

Study on the Quality and Safety of Eggs Traceability System and Warning Mechanism

【作者】 宋俊峰

【导师】 周曙东;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 食品安全问题是关系国计民生的重大问题,它关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全、经济健康发展和社会稳定。近年来,食品安全恶性事件的频频发生更加引发了世界范围内对这一问题的关注,无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,都将食品安全问题作为各国的重大课题。作为我国最早发展起来的畜牧产业,禽蛋产业已经成为我国畜牧业的支柱产业,特别是在苏北发展得最快,产业化水平也较高。目前,海安的畜禽养殖进入了一个新的历史阶段,经济的增长方式发生了根本性的改变,从数量型生产向追求质量安全、提高效益转变;从分散经营向规模化品牌经营、市场开拓转变,养殖产业化水平有了明显的提高。因此,加强鸡蛋质量安全建设与管理,发展无公害、绿色食品生产,实现农业可持续发展,已成为发展农村经济的重点和热点。特别是我国加入WTO以后,贸易壁垒以绿色壁垒和技术壁垒等非关税壁垒为主,食品安全给我国特别是禽蛋产业带来了巨大的压力。在此背景下,信息化的发展不仅能保障畜禽产品质量安全,又能增加养殖效益,因此,现代化家禽养殖信息化技术变得越来越迫切,这已经成为当前国内外该学科科技创新的热点。本文在回顾相关理论和文献的基础上,建立了一个基于HACCP的追溯和预警体系。包括三个方面:(1)对鸡蛋生产过程进行HACCP分析,确定鸡蛋生产的危险关键点,并制定计划表;(2)构建了一个鸡蛋安全生产的预警机制,包括全程生产安全警素评价的指标体系,建立了全程生产安全的预警模型,通过特征向量分析消除指标之间的相关性,并利用模糊聚类分析精度,进行全程生产的警兆评价,并制定了预警方案;(3)阐述了四种可以使用的溯源方法。在此框架上,本研究进行了案例分析,采用聚类分析方法进行测算,对新康德勤业进行预警分析,并提出建立溯源体系的方法,继而采用计量模型,评估了实施HACCP的效果,实证分析表明,实施HACCP虽然会显著增加企业成本,但是,对于主营业务收入的促进作用更大,因此,有利于企业利润的提高。这就意味着,实施HACCP,建立预警体系,能够使企业有效的防范危机,降低风险,扩大收益。

【Abstract】 Food safety is a major problem of the people’s livelihood, it related to people’s health and security, economic healthy and social stability. In recent years, food safety, frequent incidents caused worldwide concern on this issue, no matter it is for developed countries or developing countries, food safety will be an important to every country. As the development of China’s earliest animal husbandry industry, Poultry and Eggs industry has become an important industry of China’s livestock industry, especially in the fastest growing in North of Jiangsu, a higher level of industrialization. At present, the MSC of the livestock and poultry has entered a new historical stage of economic growth. There has been a fundamental change in the number of production from the pursuit of quality and safety, and efficiency change; from decentralized management to large-scale brand management, market development changes in the level of aquaculture industry has been significantly improved. Therefore, to enhance the quality and safety of egg-building and management, the development of pollution-free, green food production, sustainable development of agriculture, develop the rural economy has become the focus and hot spots. Especially, after China’s entry to the WTO, trade barriers and barriers to green non-tariff barriers such as technical barriers to the main food safety to our egg industry in particular has brought tremendous pressure. In this paper, the development of information technology not only to protect the quality and safety of livestock products as well as to increase the modernization of farming poultry effective information technology is becoming urgent. it has become the current home of the important subjects of scientific and technological innovation.In this paper, established of a HACCP-based retrospective and early warning system in theory and literature reviewed on the basis of the. Include three parts:(1) analysis the production of eggs HACCP process, to determine the risk of egg production of the key points, and formulated a plan form.(2) built a safe production of eggs, early warning mechanisms, including the entire production of Su-evaluation of the security police index system, the establishment of a full production model of the early warning, through the elimination of eigenvector analysis of the correlation between indicators and the use of fuzzy clustering analysis of the accuracy of the warning signs for full production evaluation, and to develop the early warning programs.(3) using two methods of traceability. In this framework, this study conducted case studies using cluster analysis methods of calculation, the new ground of Kant’s early warning analysis of the industry, finally, the use of econometric models to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of HACCP, empirical analysis indicates that although the implementation of HACCP will be a significant increase in the cost of doing business, but the main business income for the promotion of a greater role, therefore, it is good to the improvement of corporate profits. This means that the implementation of HACCP, to establish an early warning system that enables businesses to crisis prevention, risk reduction, expansion the proceeds.

【关键词】 HACCP食品安全追溯体系
【Key words】 HACCPFood SecurityTraceability
  • 【分类号】F322
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】432

