙结构建筑物整体移位工程,通过ANSYS和SAP2000有限元软件分析,较为系统地研究了柱下托换节点设计与分析和托换结构水平方向受力性能及托换结构轴向变形对上部结构的影响。介绍了该高层建筑移位设计中行走机构及托换结构选择、移动动力施加方式确定、现场监测内容及方法,并且在此基础上提出了该类纵向体型较长建筑物的移位设计和水平动力施加原则。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern city in recent years, both the number and the scale of building movement engineering have increased to a great extent. Building moving technology has the high social efficiency and economic efficiency. It not only can satisfy the urban planning and the environmental protection need, but also can save the massive construction funds and the removal expense, and it can significantly shorten the duration, reduce the contradictions of demolition, and effectively protect the historical buildings that are of important cultural value.The building moving is to move an existing building from former site to a new one, keeping the integrity of construction and usability invariable, which includes vertical and horizontal movement and rotation. Structural underpinning is one of the key links for monolithic moving technology, and the underpinning of building directly affects the stability and security of the building moving, and it is the key to success for moving.Underpinning technology had been studied a lot in building strengthening and retrofitting, and many underpinning methods had been introduced, but most of the methods were specific to foundation underpinning, there were few methods for underpinning in building moving engineering. There has been no system study on underpinning by now, and especially the study on the underpinning under horizontal load has not been involved in. In this paper, the deformation of underpinning under horizontal load was analyzed by using finite element method firstly, and special emphasis was laid on the research of underpinning technology and its application on building moving engineering. The main contents are as follows.1 Theoretical analysis and finite element calculation have been made on the column underpinning joint, and the calculation results were in good agreement with the engineering practice.2 Three representative engineering were summarized from the view of structural engineers, and the key techniques about the protection of different historic buildings, including moving technique, underpinning technique and how to improve the earthquake behaviors were introduced.3 Combined with the moving of a building, which was fifteen-story high and frame-shear wall structure in high-tech zone of Laiwu city, the design method of underpinning joints under columns and the behaviors of underpinning under horizontal load were studied systemically through the analysis by ANSYS and Sap2000. The determinations of the underpinning structure and the walking mechanism during moving process, the application form of moving power, and the monitoring contents and method were introduced in this paper. The moving design and the application form of moving power principles were also put foreword for the project is especially long in the longitudinal direction.


