

Landscape Pattern and Urban Ecological Greening System Based on RS and GIS Technology-A Case Study of Jinan City

【作者】 杨东兴

【导师】 鲁敏;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市生态绿地系统是生态城市建设的核心内容,是改善维持城市生态环境,提高舒适和谐的人居环境质量的重要保障。城市绿地景观格局分析、城市绿地生态补偿能力测算以及城市生态绿地网络体系构建的研究是科学合理的进行城市生态绿地系统规划和城市规划及建设的前提和基础。本研究以济南市为例,应用生态学、景观生态学和城市生态绿地系统规划的相关理论,以RS和GIS技术为支撑,对济南市绿地生态补偿能力及景观格局进行了分析研究,并提出了济南市各行政区加强生态补偿能力的绿地建设方案;构建了济南市生态绿地网络体系规划架构。1.生态补偿能力分析采用“绿当量”方法,对济南市槐荫区、历下区、市中区、历城区以及天桥区五个++行政区的生态补偿能力进行测算。结果表明:济南市建成区的总体绿量水平很高。各行政区从整体上二维绿量水平较高,但具体到各个行政区之间,则差异较大。其中,历下区人均二维绿量面积仅为22.20m2/人,低于25m2/人的城市居民正常生活底线;市中区、槐荫区、天桥区人均二维绿量分别为151.12m2/人、116.63m2/人、255.1m2/人,都高出25 m2/人的居民正常生活底线,且盈余较大,能够较好的满足居民的日常生活需要;历城区人均二维绿量为908.99m2/人,远超出25m2/人的居民正常生活底线,历城区绿地的生态补偿能力最强。2.济南市景观格局分析济南市建成区生态绿地系统的内部结构状况以及空间分布为:槐荫区和天桥区两区的绿地景观多样性和均匀度较高,破碎度较高,而景观优势度处于较低的水平;历下区和市中区的景观多样性指数较低,均匀度较低,破碎化程度较小,优势度较高;各类型绿地的景观分维数普遍处于较低的水平,在1.5以下,绿地景观斑块形状普遍较为规则简单,说明各区各类型绿地受人为干扰情况较为严重。3.济南市生态绿地系统规划(1)生态补偿能力的绿地建设方案:历下区的现人均二维绿量(22.2m2/人)低于的最低人均二维绿量水平(25 m2/人),需要通过绿地建设补足欠缺的2.8 m2/人的人均二维绿量,或增加草坪1610820.4m2、或增加阔叶林805410.2m2、或增加针叶林5369401.3m2、或增加灌木林1073880.27m2。(2)济南市生态绿地网络体系构建采用以核心公园为城市绿心、放射状绿带为轴线、市级公园为结点、环城绿带为结合部的多绿心、环网状的城市绿地系统模式,形成“一心、三环、六带、七廊、七区、多楔、多点”的绿地生态网络格局,使济南市形成圈层式、放射状,心、环、网、片相交融的“环状+楔形”的城市生态绿地网络体系。

【Abstract】 Urban green space system plays key role in eco-city construction, in improving or maintaining urban ecological environment, enhancing comforttable and harmonious living environment quality. Landscape pattern analysis, ecological compensation capacity calculation and urban ecological green network system construction are the premise and foundation of scientific and reasonable urban green space planning and even the whole urban planning and construction.Based upon RS and GIS technology, landscape ecology and urban green space system planning theory, this research, taking Jinan City as an example, studies ecological compensation capabilities and the landscape pattern, and the stidy proposes a program for district administrative organization to strengthen compensation capacity of constructing greening space in Jinan City.1. Capacity of ecological compensationEcological compensation is measured for Huaiyin District, Tianqiao District, Lixia District, Shizhong District and Licheng District By using "green equivalent" method. The result showes that the green biomass of the direction of Jinan City is in ahigh level. But there is a apparent difference between each two administrative regions.For all districts, the two-dimensional green biomass of Lixia District is only 22.20m2 Per capita less than 25m2 Per capita, the bottom line of the normal life to urban people; the biomass figures in Shizhong District, Huaiyin District and Tianqiao District, are 151.12m2,116.63m and 255.1m2 respectively, all much higher than 25m2,the bottom line figure, which better meet the daily needs of residents. And Licheng District reaches 908.99 m2 Per capita, far exceeding 25m2 Per capita, normal life criterion.Thus, Licheng District, bears the highest green ecological compensation capacity.2.Landscape pattern analysis in Jinan CityAs follows are some characteristic of the internal green space systems and space distribution in built-up area of Jinan City:There exist landscape diversity and evenness in Huaiyin District and Tianqiao District but with high fragment index, thus in no landscape dominance. In contrast, landscape diversity and evenness in Lixia Distric and Shizhong District are of high dominance but with less fragment. Variety of fractal landscape dimension generally is at a lower level, all below 1.5 index, and regular landscape Patch shape as green landscape is, it appears regular and simple, which indicates extensive artificial interference.3. Green space system planning of Jinan City(1) Greening program is as follows in regard to ecological compensation capacity:The per capita two-dimensional green biomass(22.2m2) is below the minimum level(25m2), and 2.8m2 per capita need to be made up for, or lawn of 1610820.4m2 to be increased, or broad-leaved forest of 805410.2m2 requires to be produced, or alternative coniferous forest of 5369401.3m2 to be planted or shrubbery of 1073880.27m2 to be patched..(2) System construction of ecological green network in Jinan CityAn ring network of urban green space system will be formed with park as core, green belt as radial axis, municipal park as nodes, green belt around the city as junction, thus coming into being an urban ecological green system with one core, three rings six belts, seven galleries, seven areas, multi-wedges and multi-dotted model, So, Jinan will be a city with a combination of green system characteristic of radial-shaped, ring-shaped, centre-rounded, ring plus wedged ecological system.


