

Research on the Physiological Adaptability of Bamboo Stressed by Excess Copper

【作者】 姜黎

【导师】 蔡庆生;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 植物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着化石能源的枯竭,人们越来越关注生物质能源,其中能源植物已经引起各国的高度重视,然而大规模种植能源植物必然会占用大量的耕地,为了解决这个矛盾,本实验利用铜尾矿污染土地来种植能源植物,达到治理环境和开发能源双赢的效果,为以后种植能源植物提供参考依据。我国竹资源丰富、种类繁多,竹子属于多年生禾本科竹亚科,且生长迅速、植株高大、用途广泛,被认为是很好的能源植物,而且发现在矿区内有些竹子能正常生长,并能很好的适应铜胁迫环境。本试验先以金镶玉竹(Phyllostachys auresulcataf.spectabilis)、白荚竹(Phyllostachys bissetii)、篌竹(Phyllostachys nidularia f. smoothsheath)、长叶苦竹(Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii)、矢竹(Pseudosasa japonica)、孝顺竹(Bambusa multiplex)六个品种为材料,筛选出了抗冷性较强的五个品种即金镶玉竹(Phyllostachys auresulcataf.spectabilis)、白荚竹(Phyllostachys bissetii)、篌竹(Phyllostachys nidularia f.smoothsheath)、长叶苦竹(Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii)、矢竹(Pseudosasa japonica),然后以筛选出的五个品种为材料,通过土培法研究了不同浓度的Cu对几种竹子的生长、生理指标以及植物体内Cu含量的影响。结果表明:1.通过模拟铜尾矿污染土壤盆栽矢竹,设置0、500、750、1000和2000 mg·kg-1 CuSO4浓度处理,研究矢竹对铜胁迫的生长生理响应。结果表明随Cu浓度升高,新竹高和叶绿素相对含量和叶绿素荧光Fv/Fm随铜浓度增加而降低,叶相对电导率和MDA含量随铜浓度增加而升高,可溶性糖含量、根系活力随Cu浓度增加而先升高后降低;光合作用参数Pn、Gs和Tr随Cu浓度增加而降低,Ci先降低后升高,结果说明在低浓度Cu胁迫下光合速率降低主要是气孔因素限制,高浓度Cu胁迫下则归因于非气孔因素限制。根据模拟方程得出Cu胁迫半有效浓度EC50为867.81 mg·kg-1。2.本试验通过盆栽土培法,设置O、500、1000、2000mg·kg-1 Cu处理,比较金镶玉竹、白荚竹、篌竹、长叶苦竹对Cu胁迫的生长生理适应性差异。结果表明铜胁迫下竹和笋生长抑制程度:金镶玉竹<白荚竹<篌竹<长叶苦竹。随着Cu浓度升高,四种竹子叶绿素含量、光合作用、叶绿素荧光Fv/Fm均随之下降,而叶片相对电导率、MDA含量和脯氨酸含量均随之升高,可溶性糖含量随Cu浓度增加而先升高后降低,且表现出各处理与对照、各处理之间及品种间都存在显著差异(P<0.01)。叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光Fv/Fm下降,相对电导率、MDA含量升高、脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量,长叶苦竹随Cu浓度变化趋势表现最明显,篌竹、白荚竹、金镶玉竹依次之。总之,上述生理生化分析表明可以认定四种竹子对铜耐受性:金镶玉竹>白荚竹>篌竹>长叶苦竹。四种竹子光合作用参数Pn、Gs和Tr随Cu浓度增加而降低,Ci先降低后升高,结果说明它们在低浓度Cu胁迫下光合速率降低主要可能是气孔因素限制,高浓度Cu胁迫下则可能归因于非气孔因素限制。四种竹子体内根茎叶含Cu分析,结果表明Cu主要分布在根部,积累系数BC随铜浓度升高而减小,说明它们可能是排斥型。

【Abstract】 Associated with fossil fuels in the growing concern over the depletion of biomass energy plants which have aroused great attention in lots of countries and large-scale cultivation of energy plants takes up a great deal of arable land, to solve this problem, the experiment uses energy plants to repair the copper tailings from contaminating the land, to realize environmental treatments and the development of the energy win-win situation.Bamboo is a perennial grass in Bambusoideae, and bamboo has its advertages:abundant resources in China, a lot of varieties, fast growth, tall plants, wide uses and so on. Bamboo is considered as a very good energy plant, in the mining area it can be found in some of the normal growth of bamboo. Phyllostachys auresulcataf.spectabilis, Phyllostachys bissetii, Phyllostachys nidularia f. smooths heath, Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii, Pseudosasa japonica, Bambusa multiplex were used to compare cold resistance; Again stronger cold resistance in Nanjing:Phyllostachys auresulcataf.spectabilis, Phyllostachys bissetii, Phyllostachys nidularia f. smoothsheath, Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii, Pseudosasa japonica, the soil culture method is applied to study the different concentrations of Cu on the growth of several bamboo varieties, physiological indicators, as well as objects within these plantations Cu content.The main results were as follows:1. A pot experiment was carried out to study the responses of Pseudosasa japonica to Cu stress at the treatments of 0,500,750,1000 and 2000CuSO4 mg-kg-1.The main results showed with increasing concentration of Cu, height of new bamboo, chlorophyll relative content and Fv/Fm, and uptrend of relative conductance and MDA content in Pseudosasa japonica were obvious, while soluble sugar content and root activity increased under the low concentration and reduced under the high concentration. Photosynthetic parameters:Pn, Gs and Tr decreased, while Ci firstly decreased then increased with increasing concentration of Cu. The results suggested that under the low concentration of Cu the decrease of Pn could be the result of stomatal limitation, and the reduction of Pn could contribute to non-stomatal limitation under higher Cu. According to the simulation equation could derive EC50 867.81 mg-kg-1.2. Through pot experiment, it was carried out to study the responses of Phyllostachys auresulcata f. spectablis, P. bissetii, P. niduaria f. smoothsheath, P.leioblastus chian f. hisauchii to Cu stress at the treatments of 0,500,1000,2000 mg-kg-1. As to the growths of bamboo and shoot, they were inhibited by copper stress:Phyllostachys auresulcataf.spectabilis< Phyllostachys bissetii< Phyllostachys nidularia f. smoothsheath < Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii.Their chlorophyll contents and Fv/Fm were decreased but relative conductance, MDA and proline contents were increased with the increasing Cu concentration, while soluble sugar content increased under the low concentration and reduced under the high concentration, there were the most significant differences between per treatment and the control, among all treatments and four varieties(P<0.01), among the chlorophyll content and Fv/Fm decreased, and relative conductance, MDA contents and proline contents increased, Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii performed the most obvious changes in the trend with the increasing Cu concentration, Phyllostachys nidularia f. smoothsheath, Phyllostachys bissetii, Phyllostachys auresulcata f. spectablis followed by it. In a word, the growth and physiological analysis illustrated that the tolerance of the four species of bamboo in order of Phyllostachys auresulcata f. spectablis> Phyllostachys bissetii> Phyllostachys nidularia f.smoothsheath> Pleioblastus china f.hisauchii. Photosynthetic parameters:Pn, Gs and Tr decreased, while Ci firstly decreased then increased with increasing concentration of Cu. The results suggested that under the low concentration of Cu. Four kinds of bamboo decrease of Pn was the result of stomatal limitation, and the reduction of Pn contributes to non-stomatal limitation under higher Cu. Four kinds of bamboo stems and leaves with root Cu in vivo analysis, results showed that Cu might be mainly distributed in the roots, for the accumulation of BC coefficient increased with increasing concentration of Cu, they might be the type of exclusion.

【关键词】 铜胁迫能源植物退笋EC50
【Key words】 bamboocopper stressenergy plantdegraded shootEC50
  • 【分类号】X173
  • 【下载频次】89

