

Genetic Diversity of Lowland and Upland Rice Landraces in China

【作者】 张立娜

【导师】 韩龙植;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 作物种质资源学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,中国水稻产量一直徘徊不前,这很大程度上是由于亲本的遗传基础狭窄,遗传背景差异小。中国具有丰富的地方稻种资源,其中蕴含着大量的优异基因,但由于缺乏对这些资源遗传基础的总体了解,限制了优异种质在水稻育种中的有效利用。积极开展中国水旱稻地方品种的遗传多样性研究,对旱稻种质资源在水稻育种中的有效利用具有重要的意义。以来自中国的165份水稻地方品种和159份旱稻地方品种为材料,利用70对SSR标记探讨了水旱稻地方品种的遗传多样性和遗传结构,并进行了聚类分析。得出如下结果:1.在324份水旱稻地方品种的70个SSR多态性位点,共检测到等位基因(Na)572个,平均为8.171,变幅在2—21之间;总的有效等位基因数(Ne)为244.297,变化范围在1.035—9.195之间,平均为3.490;Shannon’s信息指数(I)变化范围在0.104—2.432之间,平均为1.343。RM72、RM232、RM219、RM241、RM224和RM3位点的多态性较高,适于中国水稻种质资源的遗传多样性研究。2.在187份粳稻地方品种中,共检测到等位基因502个,其中仅在粳稻中出现的等位基因83个,占16.53%。粳稻平均等位基因数(Na),平均有效等位基因数(Ne)和平均Shannon’s信息指数(I)分别为7.171、2.902和1.120。其中水稻地方品种共检测到等位基因434个,仅在水稻中出现的有53个,占12.21%,水稻地方品种平均Na、平均Ne和平均I,分别为6.200、2.599和1.034;旱稻地方品种共检测到等位基因449个,仅在旱稻中出现的有68个,占15.14%,旱稻地方品种平均Na、平均Ne和平均I,分别为6.414、2.884和1.100。3.在137份籼稻地方品种中,共检测到等位基因489个,其中仅在籼稻中出现的等位基因70个,占14.31%。籼稻平均等位基因数(Na),平均有效等位基因数(Ne)和平均Shannon’s信息指数(I)分别为6.986、3.030和1.201。其中水稻地方品种共检测到等位基因397个,仅在水稻种出现的有61个,占15.37%,水稻地方品种平均Na、平均Ne和平均I,分别为5.671、2.617和1.019;旱稻地方品种共检测到等位基因428个,仅在旱稻中出现的有92个,占21.50%,旱稻地方品种平均Na、平均Ne和平均I,分别为6.114、3.195和1.245。4.粳稻和籼稻地方品种中,旱稻与水稻的等位基因数差异不显著,旱稻有效等位基因数和Shannon’s信息指数均显著大于水稻,说明同一地理环境下生长的旱稻地方品种的遗传多样性比水稻丰富。5.粳型水稻中云南省的资源遗传多样性较为丰富,粳型旱稻中广西,云南,台湾3个省份的资源遗传多样性较为丰富;籼型水稻中贵州省的资源遗传多样性较为丰富,籼型旱稻中贵州、广西、云南和海南4个省份的资源遗传多样性较为丰富。6.粳型水稻地方品种不同省份或地区间遗传距离(GD)平均为0.315,旱稻为0.300,说明粳型旱稻不同地区品种间的亲缘关系更近;籼型水稻地方品种不同省份或地区间GD平均为0.244,旱稻为0.356,说明籼型旱稻不同地区品种间的亲缘关系更远。7.粳型水旱稻地方品种,不同省份或地区间地理位置或气候条件越近,遗传距离(GD)越小,反之越大;籼型水、旱稻地方品种不同省份或地区间地理位置与GD之间关系不明显,有待于进一步研究。8.水旱稻地方品种的聚类及遗传结构分析结果显示,不同组群之间水旱稻种质分布存在明显差异的,对水旱稻之间的遗传差异进行分析研究是有必要的。另外,试验中包括20份巴西旱稻种质资源,其在70个SSR标记位点共检测到等位基因232个,每个位点平均等位基因为3.314,平均有效等位基因为2.043,平均Shannon’s信息指数为0.783。

【Abstract】 In recent day, because of narrow genetic base and a little difference of genetic background in current rice cultivar, the productivity of rice has been stagnant in China. There are wealthy of rice landraces in China, which contain a large number of excellent genes. Lacking a detailed understanding of the genetic diversity, which limited the excellent rice germplasms effective management and utilization to rice breeding. Detected the genetic diversity of lowland and upland rice landraces in China is great significance for upland rice be used in rice breeding.The genetic diversity, genetic difference and cluster of 165 lowland rice and 159 upland rice landraces from China were discussed using 70 pairs of SSR markers. The results were summarized as follow:1. A total of 572 alleles were detected from all tested 324 accessions with 70 SSR markers, and the alleles per pair of primers were ranged from 2 to 21 with the mean value of 8.171. The effective number of alleles (Ne) were 244.297, and varied from 1.035—9.195 with the average was 3.490. Shannon’s Information index (I) were changed from 0.104—2.432, and the average was 1.343. Among the SSR markers, RM72、RM232、RM219、RM241、RM224 and RM3 showed high polymorphism than the others, so they were fit for assessment the genetic diversity of rice germplasm resources.2. A total 502 alleles were identified from 187 Japonica rice landraces, there were 83 alleles which were only appeared in Japonica rice, accounting for 16.53%. The mean value of alleles per loci was 7.171, the effective number of alleles (Ne) per loci was 2.902, and the average of Shannon’s Information index (I) was 1.120. In the lowland rice, a total of 434 alleles were assessed, there were 53 alleles which only appeared in lowland rice, accounting for 12.21%, the mean value of Na、Ne and I were 6.200、2.599 and 1.034 in Japonica lowland rice; In the upland rice, a total of 449 alleles were assessed, there were 68 alleles only present in upland rice, accounting for 15.14%, the average of Na、Ne and I were 6.414、2.884 and 1.100 in Japonica upland rice.3. A total 489 alleles were detected from 137 Indica rice landraces, there were 70 alleles which were only present in Indica rice, accounting for 14.31%, with an average of alleles per loci was 6.986 , the effective number of alleles (Ne) per loci was 3.030 , and the mean value of Shannon’s Information index (I) was 1.201. In the lowland rice, a total of 397 alleles were identified, there were 61 alleles only appeared in lowland rice, accounting for 5.37%, the average of Na、Ne and I were 5.671、2.617 and 1.019 in Indica lowland rice; In the upland rice, a total of 428 alleles were detected, there were 92 alleles only appeared in upland rice, accounting for 21.50%, the mean value of Na、Ne and I were 6.114、3.195 and 1.245 in Indica upland rice.4. In Japonica and Indica rice landraces, test of significance on the mean of alleles of the SSR loci showed that there were no significant difference between the upland and lowland rice, while the upland rice was more the effective number of alleles (Ne) and shannon’s Information index (I) than lowland rice, so in the same geographical origins, upland rice landraces were more genetic diversity than lowland rice.5. In Japonica rice landraces, the most genetically diverse of district was Yunnan province in lowland rice, but Guangxi, Yunnan and Taiwan for upland rice; In Indica rice landraces, the most genetically diverse of region was Guizhou province in lowland rice, but Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan and Hainan for upland rice.6. The mean value of genetic distance (GD) indices for Japonica rice landraces from different region were 0.315 in lowland rice, but 0.300 in upland rice, so the relationship among upland rice is more closer. The average of genetic distance indices for Indica rice from different area were 0.244 in lowland rice, but 0.356 in upland rice, so the relationship among lowland rice is more closer.7. The japonica lowland and upland rice landraces from the different provinces which had the more geographical or climate proximity had the small genetic distance index, the contrary has also set up. However the correlated relation was not distinct in indica lowland and upland rice landraces, so it needed further study in indica rice.8. Cluster and genetic structure of lowland and upland rice landraces showed that there are some differences in the distribution among the groups. So it’s necessary to detect the genetic difference between lowland and upland rice.In addition, a total of 232 alleles were assessed in 20 germplasm resources from Brazil with 70 SSR markers, with the mean value of Na、Ne and I were 3.314、2.043 and 0.783.

【关键词】 水稻旱稻地方品种遗传多样性聚类分析
【Key words】 Lowland riceUpland riceLandraceGenetic diversityCluster

