

Research and Realization of Urban Geo-Spatial Information Sharing Platform Based on WebGIS

【作者】 张翠兰

【导师】 刘友兆;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 信息共享已经成为现代信息社会发展的一个重要标志。近年来,随着国家空间信息基础设施、国家电子政务以及国家自然资源、地理空间基础信息的建设,跨部门、跨行业综合性地理信息系统的纷纷出现,空间信息共享的地位日益增显,如何充分利用己有的数据资源,真正实现空间信息共享,是我们面临的新课题,新挑战。城市地理空间共享信息平台以海量数据集成的方式来对城市情况进行数字化的存储和描述,为城市信息应用提供了一个统一的基础数据框架,是数字城市建设的核心。本文在阐述了城市地理空间共享信息平台的概念的基础上,对平台建设中所涉及到的平台总体架构、平台基本功能、基础空间数据库、元数据和平台安全管理五个问题和关键技术进行了研究和探讨。本论文首先分析了城市地理空间信息共享平台产生的时代契机与技术背景,提出了建立城市地理空间信息共享平台是实现全球数字化、信息化,建立资源节约社会的关键。然后分析了当前城市地理空间信息数据共享研究的必要性及存在的模式与难点的基础上,提出采用面向服务的架构(SOA)及Web Services技术相结合的理念建立城市地理空间信息共享平台。紧接着,介绍了WebGIS开发的关键技术,并在研究服务器端开发平台ArcGIS Server的体系、功能、组成、特点的基础上,探讨了B/S模式下基于ArcGIS Server的网络应用服务开发方式,进行了城市地理空间信息共享平台子系统的设计,实现了数据的广泛共享。为了验证城市地理空间信息共享平台方案的可行性,以昆明空间信息数据共享平台在“数字昆明”中的运用为例,证明了建设该平台的思想是先进的,有关理论研究成果是有效的。

【Abstract】 Information sharing has been an important sign of the development of the modern information society. In recent years, with the construction of National Spatial Information Infrastructure (NSII), National-Government and Based Information of National Nature Resources and Geographical Space, the use of GIS in crossing department and crossing industry is becoming wilder and wilder and spatial information sharing is becoming more and more important. How to make the most of the existing data resources to really realize the sharing of spatial information is a new issues and challenges we are faced.Information sharing via different agencies is a key goal of the digital city. After analyzing the characteristic of urban spatial information and its applications, we bring forward our conception and realization of Urban Fundamental Geographical Information Framework(UFGIF).This paper first analyzes the opportunity and the technical background of Urban Geo-Spatial Information Sharing Platform, the city has proposed the establishment of geo-spatial information sharing platform is global digital information, and the establishment of a resource-conserving society. And then analysis of the current urban geospatial information data sharing and the existence of the need to study the model and the difficulties on the basis of the use of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and Web Services technology to combine the idea of a city Geospatial Information Sharing platform. Then, introduced the development of key technologies WebGIS, on the base of the research on the architecture, function, component and characteristics of the GIS Server platform——ArcGIS Server, in this paper the development ways that based on ArcGIS Server with the model of B/S was researched and the subsystem of a basic GIS for information issuing was designed, which made the information sharing far and wide. In order to verify Urban Geo-Spatial Information Sharing Platform, take the example of Kunming Geo-Spatial Data Sharing Platform which used in the“digital Kunming”to illustrate the ideological construction of the platform is an advanced, and the theoretical research results is effective.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】234

