

The Study on the Financial Demand of Rural Households in Henan Province

【作者】 卢丽娜

【导师】 王东阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 满足农户多样化金融需求是现代农村金融的主要标志。本文按人均收入水平将河南省抽样农户分为五组,通过对不同收入组农户借贷行为进行定性和定量分析,总结出农户借贷特征,探讨了农户正规借贷的影响因素,并结合河南省情,提出相关措施建议。主要结论如下:1、农村金融发展与农户收入增长有显著的相关关系。通过计量指标分析发现,农村储蓄比率对农民收入增长有显著的正相关关系,农村金融机构信贷比率对农民收入增长有显著的负相关关系。2、不同收入组农户借贷特征不尽相同。低收入和中低收入组农户收入水平低,对借贷资金需求较大,借贷规模较小,借贷用途主要是生活消费支出;中等收入组农户自有资金基本满足生活和生产需要,对借贷资金需求低;中高收入和高收入组农户收入倚重于“非农”和“非粮”经营,借贷规模相对最大。3、农户借贷行为多种多样,但有规可循:收入层次越低,农户对民间金融的依赖程度越高,借贷的消费动机越明显;收入层次越高,农户对正规借贷的依赖程度越高,借贷的生产性动机越明显。4、对影响农户正规借贷的因素进行单变量分析和实证分析,结果显示:农户受教育程度、劳动力所负担人口数、家庭经营耕地面积、农户人均收入水平、农户所在村有正规金融网点以及农户了解信贷政策等因素,对农户正规借贷有正向影响;正规金融网点远距离设置对农户借贷有负向影响。通过上述综合分析,提出的建议措施是:1、收入水平差异对农户借贷的影响大,金融主体提供服务,应以农户需求为导向。2、农村正规金融机构要加大宣传力度,提高农户对金融信贷政策的认知程度。3、规范民间借贷发展,以满足农户多层次多角度需求。

【Abstract】 To meet the diverse financial needs of rural households is the main symbol of the modern rural finance. According to average per capita income, this paper divides rural households in Henan Province into five groups. It reviews the borrowing features and explores the influencing factors of formal loans for rural households, by qualitative and quantitative analysis of their lending practices of different income groups, to make relevant measures and suggestions that combined with Henan Province.Firstly, the rural finance development and per capita income growth of rural households in Henan Province are significantly correlated. Through the measurement analysis of indicators, the rural savings rate has significantly positive correlation to the increase of rural households’per capita income growth. However, the ratio of rural financial institutions in credit growth has significant negative correlation.Secondly, different income groups have different borrowing characters. To low-income and low-middle-income groups of households, the main use for loans are living expenses because of their low income, shortage of funds, and small loans. To middle-income group households, they have low demand on the lending of funds because their own funds meet the basic needs of their life and production. To middle-high-income and high income groups, they need the relatively largest size of the loan because they rely heavily on "non-agricultural" and "non-grain food" income.Thirdly, household lending practices are various, but there are rules: the lower income levels, the higher dependence on private finance of households and the more obvious motives of consumer; the higher income levels, the higher dependence on formal finance of households and the more obvious motive of production.Fourthly, through university analysis and empirical analysis of the impact on the factors of rural households’formal borrowing, it shows some conclusions as followed: Some factors have positive impact on rural households’formal borrowing such as the farmers’education level, the burden of the labor population, family-run arable land, farmers per capita income levels, the formal financial network in the farmers’village, the farmers’awareness of credit policy and so on. The long-range formal financial network has negative effects on farmers’formal borrowing, while owning formal financial outlets has no obvious effects.Through this comprehensive analysis, this paper proposes some measures.Differences in per capita income levels have large effects on farmers’borrowing, the services that provided by financial institutions to farmers should be demand-driven.Rural formal financial institutions should step up publicity to raise farmer awareness of the financial credit policy.The development of private lending should be regulating to meet the multi-angle and multi-level needs of farmers.

  • 【分类号】F832.35
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】283

