

Discussion on the Continuing Education of China’s Agricultural Specialized Technology Talents in Grassroots

【作者】 夏厚山

【导师】 刘志民;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 基层农业专业技术人才是专业技术人才队伍的重要组成部分,他们在传播农业科技、实现我国农业现代化进程中起着十分重要的作用。人才的培养是长期的过程,离不开继续教育。继续教育是提高我国基层农业专业技术人才素质的有效途径。通过大力发展继续教育,培养和造就大批高素质的基层农业专业技术人才,不仅可以有效促进我国农业和农村经济的发展,还可以为国家现代化建设提供人才本文以“我国基层农业专业技术人才继续教育探索”为题,目的是通过探索和完善继续教育的方法和模式,为壮大基层农业专业技术人才队伍,提高他们的专业素质和业务水平提供理论依据,以充分发挥基层农业专业技术人才在农村经济发展中应该发挥的作用。本文在界定专业技术人才、农业专业技术人才、基层农业专业技术人才概念的基础上,介绍了我国基层农业专业技术人才继续教育的相关理论基础:人力资本理论、科学技术是第一生产力理论、可持续发展理论和知识半衰期理论。本文概述了我国基层农业专业技术人才继续教育的发展历程,包括三个阶段:2000多年以前的萌芽阶段、近现代的探索阶段和当代的大发展阶段。本文还总结了我国基层农业专业技术人才继续教育存在的主要问题如收费问题、师资问题、课程设置、历史观念等,并从继续教育供给者、需求者和第三方(主要是政府)的角度分析了问题存在的原因。本文介绍了包括美国、德国和英国在内的西方发达国家基层农业专业技术人才继续教育的概况,并对这些国家的经验作了几点总结,认为完善的法律机制、充足的资金保障、健全的质量保证体系、优秀的师资、合理的课程设置是西方发达国家基层农业专业技术人才继续教育取得成功的重要因素。最后,以我国农业总产值和科研经费中的政府资金为自变量,以国有企事业单位中的农业专业技术人才为因变量建立二元线形回归模型,通过EVIEWS统计软件,预测了我国基层农业专业技术人才的需求规模,并提出了我国基层农业专业技术人才继续教育的发展对策和模式。

【Abstract】 The agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots, being an important part of professional specialists, play an important role in the spreading of agricultural technique and achieving agricultural modernization.Training talented persons is a long-term process, which needs the continuing education.Continuing education is the useful method to improve the quality of agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots. By developing continuing education, training a large number of high-quality agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots will not only benefit the development of agriculture and agricultural economy, but also provide the talented persons for the national modernization.This paper takes "discussion on the continuing education of China’s agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots " as the title, and its purpose to is provide theoretical basis for expanding scale of agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots, and to improve theirs’ special level and quality, and to completely display the function which the agricultural specialized technology’s troop should display in the development of rural economy by innovating the methods and models of continued education. Based on giving the concepts of specialized technology talents, agricultural specialized technology talents and agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots, the paper narrates relative theories of the continuing education of China’s agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots:human capital theories, the theory of Scientific technology is the most important productive forces, the theory of sustainable development and the theory of knowledge half-life. And the paper summarizes the development history of continuing education of China’s agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots, including three development stages:the sprouting stage about more than 2000 years ago, the tentative stage in modern China and the great development stage in contemporary China. The paper also summarizes the problems of the continuing education of China’s agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots, such as the lack of money, the poor quality of teachers, the unreasonable course offering and the traditional ideas and so on. At the same time, this paper also analyzes the reasons from multiple respects such as customer, provider and third-party (mainly government).The paper summarizes the successful experiences about continuing education of agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots in western countries i.e. America, German and England. The paper thinks that perfect legal mechanism, the adequate funds input, the multiple education quality assurance system, the excellent teachers and the reasonable course offering are important factors to the success of continuing education of agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots in western developed countries. Finally, the paper does a dual linear regression model with agricultural gross domestic products and the government output in research funding as independent variables and agricultural specialized technology talents in state-owned units as dependent variable. And this text forecasts the general scale of agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots by the aid of the statistical software of EVIEWS, and put forward some proposals and model on continuing education of China’s agricultural specialized technology talents in grassroots.


