

【作者】 胡烨

【导师】 段文阁;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 伦理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 社会福利和保障制度被称为社会成员的经济“安全网”和社会的“减震器”,所以,无论对个人,家庭,还是社会而言,它都有非常重大的意义。而社会救助是直接面对生活最困难人群的,即所谓“上无片瓦,下无立锥之地”的人,所以在很多国家都制定了最低支付标准线。可以想象,社会救助对那些无依无靠的流浪者和乞丐而言会有什么样的意义。在所有国家,社会救助都是面向弱势群体的,有针对性地解决他们最基本生活问题的,而当这些贫苦人口的基本生活能够得到保证时,就不会产生很大的不满和怨恨,这有利于社会的每个角落。同时,社会救助虽然属于社会收入的再分配,但它不会明显改变现有的收入分配格局,不会给人以“劫富济贫”的印象。那么在实施社会救助制度时,便不会引起其他社会成员的不满和排斥。有些国家认为,这种社会救助的受益者被打上了与众不同的烙印,所以是种耻辱。为了避免给接收社会救助的穷人带来耻辱感,这些国家就实行了普及性的福利计划。这种社会福利计划平等地针对全体国民。显然,我国政府没有注意到这一点,恰恰相反,我们的政府广泛的使用“救助”这个词,完全是为了显示政府的慷慨与关爱,至于可能给接受救助的人带来耻辱感,是完全被忽视的。政府的社会福利政策分别渗透在社会保险,社会救助,社会补贴等多项计划中,很难划清它们之间的界线,所以在讨论社会福利的过程中,我们将集中地讨论社会救助计划,因为它最集中地反映了政府的作用。所以,国家有责任对社会财富进行再分配,这不单是为了弥补市场经济的缺陷,也是政府应当拿出勇气,以肩负更多的责任,适应人民对它不断提升的要求,毕竟人们的期待总是不断改变的。扩大原有的社会福利是社会发展的必然。文章对社会救助问题的研究主要包括以下几个层面的内容:一、社会救助定义及其对象,二、社会救助的道德价值与道德原则,三、社会救助的责任主体及其道德责任,四、救助机构及其人员的道德责任,五、我国救助事业的展望

【Abstract】 Social welfare and security system known as members of society’s economic "safety net" and social "shock absorbers", so, regardless of the individual, family, or society, it has great significance. The social assistance is directly facing the most difficult groups, the so-called "A Roof, almost deprived of accommodation under the" people, so in many countries, a minimum payment standard line.Imagine, social assistance to those dispossessed of the homeless and beggars in terms of what kind of meaning. In all countries, social assistance is targeted at vulnerable groups, targeted solution to their most basic questions of life, and when these poor people’s basic life can be guaranteed, they will not have a great dissatisfaction and resentment, This will help in every corner of society. At the same time, social assistance although a social redistribution of income, but it will not significantly change the existing pattern of income distribution will not give a "Robin Hood" image.So in the implementation of social assistance system, will not lead to dissatisfaction with other members of society and exclusion.Some countries believe that the beneficiaries of social assistance has been marked by distinctive mark, so is a scandal. Receiving social assistance in order to avoid bringing shame the poor, these countries implemented a universal welfare program.This social welfare programs for all citizens equally. Obviously, our government did not notice this, on the contrary, our government wide use of rescue; is the word, to show the Government’s generosity and love, as may be brought to accept the assistance of the people a sense of shame, is completely ignored. Government’s social welfare policies were penetration in the social insurance, social assistance, social benefits and many other programs, it is difficult draw the line between them, so the discussion of social welfare, we will focus on discussion of social assistance programs because it reflects the highest concentration of the role of government. Therefore, the state has the responsibility of social wealth redistribution, not only to compensate for defects in the market economy, is also the government should have the courage, to take more responsibility, to adapt to ever-rising demands of its people, after all, people’s expectations Zong is changing. Expansion of the social welfare and social development is inevitable. A number of social assistance should cover the following aspects:First, the definition of social assistance and its object, the second, the moral value of social assistance and moral principles, three of the main responsibilities of social assistance and moral responsibility, four, relief agencies and their personnel moral responsibility, the five, my relief career prospects

  • 【分类号】D90-05
  • 【下载频次】258

