

【作者】 严勇

【导师】 汪俊;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 陈允平,四明人,南宋著名词人,与同乡吴文英、翁元龙齐名。词学周邦彦,与吴文英同为醇雅词派先驱。历代对于陈允平词坛地位评价褒贬不一,但都将之选入名家之列。南宋陈思《两宋名贤小集》卷三百十五小传中称他:“才高学博,一时名公卿皆倾倒。”又称他“倚声之作推为特绝。”流传甚广的词选《绝妙好词》辑录陈允平词九首,名列第七位。常州词派陈廷焯编选《词则》,选其词十七首,居第十二位。其《白雨斋词话》中说陈西麓词“表里俱佳,文质适中”,“词中之上乘也”。又卷二:“陈西麓词,和平婉雅,词中正轨。”这些评价都反映了他在词坛上的重要地位。陈允平诗词皆长,而以词闻名。对于陈允平的研究,目前学术界偏向于对其诗词风格艺术的研究,对词集版本还乏人问津。只有杜丽萍《陈允平词研究综述》一文对陈允平词集版本有所提及,但颇为简单。原因有两点:其一,陈允平词多唱和之作,现实关注度较少,影响了其词坛地位,终不能列入大家,因此社会对其关注度也就不够高;其二,陈允平词集版本相当复杂。王兆鹏先生在《唐宋词史论》一书中对宋人词集版本种类做过统计,陈允平计二十四种,排名第五。排在前十的词人依次为:姜夔四十一种,辛弃疾三十四种,秦观三十三种,周邦彦二十八种,陈允平二十四种,苏轼二十三种,陈与义二十二种,周密二十二种,李清照二十一种,刘克庄二十种。从版本种类排名,我们可以看出这些词人的受关注程度,当然陈允平词集版本种类排在前面,更多的因为他有两个词集:一本是《西麓继周集》,一百二十余首,皆和清真词韵;另一本则是他除了和清真词外自己创作的词集《日湖渔唱》。刊刻时以单本和两集合刻两种形式流传,共收词作二百零九首,存词数量在宋代词人中排名第十五位。陈允平词集版本众多,且藏本分散,一睹不易,原始材料的收集整理,无疑是艰难琐碎的。笔者往来于全国各大图书馆,搜访阙佚,爬罗剔抉,终于收集到陈允平词集版本的许多珍贵资料,为研究和考察陈允平词集版本发展演变的历史提供了科学依据。除引论之外,本文共分为三章。第一章关于宋元明三代陈允平词集版本考述,以宋明两代为主。第二章清代陈允平词集版本考述,从单行本《西麓继周集》一卷本版本、单行本《日湖渔唱》一卷本版本、《西麓继周集》《日湖渔唱》两集合刻版本三个方面来论述。第三章主要是民国及其当代陈允平词集版本考述,亦从单行本和合刻本两方面来论述。

【Abstract】 Chen Yunping, who was born in Siming in Southern Song Dynasty,was a famous poeter.He was as famous as Wu Wenying and Weng Yuanlong in the same hometown. His poems learned from Zhou Bangyan. Zhou Bangyan and Wu Wenying were pioneers of Chunya poeters . The evaluations of Chen Yunping in poems are different for dynasties , but most of them are included in the columns of the famous. There is a widely Cixuan "Juemiaohaoci" compiled Chen Yunping’s nine poems, ranking the seventh place. Chen Tingzhuo in Changzhou compiled "CiZe " and selected Chen Yunping’s seventeen poems, ranking the 12th place. Its "BaiYuZhaiCiHua" said, "Chen Xilu’s poems were superb, the text quality of moderate," "The excellent poeter of it." It is said in Volume II : "Chen Xilu’s poems, were good at content and form, and his poems were perfect." Southern Song Chen Si "LiangSongMingXianXiaoJi" Volume 315, called him: "Not a high schooler, but Gongqing are dumping with his poems." Also known as his "regulated verse must be to push for the special." These evaluations are reflected in the poems of his important position on the altar.Chen Yunping did well in poems, and was famous for Ci . For Chen YunPing’s research, biased in favor of the current academic style of his poetry, the art research on the word assembly version was also not popular. Only Du Liping, in her article "Chen Yunping CiYanJiuZongShu," has mentioned the poem version of Chen Yunping , but it is quite simple. For two reasons: First, Chen Yunping pay more attention in the chorus of the story, less in the real attention, lower the detriment of its Ci status, and finally he can not be included as a master, so there isn’t much attention about him in the community; Second, Chen Yunping‘s version sof the poems were fairly complex. Mr. Wang Zhaopeng did the statistics of the kinds of poem wersions in his book "History of Tang and Song Ci,", total 24 kinds of Chen YunPing, ranking the fifth. The top 10 poeters were as follows: Jiang Kui 41 kinds, Xin Qiji 34 kinds, Qin Guan 33 kinds , Zhou Bangyan 28 kinds, Chen Yunping 24 kinds, Su Shi 23 kinds, Chen Yuyi 22 kinds,Zhou Mi 22 kinds, Li Qingzhao 21 kinds, Liu Kezhuang 20 kinds. From the version of the type of ranking, we can see that these poeters’s degree of concern. Of course, Chen Yunping’s versions of poems were standing in the front, and more because he had two poem versions: one is "XiluJiZhouJi" More than 120, all matched well with Qinzhen rhyme; Another is the creation of his own poem version "RiHuYuChang" when they were published, there are two forms: one a book and the two books together. The total number of the poems was 209 ,ranking the fifteen in Song dynasty. The poem versions of Chen Yunping are so much and they are all over the different libraries. It is hard for me to see them, It’s hard and difficult to collect raw materials. I travel among major national libraries, try to search as much precious material as possible . All of these are for providing scientific basis for researching and studying Chen Yunping’s poem versions.In addition to cited theory, the paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is about three dynasties of Song, Yuan and Ming, especially Song and Ming dynasties. The second chapter is mainly about Chen Yunping’s version of Qing dynasty. It discusses from three aspects: the single version "XiluJiZhouJi", the single version and a hop edition with the above two versions together . Chapter III is about Chen Yunping’s versions two dynasties of Republica of China and contemporary, it also discusses from the single version and the hop edition.

【关键词】 陈允平西麓继周集日湖渔唱版本
【Key words】 Chen YunPingXilujizhou PoemsRihuyuchang PoemsVersion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

