

Studies on the Nutrient Requirement and the Artificial Diets Improvement for Nesidiocoris Tenuis Reuter

【作者】 胡月

【导师】 陈红印;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 烟盲蝽(Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter)属半翅目Hemiptera盲蝽科Miridae,是农业生态系统中常见的杂食性昆虫,可捕食鳞翅目低龄幼虫、粉虱的成虫和若虫、同翅目蚜虫等,对菜田小型害虫的防治起到了积极的作用,其在保护地蔬菜上生物防治的作用越来越重视,并被国外注册为天敌昆虫产品,释放应用于保护地果蔬生产。烟盲蝽在捕食功能反应、生物学等方面已有一些研究;但其人工饲料方面的研究国内外尚未见报道。作者通过对米蛾卵成分含量进行分析,并以此为标准,利用柞蚕蛹蛋白作为烟盲蝽人工饲料的外源动物蛋白来配制人工饲料。通过对米蛾卵和筛选出的饲料进行营养成分分析,进一步改进人工饲料,得出一种更加适合烟盲蝽生长发育的饲料配方,并结合烟盲蝽的取食方式,确定烟盲蝽的适合饲料剂型。最后通过捕食功能测定和连代饲养,来评价烟盲蝽饲料的饲养效果。研究结果为烟盲蝽人工规模化饲养奠定基础,也为其他杂食性盲蝽人工饲料的研究提供参考。本试验主要研究结果如下:1)米蛾卵营养成分测定显示粗蛋白质含量为52.94%、可溶性糖含量为4.26%、粗脂肪含量为35.13%,并据此结果开展了烟盲蝽的人工饲料配制研究。2)人工饲料的配制主要采用三种形式:全脂蚕蛹粉、脱脂蚕蛹粉和蚕蛹匀浆液,同时利用石蜡包裹的液体饲料进行饲喂烟盲蝽。三种蚕蛹蛋白形式进行的主成分分析表明,蚕蛹匀浆液效果最佳,能满足烟盲蝽发育、生殖所需的营养需求;全脂蚕蛹粉和脱脂蚕蛹粉的饲喂效果均次于匀浆液。在若虫发育历期、存活率,成虫生殖力等方面蚕蛹匀浆液和对照米蛾卵相比还有一定的差距,需要进一步改进和优化。3)氨基酸含量分析可知,蚕蛹匀浆液蛋白水解氨基酸和游离氨基酸含量明显低于米蛾卵含量;在脂肪酸含量测定中,米蛾卵棕榈酸含量明显高于人工饲料,而人工饲料所含亚油酸和α-亚麻酸的量则显著超过米蛾卵水平,其余各脂肪酸含量差异不大。4)分别添加酵母水解物和酪蛋白水解物对人工饲料D1进行调整,以期获得更优的饲喂效果。烟盲蝽若虫取食调整后的饲料成虫生殖力在产卵前期和产卵量方面均好于蚕蛹匀浆液饲喂的烟盲蝽,但和米蛾卵喂养的没有显著差异,其中尤以饲喂酵母的效果最佳,说明调整后的饲料有利于烟盲蝽的生殖。但在提高发育历期、存活率、体重等方面的还需要作进一步的研究和改进。5)烟盲蝽对粉虱、蚜虫的捕食效果和自残习性观察,结果表明:用人工饲料饲养的烟盲蝽和传统饲料-米蛾卵饲养的烟盲蝽具有同样的捕食效率,其中,人工饲料饲养的烟盲蝽成虫对粉虱蛹的取食率明显高于米蛾卵所饲养烟盲蝽成虫的;在自残行为测定中,烟盲蝽4龄若虫和成虫取食l龄若虫的比例在米蛾卵组和人工饲料组是相似的,并随着日龄的增加,烟盲蝽自残比值也显著增加,米蛾卵和人工饲料组均高于对照组,且人工饲料的自残比值最高。

【Abstract】 Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter (Heteroptera: Miridae), is a common omnivorous plantbug of agroecosystems and is known to be a predator of whiteflies, thrips, aphids and several other pest species. N. tenuis contributes to the control of small arthropod pests in vegetable crops, so scholars at home and abroad pay more and more attentions on biology control of N. tenuis in protected crops. There have been some researches on predation functional response, biological characteristics and so on. Currently, there is no report on artificial diets of N. tenuis at home and abroad. In this paper, component content of rice moth(Corcyra cephalonica) eggs is analysed, and using the result to prepare artificial diets and determine the optimum reagent type of artificial diets. The protein in oak silkworm pupa is used as exogenous animal protein. According to analyse the component content of rice moth eggs and artificial diets, the artificial diets are improved and more suitable for growth and development of N. tenuis. The predation response and continuous rearing are used for evaluation of the optimum formula of the diets, which provide the references for large-scale rearing of N. tenuis and research on artificial diets of other omnivorous mirid. The experiment results as follows:Assay the nutrient components of rice moth eggs, which mainly include contents of crude protein, crude fat and sugar. The result is crude protein 52.94%, crude fat 35.13%, sugar 4.26%. The artificial diets of N. tenuis are prepared according the result. Three forms are adopted, i.e. full-fat power of oak silkworm, defatted power of oak silkworm, homogenate of oak silkworm and liquid diet packaged by paraffin is used for feeding N. tenuis.Analyse the principal components of three artificial diets and select an adapt artificial diet for growth and development of N. tenuis. The result shows: the optimum is homogenate of oak silkworm which can meet the essential nutrient requirement for growth and reproduction of N. tenuis and full-fat power of oak silkworm, defatted power of oak silkworm are second to homogenate of oak silkworm. However, N. tenuis fed on the homogenate of oak silkworm is inferior to the control in larva duration, survival rate, adult reproduction, and need to be improved and optimized.The biochemical analysis of rice moth eggs and homogenate of oak silkworm revealed that, although artificial diet D1 is composed mainly of proteins and fat, there was a deficiency of total amino acids and free amino acids. Fatty acid concentration was significantly inferior in palmitic acid than control, and was higher in linoleic acid andα-linolenic acid, and there was no significant difference in other fatty acids.In order to obtain better rearing effect, D1 was modified according to mix yeast hydrolyate or casein hydrolysate. N. tenuis fed on modified diets was significantly inferior to control, and even below D1. Nymphal development time was longer than in rice moth eggs and D1 reared insects. There was no significant difference in survival rate, but at the beginning of 5 instar, the percentage of nymphal survival is vary considerably. No significant differences in adult weight were detected in males in the modified diets, although there were significant differences in the control population, with males weighting more lighter than females. No differences in preoviposition period and fecundity were found in adult of the control and modified diets. Females reared on modified diets are better than that from D1, especially mix the yeast hydrolyate, which revealed that the modified diets are good for N. tenuis, reproduction. But probably further improvements of the modified diets in improving duration, percent of nymphal survival and weight could be done after further investigations.We compared the predation efficiency of N. tenuis produced on D1 with those reared conventionally on rice moth eggs and tomato plants. Their performances were evaluated on two prey, the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and the Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Their tendency to cannibalistic behavior was also evaluated. Nymphs of N. tenuis produced on the conventional method consumed more number of greenhouse whitefly pupae to nymphs reared by the D1 method. Diet-reared females consumed significantly more whitefly pupae after 24 and 48 hours than control females. When the aphid was offered, diet-reared N. tenuis nymphs consumed a similar number of prey to control N.tenuis. Control-reared females consumed significantly more aphids after 12, 24 and 48 hours than diet-reared females. There was no significant increase in cannibalistic behavior of diet-reared N. tenuis. These results show that the predation efficiency and the tendency to cannibalism of diet-reared N. tenuis is similar to that of conventionally-reared individuals.


