

Study on Ecological Compensation Mechanism for Controlling Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution

【作者】 裴永辉

【导师】 尹昌斌;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 农业区域发展, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国农业生产取得了飞速发展,但这些成就的取得是建立在化肥、农药、饲料等生产要素的高投入基础上的,这些要素部分进入作物生产过程,最终被人们消费或进入畜禽养殖过程;而大部分却残留在农田土壤中或流入地表水体中,引起水体富营养化,形成农业面源污染问题。因此,如何有效的控制农业面源污染问题成为当务之急。外部性理论和环境产权理论是农业面源污染产生的理论基础。农业面源污染具有典型的负外部性,这种负外部性使得农业面源污染越来越严重,而农业面源污染控制措施具有典型的正外部性,这种正外部性使得这些控制措施供给不足。环境产权界定不清也是导致农业面源污染问题无法有效解决的重要原因。为寻找控制农业面源污染的对策,还必须了解其特点。分散性、随机性和监测成本高是农业面源污染的典型特点。这三个特点共同决定了排污收费方法无法有效地控制农业面源污染问题,而补贴手段则是控制农业面源污染的有效手段。补贴手段的顺利实施需要构建生态补偿机制,即界定补偿主体、核算补偿标准和选取补偿方式。本论文以洱海流域为例,选取“修建堆粪池以防止养殖废弃物流失”这一农业面源污染控制措施,开展建立生态补偿机制的实证分析。按照“受益者补偿”的原则,政府作为社会公众的代表应该成为补偿主体,接受补偿采用农业面源污染控制措施的农民应该成为补偿客体。然后深入农户做问卷调查,了解农户的环保意识和接受补偿的意愿,通过问卷调查的数据分析得出,农户修建一个堆粪池的合理补偿标准是483元,“养殖规模”和“学历”是影响农户补偿决策的主要因素。一部分农户不愿意接受补偿修建堆粪池的主要原因是养殖规模小和担心补偿资金发放不到位,并根据农户的意愿选择合适的补偿方式。最后,得出本论文的结论,并提出保障生态补偿机制顺利实施的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening policy took place in China, agriculture has achieved rapid development, but this development is based on high input of production factors such as fertilizer, pesticide, feeds and so on. These production factors partly entered into the process of crop production and were finally consumed by human, or entered into the process of livestock and poultry breeding. However, most of them stayed in the soil or flowed into waters and led to the eutrophication, which could bring about Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution (ANPSP). Therefore, how to control the ANPSP has become a pressing issue.The forming of the ANPSP is based on Externality theory and Environmental Property Rights theory. The ANPSP has the typical characteristic of negative-externality, which will make it more and more serious. The approaches of controlling the ANPSP have the typical characteristic of positive-externality, which will cause it supply insufficiently. The environmental property rights can not be clearly defined is also an important reason why the ANPSP can not be effectively solved.To search for the approaches of controlling ANPSP, we must understand its characteristics. Scattered, random and the high cost to monitor are the typical characteristics of the ANPSP. These three characteristics together determine that the sewage charges can not effectively control the ANPSP, while the subsidy is an effective approach to control ANPSP. The successful implementation of the subsidy needs us to build the ecological compensation mechanism, which contain defining compensation subject, accounting standards and selecting compensation manner.In this paper, we select an approach of controlling the ANPSP such as building heap bogs to prevent the loss of livestock breeding waste, then to do an empirical study on the ecological compensation mechanism in Erhai Lake Basin. In accordance with the“the Beneficiaries should compensate the Victims”principle, the Government, as the representative of the public, should be the subject of compensation, while the farmers, who accept the approach of controlling the ANPSP, should be the object of compensation. Then we carry on a questionnaire survey to farmers and find out their environmental awareness and willingness to accept the compensation. Through the analysis of survey data obtained, we conclude that the reasonable compensation standard when a farmer builds a heap bog is 483 RMB.“breeding scale”and“education”are the main factors which affect farmers’compensation decision-making. The farmers unwilling to accept compensation mainly due to small-scale breeding or fear of compensation funds can’t be paid fully in time. Consequently, we should select the appropriate compensation manners according to the farmers’willingness.Finally, we draw the conclusions in this paper, and put forward the propositions for guaranteeing the successful implementation of ecological compensation mechanism.


