

The Study of Landscape Painting by Qian Xuan

【作者】 吕楠

【导师】 朱春秧;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 钱选身处于宋元交替之际,有朝代更替、异族统治的社会背景,有“遗民”到“逸民”的个人际遇,还有“嗜酒”的个人习性,他的绘画风格和这种社会时代背景、个人际遇、习性有着密切的联系,具有鲜明的个人特征。他在绘画风格上传承了南宋院画风格,再吸收北宋、唐时的绘画技法,加以自己的阐释和拓展,形成自己的独特风格。本文试图通过对钱选山水画风格特征、风格成因、美学思想、历史影响等诸多因素的研究梳理,揭示一个完整的钱选,同时廓清钱选对“传统”的继承和创新,并就其现实意义阐述自己的看法。

【Abstract】 Qian Xuan lived in the turn of Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty with the social background of foreign ethnic domination. He had changed from a relic people to a leisure man. He was also addicted to drinking. His painting style is closely related to the social background, personal experiences and his characters. Through continuing the Southern Song style, combining the painting skills from Northern Song Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, he had created his unique painting style with his own explanation and enrichment. This article tries to explore more thoroughly into Qian Xuan through the research of his painting style, the causes of his painting style, his aesthetics theory and some historical factors. Besides, this article will try to figure out Qian Xuan’s heritage and innovation of the traditions and elaborate some personal understandings of its practical significance.

【关键词】 钱选山水画隐逸士气
【Key words】 Qian XuanLandscape PaintingExpertMorale
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

