

Research on the Evaluation of Reserve Cultivation Land Resource and Land Devolepment Based on GIS

【作者】 马莉娜

【导师】 张永福;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 土地资源的有限刚性供给和人们对它的无上限弹性需求注定了土地资源的稀缺性,注定了人地关系的紧张,社会要发展,城乡要建设,农业生产的步伐不能停,每一样都需要用地,都可能占用耕地,而保证一定数量的耕地又是保证国人的生命线。后备耕地的存在就是为了保障耕地的动态占补平衡,既保证社会发展、城镇扩大,又确保耕地总量不会减少。本文以新疆阿克苏地区新和县为研究区,介绍了新和县的自然状况、经济状况和土地利用变化状况,着重介绍了15年来新和县耕地、草地、其他土地的变化情况。建立了针对新和县的后备耕地评价体系,在以往只针对后备耕地自然适宜性评价的基础上加入经济社会等人为因素指标,如:投资改良力度这一指标,该指标理论上影响能力会存在一定波动性,但经过本文的实际检验得出这一指标是有效可取的,因此这一指标的引入可使适宜性评价体系更具体全面,为将来后备耕地评价的进一步提高提供了辅助参考意见,有一定的实用性价值。同时本文采用综合评价之法对各类待定后备耕地进行评价,运用非常简便的阈值法对各类指标进行无量纲化处理,又将熵值法引入后备耕地适宜性评价中,使各评价指标的权重值更客观,避免了太多主观因素带来的随意性。最终得到的评价值也将更合理,熵值法虽非新方法,但它的引入对于后备耕地适宜性评价尚属首次。本文大量地图在做图全程中大量使用MapGIS6.7的绘图功能、属性库管理功能、数据分析功能及空间分析等多项功能,MapGIS6.7的强大绘图功能可以使得评价区各种指标情况更直观的反映出来,方便理解。属性数据库管理功能可以迅速提取与本文有关的数据信息。经过评价分析将新和县后备耕地资源分为6个评价等级,其中包括4个适宜类和2个不适宜类,另外阐述了不适宜类中的当前不适宜类在未来经过重大改良后可以达到宜耕标准。最终得出新和县的后备耕地资源的储量相当丰富,但整体肥力条件还够高,主要限制性因素就是水量和盐碱化程度。本文最后根据新和县后备耕地的特点给出了相应的改良及开发利用建议,如前期必须做到先进行土地平整工作,以避免土地不平造成积水加速土壤次生盐碱化;修渠、完善灌区配套设施建筑物;开挖明沟以及竖井便于排水;进行林网工程以防风沙,改善农田小气候;采用喷灌、滴灌等方式科学节水灌溉方式,防止大水漫灌带来的土壤次生盐碱化;修建道路方便运输各类农业要素;运用植物修复的方式逐步改良土壤盐碱化特性,慢慢培肥土壤。提出:占用最少的耕地,使用最少的要素投入量来获取最大农业效益,综合得出:发展精细农业可以极大的提高整个新和县的后备耕地资源乃至整体农用地的土地条件和作物产量,是一项非常有益处的建议,具有较高的可行性。

【Abstract】 The land resources’rigid supplication and the elastic needs for land of human make lands dear and rare, make the relations between human and land intensive, society needs development, town and country need construction, development of agriculture needs going on, each of these needs land, and maybe occupy cultivation land. For our country, keeping on a certain cultivation land is protecting the lifeblood of people. Reserve cultivation land is equilibrium of occupy and replenish. It can ensure social development、town and country construction,it also make sure the cultivation land’s summation not decent.This article is studied on XinHe county in Xinjiang Aksu area, introduced XinHe County natural conditions, economic conditions and land use change, highlighting the 15 years of XinHe county land, grassland and other land changes.Established a reserve for XinHe county land evaluation system, in the past only to the natural reserve land suitability assessment based on human factors to join the economic and social indicators, such as: investment in efforts to improve the indicators, which affect the capacity will exist in theory some volatility, but after this the real test came to this indicator is desirable and effective, so this indicator can fit into more specific comprehensive assessment system, reserve land for future evaluation provides additional information to further enhance the views have some practical value.Meanwhile this paper, comprehensive evaluation of the method to evaluate the various types of land reserve to be determined, using a very simple threshold method and various indicators of non-dimensional treatment, in turn entropy into reserve land suitability evaluation, so that the evaluation index weights more objective and subjective factors to avoid bringing too much randomness.Get a final assessment of value is also more reasonable, though not new entropy method, but it is the first time for the reserve land suitability evaluation.This large map of the entire plan to do extensive use of MapGIS6.7 drawing functions, properties database management, data analysis and spatial analysis, a number of functions, MapGIS6.7 powerful graphics capabilities make the evaluation area indicators can be even more intuitive The reflected, to facilitate understanding. Attribute database management capabilities to quickly extract data related to this article. After evaluation of the new reserve land resources and the county is divided into six rating levels, including the four appropriate classes and two inappropriate categories, while not suitable for the class described the current class is not appropriate in the future can be achieved through the significant improved appropriate farming standards.Eventually come to a XinHe County of cropland resources abundant reserves, but also the overall fertility level is high enough, the main limiting factor is the extent of water and saline.This article acts according to the XinHe county reserve farming characteristic finally, gave the corresponding suggestion about the improvement and development, for example: The earlier period must achieve carries on the land leveling work, avoids the water which the land is not smooth brings, finally has the acceleration soil secondary salination evil consequence; Digs ditches, the consummation irrigation area matching facilities building; Excavates the open ditch as well as the shaft is advantageous for draining water; Carries on the network of forest belts project by against sandstorm, the improvement agricultural microclimate; Selects way science saving water irrigation methods and so on spray irrigation, drip irrigation, prevents soil secondary salination which the spate flooding irrigation brings; The construction path convenience transports each kind of agricultural essential factor; Using the plant repair’s way improve soil salination characteristic, cultivates the fat soil slowly gradually. Statement: Takes the least farming, uses the least essential factor inputs to gain the most modernized agriculture benefit, the synthesis obtains: Develops the prescription farming to be possible enormous to enhance entire XinHe county’s reserve farming resources and even the overall agricultural land condition and the crop output, is an item which has the high feasibility.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
  • 【分类号】P208;F301.21;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】268
  • 攻读期成果

