

Study on Dynamic Change of Urban-Rural Construction Land in Urbanization-A Case of Yangzhou

【作者】 马兵

【导师】 欧名豪;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化既是人口由农村迁移至城市的过程,同时也是乡村生活方式向城市生活方式转变的过程。在这一过程中,城市和乡村发生着深刻的变化,建设用地作为城乡发展的重要生产要素,投入到区域的经济建设中,其利用结构随之发生了变化,表现为城镇建设用地的增加与农村居住用地的减少,同时城乡建设用空间布局也发生变化,还造成了耕地数量的减少。近年来,随着我国城市化进程的推进和经济的平稳发展,城镇用地与农业用地之间的矛盾越来越突出,城市化水平提高的背后是城镇用地的急剧扩张,城镇空间布局不合理,一些城市“摊大饼”式扩张,造成土地利用效率低和部分地区生态环境恶化等问题,而且在城镇建设用地面积大幅度增加的同时,农村居民点用地并没有相应减少。因此,在我国社会经济快速发展和科学发展观提出的背景下,研究如何协调好经济发展和合理利用及保护有限土地资源的矛盾,在快速城市化进程中优化城乡建设用地结构与布局,促进城乡协调发展,走可持续发展的道路,具有十分重要的意义。本文以江苏省扬州市为例,在快速城市化这一背景下,对城乡建设用地动态变化的相关理论、变化趋势、动态变化过程和合理的城乡用地规模进行了研究,揭示了城市化进程中城乡建设用地存在的问题,并提出相应建议,为扬州市优化城乡用地结构与布局,促进城乡用地节约集约利用,实现区域的社会经济可持续发展提供保证,也为其它地区开展相关研究提供了借鉴。论文主要包括以下四个部分:第一部分是基础理论研究。首先,对国内外关于城市化进程中城乡建设用地的相关研究进行了回顾,然后对城乡建设用地的基本概念进行了界定,探讨了城乡建设用地动态变化的相关基础理论,最后分析了城市化进程中城乡建设用地动态变化的影响因素及变化趋势。第二部分对扬州市城乡建设用地的动态变化情况进行研究。从数量、区域差异以及集约利用水平等方面对1996—2006年扬州市城乡建设用地的动态变化过程进行了分析,并在此基础上归纳出扬州市城乡建设用地存在的问题。第三部分对扬州市城乡建设用地规模进行预测。以节约集约利用、整体控制和统筹安排预测原则为指导,运用趋势预测法、单因素回归分析法和“人口—土地”转换率等方法对扬州市2010和2020年的城镇用地、农村居民点以及城乡建设用地总规模分别进行预测,并进行结构和布局优化。第四部分是统筹城乡建设用地的相关政策建议。从城乡建设用地存在的问题入手,以统筹区域内的城乡建设用地、促进城乡建设用地集约利用为目标,提出了应建立城乡统一的建设用地市场、实施“城乡挂钩政策”和加强土地规划引导控制等措施。

【Abstract】 The urbanization is a process of population migrating from rural to urban, is also a process of the rural life style transforming to the urban life style, at the same time. In this process, great changes have happened in the city and the village;The construction land, as the important production factor of development of the city and countryside, is applied in the regional economic development, along with that its using structure has also changed. That is the increasing urban construction land and the reducing rural residential land; at the same time, the spatial layout of urban-rural construction land has also changed, which causes the reduction of cultivated land.In recent years, along with our country urbanization advance and economical steady development, the contradiction between urban construction land and agricultural land is more serious.Compared with the enhanced urbanization is the expanding urban construction land and unreasonable spatial layout of cities.Some cities expanded like booting a big cake.All of this has caused some problems, for example:the low land utilization efficiency, worsening ecological environment in partial area, and so on. Rural residential land is not reduced corresponding to the wide increasing urban construction land. So, on the basis of the social economy fast development and the science development view proposed, study on how to coordinate the contradiction between economic development and reasonable use, protection limited land, has the extremely vital significance.The paper takes Yangzhou as an example. Under the fast urbanization, researches on correlation theories、change tendency、dynamic change process and reasonable urban-rural construction land scale in dynamic change of urban-rural construction land is made;which reveals the current problems of urban-rural construction land in urbanization; and puts forward the proposal.the guarantee about optimizing structure and layout of urban-rural land-use in Yangzhou city, promoting urban-rural land-use intensive use, and realizing the regional social economy sustainable development is made, a model that other region carries out the correlation research is made.This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is basic theory research. Firstly, domestic and foreign research about urban-rural construction land in urbanization is reviewed. And,a definition that urban-rural construction land is made,and the related basic theory about dynamic change of urban-rural construction land is discussed; At last, the influence factors and dynamic change tendency of urban-rural construction land in urbanization is analyzed.The second part is to research the situation of dynamic change urban-rural land-use in Yangzhou. The dynamic change process in 1996-2006 in Yangzhou from the perspective of amount and region difference is analyzed in this paper. Based on this, the existence problems of urban-rural construction land in Yangzhou are given.The third part is to forecast the scale of urban-rural construction land in Yangzhou. In the instruction principle of intensive use, whole control, overall plan arrangement, by the method of tendency forecast, single factor return analysis, "population-land" transfer ration, and so on, forecast about urban land scale, rural residential land scale and overall scale of urban-rural construction land, in Yangzhou, in 2010 and 2020, is forecasted; and optimization of the structure and layout of urban-rural land-useThe fourth part is the suggestion about coordinating urban-rural construction land. On the basis of the problems of urban-rural land-use, with the goal of coordinating urban-rural construction land, and promoting intensive use of urban-rural land-use, some measures is given in the paper, for example:establishing a urban-rural unification construction market, carrying out "urban-rural hook policy", enhancing the guidance control of land plan, and so on.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】330

