Research on Rainscape Designing in Chinese Classical Gardens
【作者】 李松;
【导师】 王梦林;
【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 雨景意境作为一种独特的园林艺术营造方式贯穿于中国古典园林发展的始终,在中国古典园林中有着极其重要的地位,统一于中国古典园林的声景思想之下。中国传统文化赋予了声音独特的意境,而这种意境和园林的结合诞生了一种新的园林设计思想----声景,雨声在声景的范畴里是一种有着独特诗情画意的元素,雨声和雨景能表达一种独特的情感是其他声音和景观所不能替代的。雨景景观独特的营造方式和手法,是中国古典园林艺术辉煌成就的有机组成部分,研究中国古典园林雨景意境的营造,能发掘中国的传统文化和造园思想,促进现代园林营造思想、营造方式的改变,从而带动现代园林中的雨景意境的营造,对发掘我国古典园林文化和指导现代园林建设,具有理论意义和现实指导意义。雨景属于声景和虚景的范畴,因而论文首先对中国古典园林声景和虚景景观的概念进行了定义,探讨了声景观的诞生、发展的流程和组成声景观的景素,挖掘了声景在中国古典园林中的诞生、发展、和成熟的过程,并由此引申而出中国古典园林雨景意境的营造的概念。接着分析古典园林雨景意境的的文化根底,即古文人、士大夫等的生活方式、社交方式所产生的古诗词、画及乐曲对中国古典园林造园思想的影响,总结了古典园林雨景意境的表达形式。听,即是雨声意境的体现;观,即是雨趣意境的体现;赏,即是雨的形式美意境的体现;品,即是品评雨的意境的体现;戏,即是人与雨的交流意境的体现;借,天意的表达,赋予了雨水圣神的神秘的意境;寄,将雨化身为情感的寄托。文章分析总结了古典园林雨景意境的基本特征,归纳了雨景意境的六种形式美:意境美、听觉美、空间美、视觉美、自然美、人文美;将雨景意境营造的各种景素进行了详尽的分析:建筑、自然、植物等,探讨了雨景营造的基本类型、景观组景的手法和营造方式。然后,文章通过对中国古典园林的私家园林、皇家园林、公共园林、古民居和寺庙园林的分析,以雨景景观独有的环境寻幽和游赏者的心境,总结了古典园林雨景意境营造的过程和手法,以分类、结构为依据,结合园林实例,分析总结了中国古典园林雨景意境的营造方式与方法:借景、运用空间组织、运用季相时间变化、运用园林植物与建筑元素等的营造独具内涵的古典园林雨景意境。中国古典园林雨景意境的对我们营造现代园林有着巨大的理论指导作用,主要体现在,中国古典园林雨景意境景点的修缮与维护、中国现代仿古典园林雨景意境的营造、中国现代园林雨景意境的营造等方面。我们必须继承古人的造园思想、手法、营造方式,了解中国传统园林的文化根源和对园林美的认识,将中国古典园林的造园理论发扬光大,将中国古典园林的文化进行传承,并用这种思想、手法、文化应用于现代园林的营造。
【Abstract】 Rainscape plays an important role in the designing of Chinese classical gardens in history and is influenced by the designing philosophy of soundscape. Sound effect has been endowed with unique meaning in Chinese traditional culture and thus when it is combined with landscape designing, a new designing philosophy comes into being---soundscape. Rain, with its special form and sound, is an indispensable part of sound effect. Studying the rainscape in Chinese classical gardens can provide a deep insight into Chinese traditional culture and garden designing philosophy and therefore offer some guide to modern garden designing.The paper first presents some theoretical background on soundscape, which helps gaining a better understanding of the development of Chinese classical gardens. Then the paper analyses the possible elements which contribute to the formation of the soundscape, such as Chinese painting, calligraphy, poem and etc. And some basic characteristics of rainscape in different forms are classified and studied in the next part of the paper. This part employs the method of both theory and case study to probe into the means of rainscape designing. The study on rainscape designing in Chinese classical gardens provides important guide to modern garden designing, especially in the aspects of maintaining and imitating the classical gardens. It’s of great importance for the contemporary designers to know and inherit the essence of classical design philosophy and the culture in it.
【Key words】 Chinese Classical Gardens; Rainscape; an artistic conception; designing;