

A Study on the Education of Hui Nationalityin Xinjiang in the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 马婷

【导师】 孟楠;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在吸收和借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,凭借民国时期新疆回族教育的相关资料、运用历史文献的研究方法、个案研究法、民族学访谈等方法,对民国时期有关新疆回族教育的史料进行系统梳理,对史料进行辨析、考证,利用文献进行史料堪比,力求研究的结论,建立在真实可信的基础上。以回族的传统教育和新式教育的发展为切入点,对民国时期新疆回族的教育发展做了系统的探讨和分析,对新疆回族教育的特点、制约因素以及今后新疆回族教育发展建议进行了较为细致的总结。第一部分介绍了民国前后新疆回族概况,这是研究回族教育的基础。在这一部分介绍了新疆回族分布、源流变迁、经济状况。民国前是新疆回族传统教育初步发展时期,也是新式教育得以萌芽发展的时期。第二部分以杨增新、金树仁统治时期(1912-1933)为时间段,对新疆回族教育的发展进行了探讨。这一阶段受当时教育政策、民族政策以及宗教政策影响,新疆的回族教育状况发生微妙的变化。尽管当时主政者以愚民政策为主,但是在时代浪潮的影响下,在新疆回族的传统教育得到了继承和发展的同时,新疆回族新式教育有了初步发展。第三部分以盛世才统治时期(1933-1944)为时间段,介绍了当时新疆回族的教育情况。在省政府教育政策、民族政策、宗教政策的影响,以及共产党人的帮助下,成立了回族文化促进会,在回族传统教育发展的同时,使得新式教育得到了扩大发展。参与教育的回族人数增多,参与教育的受众面广,教育思想和教育形式也发生了很大的变化。新疆回族传统教育在新式教育的影响下发生变革,改进了教育方式,改变了传统观念,回族上层鼓励民众重视和参与新式教育,同时进行了扫盲运动,这一阶段是新疆回族教育的兴盛时期。第四部分以国民党直接管理新疆时期(1944-1949)为时间段,通过阐述国民党统治时期,主政者更替频繁,政局不稳。回族教育受当时教育政策、民族宗教政策、社会的环境等诸多因素的影响,得出回族新式教育式微,传统教育继续发展的结论。第五部分介绍了民国时期新疆的回族教育家。近代回族教育家虽然身份各不相同,但都热心回族教育事业,对新疆回族教育事业的发展不遗余力,做出了突出的贡献。本部分先后介绍了经堂教育家和新式教育家。第六部分分析了民国时期新疆回族教育发展的特点和制约因素,从影响新疆回族教育的政策、环境、经济、家庭原因等入手,对新疆回族教育快速发展的特点、影响因素做了分析总结,并探讨了对当今回族文化教育的启示。

【Abstract】 Based on absorbing and learning from the results of previous research, resorting to the information related to the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang in the period of the Republic of China, by means of historical documents research methods, case study, ethnology visit methods and so on, the dissertation discusses and analyses the development of Hui nationality in Xinjiang in the period of the Republic of China, viewing the traditional and modern education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang, and summarizes meticulously the characteristic, conditional factors of the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang as well as its development in the future.Part one:we simply introduce the situation of Hui nationality before the period of the Republic of China, which is a base of the further study of the education of Hui nationality. In this part, we give a brief introduction of the distribution, origin, economic condition of Hui nationality in Xinjiang and the development of the traditional and modern education of Hui nationality.Part two:we discuss the development of the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang in the period(1912—1933) ruled by YangZengxin and JinShuren. Affected by the contemporary policy in education, nationality and religion, the traditional education of Hui nationality developed, at the meantime, the modern education got its elementary progress.Part three:we introduce the contemporary of the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang with the background of ruling by ShengShicai(1933—1944). With the help of the Communist Party as well as the influence of the government’s policy in education, nationality and religion, they founded Xinjiang Hui Cultural Prompting Association which kept Hui’s traditional education developing and widen the modern education. We call this period Silver Age of the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang Part four:the modern education of Hui nationality declined and the traditional education progressed while ruled by Kuomintang(1944—1949) according to the contemporary policy in education, nationality and religion, and social situation.Part five:we introduce some educationalists of Hui in Xinjiang in the period of the Republic of China. Different identities as the educationalists had in the modern times, they treated the career with great fervor and made great contribution.Part six:we analyse the characteristic, restricted factors of the education of Hui nationality in Xinjiang in the period of the Republic of China. From the policy, environment, family cause which gives great influence to the education of Hui nationality, we summarize the reason foe its progress and get some valuable experience for its development today.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期

