

Study on Advanced Treatment of Yellow River Reservoir Water by Ozone and Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide with Biological Activated Carbon Technology

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 贾瑞宝;

【作者基本信息】 山东建筑大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济社会的发展,黄河水源的污染不断加剧,引黄水库水质呈现富营养化状态,具有低浊、高藻、高有机污染的水质特征,严重威胁饮用水安全。济南某水厂以鹊华水库水为水源,采用常规工艺处理,原有处理工艺难以满足受污染水源水质变化的需求,加氯消毒过程中,会产生可致癌物三卤甲烷类化合物(THMs),降低了饮用水水质安全性,因此有必要研究和应用先进的饮用水深度处理技术来获得优质饮用水。本文分析了引黄水库水质特点,通过强化常规处理工艺、预氧化处理工艺、臭氧/活性炭深度处理工艺以及各种组合工艺的中试试验研究,考察了各种工艺对引黄水库水的处理效果,提出了最佳处理工艺参数,得出如下结论:(1)引黄水库原水受有机物污染较为严重,原水中CODMn在2.34~4.69mg/L之间,平均值为3.41mg/L, UV254在0.030~0.059cm-1之间,平均值为0.046 cm-1,氨氮含量较低,浓度范围为0.109~0.422mg/L;原水水质呈现低浊度、有机污染和含藻类的特性,夏秋季高藻高浊度,冬季低温低浊的特点。原水中固体颗粒物分布表明,引黄水库原水中悬浮固体颗粒物中以粒径10μm以下的颗粒物为主,粒径为1~10μm的颗粒物,占到颗粒总数的99.5%以上。(2)微生物絮凝剂强化混凝工艺改善了絮凝效果,提高常规工艺去除效率,对浊度、色度、有机污染物、氨氮和叶绿素a的去除效果都有明显提高。(3)臭氧预氧化、二氧化氯预氧化和高锰酸钾预氧化具有脱色、除藻和助凝作用,经预氧化处理后,降低了后续工艺负荷,提高了常规工艺对色度和浊度的去除率,并且改善了对CODMn、UV254和藻类的去除效果。(4)采用常规工艺结合O3-BAC深度处理工艺处理引黄水库微污染原水的中试研究结果表明:深度处理工艺能够有效去除引黄水库原水中有机污染物,O3-BAC深度处理工艺对浊度物质有很好的去处效果,同时能够有效降低出水的固体颗粒物,固体颗粒物去除率达到99%以上。(5)针对微污染引黄水库水,“预03+常规处理+O3-BAC"深度工艺是理想的深度处理工艺。通过臭氧预氧化强化混凝、臭氧氧化分解、活性炭吸附以及微生物降解等综合作用,能够有效去除水中微量有机污染物,保障饮用水的稳定性和安全性。(6)在预O3+常规处理+O3-BAC深度处理工艺中,预臭氧和主臭氧最佳投加量分别为1~2mg/L和2mg/L。(7) O3/H2O2高级氧化工艺中,投加H2O2促进了臭氧分解生成羟基自由基,提高了系统的氧化能力,O3/H2O2高级氧化-BAC深度处理工艺处理效果明显优于O3-BAC处理工艺。针对引黄水库水水质特点,O3/H2O2高级氧化过程中,确定臭氧投加量为2mg/L,[H2O2]/[O3]的最佳摩尔比为0.5~0.75。

【Abstract】 With the economic and social development, The Yellow River water has been polluted increasingly. The characterics of Yellow River reservoir water are eutrophied with low turbidity, high algae, high organic pollution, which has threatened the safety of drinking water seriously. A water plant in JiNan, with the Quehua Reservoir water as water resource, uses conventional technology. The traditional water Treatment technology can not meet the demand of quality changes of contaminated original water. The chlorination processs will generate carcinogenic trihalomethane compounds (THMs), which reduce the quality of drinking water safety. So, it is necessary to study and applicate the advanced drinking water treatment technologies to access to high quality drinking water.This paper analyzed the Yellow River water quality characteristics, studied treatment effect of the Yellow River Reservoir on various processes and Put forward the best treatment parameters by the pilot studies on the strengthening conventional treatment process, pre-oxidation process, ozone/activated carbon treatment process as well as various combinations of technology. The following conclusions are drawn:1.Yellow River reservoir water was seriously polluted by organic pollutants. The CODMn of the raw water was 2.34~4.69mg/L, and 3.14mg/L on the average.The UV254 was 0.030~0.059cm-1, and 0.046cm-1 on the average. Ammonia-nitrogen concentration was not high. The raw characterics were with low turbidity, organic pollution and high algae. The water quality changed obviously with the seasons, high algae and high turbidity in summer and autumn while low temperature and low turbidity in winter. The distribution of solid particles in raw water showed that the particles with diameter of 10μm are the majority and the particles with the diameter of 1~10μm accounted for 99.5% of the total number of particles.2.Microbial flocculant enhanced coagulation process improved the flocculation and the removal efficiency of conventional technology. The removal efficiency of Turbidity, color, organic pollutants, nitrogen and chlorophyll a was also improved significantly.3.Ozone pre-oxidation, potassium permanganate pre-oxidation and chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation were effective in bleaching, eliminating algae and improving the flocculation. The pre-oxidation process could reduce the burden of follow-up process and improved the removal of CODMn、UV254 and algae.4.The conventional treatment process combined with ozone-biological activated carbon was applied in the pilot-scale advanced treatment of micro-polluted Yellow River reservoir water. The experimental results showed that the O3-BAC process could significantly remove organic pollutants from the Yellow River reservoir water. The process had high removal efficiency on turbidity, and also could significantly reduce solid particles out of the water with the solid particulate matter removal efficiency up to 99%.5.For micro-polluted Yellow River reservoir water, "Ozone pre-oxidation + conventional treatment + O3-BAC" should be ideal advanced treatment process technology. The process could effectively remove trace organic pollutants, guarantee stability and security of drinking water by the comprehensive effects of ozone-pre-oxidation enhanced coagulation, decomposition by ozonation, activated carbon adsorption and biodegradation.6.In the "Ozone pre-oxidation+conventional treatment+03-BAC" advanced treatment process, the optimal dosage of pre-ozone and main ozone were 1~2mg/L and 2mg/L respectively.7.In the O3/H2O2 advanced oxidation process, adding H2O2 promoted ozone to generate hydroxyl radical, and increased the oxidative capacity of the system. O3/H2O2-BAC Process was better than O3-BAC Process. For micro-polluted Yellow River reservoir water, in the O3/H2O2 advanced oxidation process the optimal dosage of ozone was 2mg/L, and the best molar ratio of hydrogen peroxide and ozone is 0.5 to 0.75.


