

Sharing Mechanism of Economic Fruits in Transition in China

【作者】 吴思

【导师】 徐彬;

【作者基本信息】 湖北工业大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 合理的分享转型与发展的成果是个亟待解决的重大理论问题,学界一直重视该问题的研究。初步的研究表明,学者们从经济发展观的角度与企业经营机制的角度,研究成果分享问题的著述比较多,这些研究固然重要,但最需要突破之处在于如何从宏观经济发展和制度建设的角度,研究成果分享问题,综观之下,这方面的研究是比较欠缺的。改革开放以来,我国经济维持着高速增长态势的同时,体制转型也已经进入攻坚阶段。在此阶段,社会的各种矛盾凸现出来,诸如城乡差距过大、区域发展不均衡、“三农”问题等,也就是说,我国经济发展成效显著,成果分享还不尽如人意。正是基于此,本文尝试从制度建设的角度来研究转型与发展的成果分享问题。首先,本文希望能够简要地梳理成果分享理论研究的基本线索,从中找出规律性的知识,这正是本文的理论意义。其次,通过实证的研究发现,转型与发展成果分享不均是许多矛盾产生的根源,并从实证的角度分析我国经济转型与发展过程中成果分享问题产生的原因,客观描述成果分享不均已经产生和可能产生的消极后果。再次,为了实现体制转型的攻坚,为了构建社会主义和谐社会,必须针对成果分享不均的问题,提出一些切实可行的政策措施,甚至一些转型和发展的理念也必须做一些调整和完善。最后,得出结论我国建立的起来的成果分享机制的运行效果还不理想。研究表明城乡之间,区域之间,产业之间在分享成果上出现了严重的不均衡,即出现了严重的不公平现象,具体表现为:城乡收入差距过大,公共物品分配不均,三大产业分配不公等等,这些成果分享不公的现状,既是对历史的承接和对自然状态的“遵从”,也在一定程度上表明我国经济改革与发展政策的偏失,特别是我国的收入分配政策与法规、税收与财政政策导向、社会保障制度的执行力度等方面存在较多的问题。这些问题的存在直接影响到享受发展成果较少的人群的心理失衡和物质生活的困难,间接地也会引发许多社会问题乃至政治问题,危及社会稳定。为了构建和谐社会,进一步推进改革与发展,必须对我国的成果分享机制进行全面的改革和完善。

【Abstract】 Academics have always attached importance to the issue about fair share of the fruits of transformation and development, a major urgent theoretical issue to be resolved. Preliminary studies have shown that scholars write about the sharing of research results more from economic development and enterprise management mechanism point of view. Although these studies are important, a breakthrough lies in how to study the problem from the point of view of macro-economic development and institution building, in which area the research is relatively lacking. In the past reform and opening up, China’s economy has maintained fast growth, while institutional transformation has entered a crucial stage. At this stage, society’s contradictions become prominent, such as large urban-rural gap, uneven regional development, "three rural" issue, etc. In other words, China’s economic development achieved remarkable results; the results are not satisfactory to share.Based on these, this paper attempts to study sharing the fruits of transformation and development from an institution building point of view. First of all, this paper will briefly comb the basic clues of theoretical research of sharing the fruits to find out the regularity, which is the theoretical significance of this paper. Second, through empirical studies, I find that the unequal sharing of transformation and development fruits is the root of many conflicts. Therefore, this paper analyzes the causes of sharing problems during China’s economic transformation and development process from the empirical perspective, and objectively describes negative consequences that have been and will be generated by unequal sharing the fruits. Again, in order to tackle key problems of institutional transformation and to build a socialist harmonious society, we must address the problem of uneven sharing of the fruits, put forward some feasible policies and measures, and even adjust and improve some ideas about transformation and development. Finally, it is concluded that China has not operation effect of the established mechanism is not satisfactory. Studies show that a serious imbalance in the sharing of the fruits appears between urban and rural areas, between various regions, and between three industries, specifically manifested as follows:large urban-rural income gap, uneven distribution of public goods, unfair distribution of three major industries, etc. The unjust sharing status quo not only is the undertaking of history and the compliance to natural state, but also indicates the deviation of China’s economic reform and development policies to a certain extent. Especially there are more problems in China’s income distribution policy and regulations, taxes and fiscal policy-oriented, enforcement of the social security system, etc. These problems have a direct impact on the crowd who enjoy the less fruits of development, leading to their psychological imbalances and the difficulties of material life, which will indirectly give rise to many social problems as well as political issues, threatening social stability. In order to build a harmonious society and further promote the reform and development, the sharing mechanism must be comprehensively reformed and improved.


