

Decorative Patterns Design of Chinese Tea Package

【作者】 吴蕾

【导师】 张瑞瑞;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国茶叶包装的装饰纹样设计是包装设计中比较重要的一环。一个好的茶叶包装离不开好的装饰图案设计,这是商业包装设计的根本,也是销售商品促销宣传的重要手段。茶叶作为一种中国本土所特有的商品,在世界范围都已经得到全球青睐,今天随着大众消费的需要、随着中国乃至世界饮茶文化的不断提升,如何将有中国强烈文化特色和浓厚历史底蕴的中国饮茶文化带给全世界,我们必须重视茶叶的包装,因为包装是传播茶文化的无声地宣传员。中国的茶叶是具有强烈中国特色的商品,设计有中国特色的茶包装,包装设计中的装饰纹样则成为最主要的研究对象。传统图案在包装中的创新与设计,将有助于中国特色商品——“茶叶”作为民族的代表商品更加完整的推向世界。充分利用现代科学技术将茶叶包装的装饰图案进行合理的变形与美化,顺应时代潮流和人类不断提升的审美观的发展也是一个比较严峻的课题。那么怎样充分的利用商品包装之中的图形纹样设计作为中国文化的传达枢纽,跳出固有的茶叶包装图案设计模式,有效的将中国的古老茶文化更加新颖,更加广泛的传播。是现代设计师重点要解决的问题。本文从中国茶叶文化的形成与发展、茶叶的文化性、包装与设计的概念、包装设计的作用、中国茶叶包装的文化性以及有中国特色的传统装饰纹样在包装中的应用等问题,进行了分析研究,提出了中国茶叶包装的发展趋势、茶叶包装图案的创作方法以及在实际应用中常出现的问题和对问题的解决方法等等。

【Abstract】 A China decorative pattern of tea packaging design packaging design is more important. A good tea cannot be separated from good decorative packaging design, This is a fundamental requirement for commercial packaging design, Is also an important means of promotional goods. Chinese tea as a unique commodity, Around the world have already been globally recognized. Today, as the need for mass consumption, how a strong culture with Chinese characteristics and a strong historical foundation of the China tea culture to the world, We must attach importance to the packaging of tea, it is the dissemination of tea culture advocates silent.Chinese tea is a strong Chinese characteristic of goods, design of the tea with Chinese characteristics, packaging, packaging design in the decorative patterns has become the most important object of study. Traditional patterns of innovation in packaging and design will help with Chinese characteristics of goods- "tea" as a representative of the nation a more complete product to the world. Make full use of modern science and technology will be packaged tea reasonable decorative patterns of deformation and landscaping, the trend of the times and adapt to ever-increasing human development of aesthetics it is indeed a serious issue. So what’s the use of the full packaging design of the graphics patterns to convey as a hub of Chinese culture, tea packing out of the inherent design patterns and effective ancient Chinese tea culture more innovative, more widely disseminated. The focus of modern designers to solve.This article from the Chinese tea culture, the formation and development of tea culture, packaging and design concepts, the role of packaging design, packaging of Chinese tea as well as the cultural characteristics of traditional Chinese decorative patterns in the packaging of the application on the problem of the analysis and study, China put forward the development trend of tea packaging; tea packaging methods and creative design in practical applications often the problems and the solution to the problem and so on.

  • 【分类号】J524.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】727

