

Research of Drilling Engineering Monitoring System Based on Embedded Platform and WSN

【作者】 黄兴

【导师】 杨光友;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在油气资源开发过程中,钻井是最为关键的环节之一,而钻井安全又是钻井作业的重中之重。虽然已经有严格的井控规程出台,但是钻井事故还是时有发生。总结历史上钻井事故的发生原因,无不集中在没有及时监测到异常状况或事故没有得到正确及时的处理等原因上,因此市面上出现了多种钻井工程监测系统试图解决这些问题,但是这些系统普遍是采用低端单片机或IPC进行控制,使用总线技术用数据线连接各个传感器进行控制,导致系统结构不够灵活、安装拆卸繁琐,操作复杂并且成本昂贵难以广泛应用。为了解决现有钻井监控系统存在的问题,作者设计了一种基于嵌入式平台的钻井工程无线监控系统。系统的现场控制器由现场服务器和现场客户端组成,两个控制器都基于ARM-Linux平台,使用Qt/Embedded开发人机交互界面;远程监控系统为工业一体机,使用VB开发监控软件。系统中数据采集和控制部分由无线传感器网络完成,根据钻井现场的设备布置情况,构建了树型的无线传感器网络结构,采用了ZigBee技术进行数据的通信。现场服务器通过与无线传感器网络中的协调器节点串口通信获取钻井参数并实施控制输出,该控制器实现了系统核心的监测报警和自动灌浆控制等功能,它和无线传感器网络可以组成完整的监控系统,也可以通过RS485现场总线扩展现场客户端,通过以太网扩展远程监控系统。在三个控制器并存的情况下,现场服务器主要完成泥浆液面监测及钻井事故报警;现场客户端主要完成自动、手动灌浆和钻井参数监测;远程监控系统主要完成远程监控、钻井参数存储、数据查询和报表输出等功能。系统使用无线传感器网络进行数据采集与控制,部署简单,结构灵活,可以方便配置系统中需要采集的传感器数据;采用ARM-Linux嵌入式平台作为钻井现场的控制器平台,系统结构紧凑,达到了较高的性价比;使用多监控站的结构,方便系统功能进一步扩展,也为用户提供了更加广阔的选择空间;建立了更加完善的报警模型,为钻井事故提供准确快速的报警,保障钻井工程的安全进行。

【Abstract】 During the development of petroleum and natural gas, drilling well is the one of most important processes, and the safety is the most important element in the drilling engineering. Though there is rigorous drilling operating criterion, the drilling accidents has happened frequently. Analyzing the causes of the drilling accidents, the dominating reasons are that not finding the symptoms of the accidents in time and not resolving them exactly, so there are multifarious drilling monitoring systems attempting to deal with the problem, but most of them utilize oversimplified processor or IPC as the controller, use data bus to connect the sensors with wires, which resulte in unskillful system construct, complicated installation, intricate operation and costliness, so as to apply broadly hardly.In order to solve the problems of drilling monitoring system, the author has designed a drilling monitoring system based on embedded platform and WSN. Field controllers contain field server and field client; the controllers are based on ARM-Linux platform and the HMI has programmed with Qt/Embedded. Remote client controller is IPC, HMI has programmed with VB. The data requisition and control of the system are completed in WSN. According to the environment of drilling field, tree-type wireless network is set up, ZigBee protocol is used to marshal data and actualize control.Field server connects with the coordinator node of WSN by UART, the controller can achieve the core functions of the system. Field server extends field client with RS485 and extends remote client by Ethernet. When three controllers are used, the field server is used to monitor drilling state and alarm, the field client is used to auto-grout or monitor drilling parameters, the remote monitoring and controlling system can storage drilling parameters, data demand and export forms. The system can be installed and configured easily with WSN, based on ARM-Linux platform so as to compact system structure and high performance with low price. It is convenient for users to choose because of three controllers, set up perfect alarm model to ensure the safety of drilling well, and it offer great help for the operators and engineers.


