

Characteristics of Stabilized Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Leachate and Adsorption Pre-treatment

【作者】 张浩

【导师】 孙力平;

【作者基本信息】 天津城市建设学院 , 市政工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 垃圾在长期填埋及封场后所产生的“老龄”垃圾渗滤液是目前公认的难降解废水。本文以天津双口垃圾填埋场渗滤液为研究对象,进行了为期近一年的水质监测,以了解渗滤液水质特性及季度变化规律。研究发现该渗滤液整体pH值在7.98~8.59之间,偏碱性;COD浓度在夏季达最高,为6300mg/L,在其余季节浓度不高,为2000mg/L左右;氨氮浓度在1621~2588mg/L之间;无机离子含量较高,符合“老龄”垃圾渗滤液特征;不同季度中COD浓度与浊度存在正相关性,而与氨氮浓度存在负相关性。研究了渗滤液中有机物的在快速表征技术,采用双波长紫外分光光度法表征“老龄”渗滤液中COD,并与其他方法进行了对比,其优势在于水样不经过膜便可减小悬浮物对测定结果的干扰,所得测定波长为272nm,参比波长为550nm。其预测模型为: COD = 210.81963 A测定? 204.339 A参比+3.95168。GC-MS检测结果表明:在渗滤液原水中存在并检出了37种主要污染物,其中“三致”物质13种,包括EPA优先控制污染物5种,环境内分泌干扰物7种。针对“老龄”垃圾渗滤液水质特性,以去除渗滤液中有机物特别是腐殖质从而提高后续膜工艺膜通量、降低膜污染为目的,采用大孔树脂对“老龄”垃圾渗滤液进行吸附预处理,主要结论如下:适用于“老龄”垃圾渗滤液吸附预处理的树脂为H103与D4006,两种树脂对渗滤液TOC去除率分别为54%、39%;其中H103树脂适用于渗滤液中TOC及腐殖酸的去除,去除率均为54%,D4006树脂适用于渗滤液中“三致”物质与富里酸的去除,去除率分别为64%与76%;两种树脂对渗滤液中有机物的吸附过程均符合拟二级动力学方程,其饱和吸附量分别为41.66mgTOC/g、29.58 mgTOC/g;两种树脂的吸附传质过程均受液膜扩散与颗粒内扩散控制,液膜扩散是H103树脂的吸附控速步骤, D4006树脂在前250min内吸附控速步骤为液膜扩散,而之后主要为颗粒内扩散;两种树脂的吸附等温线均为L4型,在平衡浓度较高时吸附过程均吸热。研究表明树脂对渗滤液中小分子物质存在优先吸附现象。H103树脂可将渗滤液中18种污染物吸附至未检出,优先吸附酚醇类与酸、酯类物质;而D4006树脂对渗滤液中多环芳烃及肽酸酯类物质吸附效果明显,去除率分别为64.5%与66.7%。

【Abstract】 The stabilized MSW(Municipal Solid Waste) landfill leachate, which is produced due to the long-term landfill process, is widely recognized as the most refractory wastewater. In this paper, water quality of Tianjin ShuangKou landfill leachate was monitored for a period nearly one year in order to have a better understanding of characteristics and seasonal variation of leachates, the results revealed that pH value was in the range of 7.98~8.59, under alkalescent; the concentration of COD was present mainly about 2000mg/L except for summer which was 6300mg/L; the NH3-N concentration was high, which in the range of 1621~2588mg/L; additionally, the inorganic macrocomponents concentration was also high; All of those parameters indicate the leachate was stabilized; the concentration of COD was positively related to the turbidity and negtively related to the NH3-N concentration in different seasons.In order to realize the online monitoring of MSW leachate, the dual-wavelength ultraviolet spectrophotometry was emplyed, and compared with other technology. Result showed that the dual-wavelength ultraviolet spectrophotometry could reduce the suspended solids interference to COD measurement without filtration. The measurement and the reference wavelength were selected at 272nm and 550nm, respectively. The predict model was: COD = 210.81963 Am ? 204.339 Ar+ 3.95168.The results of GC-MS dectection showed that 37 kinds of main pollutants were detected in raw leachate, in which 13 kinds of "Tri-cousing"substanees, contained 5 kinds of EPA priority pollutants and 7 kinds of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (ECDs) were contained.According to the characteristics of the stabilized leachate, in order to improving the membrane permeation flux and reduce membrane fouling, the resin adsorption was employed as pre-treatment in order to removal refractory organic matter especially humic substance, results show that:The best resins for the pre-treatment of stabilized leachate were H103 and D4006, and the removal efficiency of TOC was 54% and 39%, respectively. H103 resin was suitable to the removal of TOC and humic acid in leachate, and the removal efficiency were all 54%, D4006 resin was suitable to the removal of hazardous substances and fulvic acid, and the removal efficiency was 64% and 67%, respectively. The absorption of two resins onto organic matters in leachate was all followed the pseudo second-order adsorption kinetics, and the amount TOC adsorbed at equilibrium was 41.66mgTOC/g and 29.58mgTOC/g, respectively. The adsorption mass transfer processes of two resins were all controlled by film diffusion and intraparticle diffusion, and the main rate-controlling step of H103 resin adsorption was film diffusion. The main rate-controlling step of D4006 resin adsorption was film diffusion in the first 250min, then turned to intraparticle diffusion. The adsorption isotherms of 2 resins were belong to L4 isotherms and the process of adsorption during high equilibrium concentration was exothermic processFurthermore, the phenomenon of preferential adsorption to small molecule substances by resin was observed. Phenol, alcohols, acids and esters materials were preferential adsorbed by H103 resin, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalate were adsorbed by D4006 resin obviously, the removal efficiency were 64.5% and 66.7%, respectively.


