

Study on Analytical Method and Olaquindox Sorption of Olaquindox Residues in Pig Manure

【作者】 李维

【导师】 王恬;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 喹乙醇作为饲料添加剂长期用于动物疾病的预防和促进生长,但由于不能完全被动物机体吸收,以原形或代谢物形式经由畜禽粪尿排入环境,通过不同途径对土壤和水体造成污染。有关喹乙醇在环境中的分布、迁移和稳定性等的研究资料很少。本论文旨在研究喹乙醇残留检测方法及吸附特征,为评估药物饲料添加剂在环境中的分布、转归及对人和环境影响的进一步研究,提供科学依据。实验一研究建立了猪粪中喹乙醇残留的高效液相色谱检测方法.外源添加喹乙醇的猪粪经蒸馏水提取震荡后,加入硼砂和硫酸锌等净化剂净化样品,离心,过0.22μm滤膜,HPLC检测,用ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱为固定相,12%甲醇水溶液为流动相,在检测器波长382nm状态下进行检测,喹乙醇浓度在0.05-10.0μg.mL-1之间,其标准曲线线性相关,相关系数r2=0.9999,在0.6mg.kg-1-3.0mg.kg-1添加浓度范围内,回收率在70.07%-83.44%之间,日内变异系数1.20%-4.38%,日间变异系数4.64%-9.62%,样品的检出限0.4μg.kg-1。实验二通过振荡平衡吸附试验研究了兽药喹乙醇在猪粪上的吸附特征并对其吸附机制和影响因素进行探讨。结果表明,喹乙醇能被猪粪吸附,吸附过程属于快速吸附,吸附等温线呈非线性,能用Freundlich模型很好地描述,被粪便吸附的喹乙醇易被雨水解吸,进入自然环境。粪便对喹乙醇的吸附受溶液pH值和离子强度的影响,随pH值增加粪便对喹乙醇的吸附增加,但碱性条件下有下降趋势。背景溶液离子强度增加,粪便对喹乙醇的吸附量下降。同等浓度的二价Ca2+离子背景下,粪便吸收的喹乙醇能力要比一价Na+离子体系要弱。猪粪对喹乙醇的吸附存在多种吸附机制,物理吸附整个吸附贡献较大。实验三研究了含喹乙醇猪粪养鱼对鱼塘水质变化和鱼体残留。在猪粪中混入90mg/kg和180mg/kg喹乙醇,对鲤进行了30d的慢性毒性试验。检测每日水中喹乙醇浓度,每10天抽检鱼体内的喹乙醇残留。实验发现,水体中喹乙醇含量逐渐上升,各组在第10、20和30天的采样所测得的鱼体喹乙醇的残留分别是1.87mg/kg、5.25 mg/kg、3.83mg/kg;2.96mg/kg、4.33mg/kg、4.23 mg/kg。通过实验试验模拟施肥养鱼的过程表明,含喹乙醇的动物粪便养鱼,与直接肌肉注射喹乙醇及用含喹乙醇的饲料饲喂鲤鱼对鱼体和生态环境造成的危害相近。

【Abstract】 Antibiotics are commonly used at sub-therapeutic levels to livestock to prevent diseases and promote growth. As results of incomplete metabolism and absorption up to 85 % of antibiotics with the parent compound and their metabolites may be excreted into the enviornment via animal manure and human waste, and then be discharged to the soil and water system through different exposure routes. Recent studies had indicated the presence of antibiotics in municipal wastewater effluent and surface water. Despite the detection of antibiotics, little is known about their distribution, mobility and persistence in natural and engineered systems. Presence of antibiotics in environment could perturb ecosystem including bacteria, water and soil microorganism and plants, increase the proliferation of antibiotics-resistant pathogens, and could pose threats to human health.To assess the magnitude of the potential impacts of antibiotics released into environment, a review was conducted on the occurrence, fate and environmental ecotoxicology of antibiotics in enviornment, and the possible future study was also discussed.The experiment I:A HPLC method was developed for determination of olaquindox residues in pig manure in this study to establish the analytical method for antibiotics residues in environment and offer reference for the environmental risk assessment. The pig manure were extracted with distilled water, added depurant, and centrifuged then filtrated to detect. ZORBAX SB-C18 was used for stationary phase, whereas the mobile phase comprised 88.0% distilled water and 12% methanol. Olaquindox residues in pig manure were detected by VWD at wavelength of 382nm. The calibration curves for olaquindox standard solution was linear in a concentration range of 0.05-10.0μg.mL-1 (r2=0.9999). The recoveries at levels of 0.6,1.5, and 3.0mg.kg-1 fortified samples ranged from 70.07%-83.44% with coefficient of variation of intra-and inter-assay were 1.20%-4.38% and 4.64%-9.62% respectively. The limit of detection was 0.4μg.kg-1.The experimentⅡ:The experiment was conducted to study the olaquindox on pig manure sorption characteristics and investigated sorption mechanism and affected factors. The results showed that olaquindox was rapidly adsorbed to manures and Freundlich model could describe preferably the olaquindox nonlinear sorption isotherms. The adsorbed olaquindox was easy to be desorbed by rain with desorption. The sorption of olaquindox on manure were affected by solution pH and ionic strength, the amount of adsorbed olaquindox on manure increased with an increase of pH value and decreased with an increase of ionic strength, and greater sorption effect in the Na systems than the Ca systems was observed. These results suggest that physical adsorption was the mainly contribution to the sorption of olaquindox on pig manure.The experimentⅢ:The water quality change and tissue concentration of the chronic olaquindox poisoning in common carp were studied. The test was conducted for 30days, under fertilization with 90mg/kg and 180mg/kg olaquindox for fishfarming. Experimental results showed that the concentration of olaquindox in water increased gradually. Olaquindox residue in fish tissue of each group were 1.87mg/kg,5.25 mg/kg,3.83 mg/kg and 2.96 mg/kg,4.33 mg/kg,4.23 mg/kg at the 10th,20th and 30th. It revealed that the harm were similar between fertilization for fishfarming and injection or feeding with olaquindox.


