

Study on Nutrition Characteristics and Green Manure Effects of Orychophragmus Violaceus

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 曹卫东;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业科学院 , 植物营养学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 绿肥具有提高土壤养分、改善土壤性状、部分替代化肥用量和提高肥料利用率等多方面的作用。当前华北地区出现了大面积的冬闲土地,造成了很多负面影响,因此公益性行业(农业)科研专项——“绿肥作物生产与利用技术集成研究及示范”引入二月兰(Orychophragmus violaceus(L.)O.E.Schulz)作为冬绿肥在华北地区种植和利用。二月兰又名诸葛菜,为十字花科芸薹族诸葛菜属越年生草本植物。本文从二月兰的生长和营养特性、施肥与播期对二月兰的影响、二月兰的腐解和养分释放规律以及二月兰作冬绿肥对春玉米的影响等方面,研究了二月兰的营养特性及其绿肥效应,主要研究结果如下:1.二月兰的生长特性。二月兰具有明显的无限花序特征,现蕾和抽薹几乎同时进行,同时边现蕾边开花,而且花期与结角期也有一段时间交叉。其生育期可划分为六个阶段:苗期(9月15日~11月25日)、冬季休眠期(11月26日~3月14日)、返青期(3月15日~3月26日)、现蕾抽薹期(3月27日~4月14日)、花期(4月8日~5月8日)和结角成熟期(4月26日~6月初),花期又可以区分为初花期(4月8日~4月17日)、盛花期(4月18日~4月28日)、终花期(4月29日~5月8日)。二月兰越冬后在返青期生长缓慢,进入蕾薹期后快速生长;鲜草重、干物重在盛花期达到高峰,盛花期到成熟期干物质仍缓慢累积,但鲜草重在盛花期保持相对稳定至结角初期后迅速降低。二月兰株高在盛花期(4月底)达到最大值,其植株含水量自返青到花期结束前都高于80%。2.二月兰的营养特性。二月兰植株氮、钾含量高,磷含量低。盛花期时,植株氮、磷(P)、钾(K)的含量分别为2.96%、0.42%和2.75%。自返青至成熟,植株氮、磷、钾含量逐渐降低。二月兰对氮、钾的累积量大,对磷的累积量小,其中氮、钾以盛花期的累积量最大,而磷以蕾薹期的累积量最大。盛花期时,氮、磷、钾累积量分别为58.02 mg/株、8.08 mg/株和53.81 mg/株,分别完成了养分累积总量的86.29%、93.98%和86.46%。综合二月兰的生长和营养特性,其最佳翻压期是盛花期(4月23日)至终花期(5月5日)前后。3.施肥对二月兰生长及营养的影响。氮、磷、钾三要素中,氮对二月兰生物量的影响最大,适当施氮可以显著提高二月兰生物量,其次是磷,钾的影响最小。对于鲜草的养分累积量也有同样规律。本试验中二月兰的最佳施肥范围为施N 125~145 kg/hm~2、施P2O5 70~90 kg/hm~2、施K2O 40~65 kg/hm~2。4.播期对二月兰生长及营养的影响。播期推迟会严重影响二月兰的生长发育,并使二月兰鲜草产量、鲜草养分累积量和种子产量等显著下降。试验条件下,在华北地区二月兰的最适播期是9月中旬。5.二月兰的腐解规律。二月兰鲜草在玉米行间埋压125 d后腐解率可达76.35%。腐解过程中,植株氮、钾含量下降集中在前14 d,分别下降了39.52%和69.72%,随后缓慢下降;磷含量先上升后降低;碳含量在前14 d里下降然后变化不大;植株残体的碳氮比从9.74缓慢上升到17.82。腐解125 d后二月兰氮、磷、钾养分的释放率分别达到88.93%、84.80%和96.75%;其中氮、钾的释放在前期快,14 d时分别释放了总量的50.01%和74.47%,磷的释放在前期慢、后期快。6.翻压二月兰对土壤化学性质的影响。在室内土壤模拟培养试验中,翻压二月兰可以明显提高土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾的含量,土壤有机质含量变化不大;还可以降低石灰性土壤的pH、调节土壤碳氮比。相关影响与二月兰的翻压量成正比。7.二月兰的绿肥效应。翻压二月兰可以提高春玉米产量、减少化肥用量、提高肥料利用率。在化肥施用量为常规施肥量的100%、85%、70%和40%的条件下,绿肥加化肥处理与单施化肥处理比较,春玉米生物量提高了12.44%~20.20%、籽粒产量增加了3.52%~11.52%;氮、磷、钾累积量分别提高了11.06%~25.37%、1.38%~27.27%和41.61%~60.00%,氮、磷、钾肥的吸收利用率分别提高了16.18%~39.11%、0.87%~15.82%和57.25%~144.34%。翻压二月兰可以使春玉米在生长后期仍维持较高的氮、磷累积速率,延长春玉米对氮、磷的吸收高峰;可以明显提高钾的最大累积速率,并使其最大累积速率出现的时间提前。本试验中,翻压二月兰后,化肥用量减少30%的效果最好。由于仅为一年的结果,二月兰的增产效应、化肥替代效果等尚需通过定位试验继续深入研究。

【Abstract】 Green manure has many functions, such as increasing soil nutrients, improving soil properties, reducing fertilization, raising fertilizer use efficiency and so on. Recently,there are large areas of winter fallow field in North China which cause many negative results. Orychophragmus violaceus(L.)O.E.Schulz was introduced as winter green manure, which could mitigate the above-mentioned problems. Orychophragmus violaceus belongs to colewort of cruciferae, which is biennial herbage. This experiment investigated the growth and nutrition characteristics of Orychophragmus violaceus, the effects of fertilization and sowing date on Orychophragmus violaceus, the decomposing and nutrient release pattern of Orychophragmus violaceus in sandy soil and the effects of using Orychophragmus violaceus as winter green manure on spring maize (Zea mays L.). The main results were showed as follows:1.Growth characteristics of Orychophragmus violaceus.Orychophragmus violaceus budded and bolted almost synchronously. Flowering stage and silique mature stage were overlapping during some time. The growth stages of Orychophragmus violaceus could be divided into 6 stages as follows: seeding stage (September 15November 25), winter dormant stage (November 26March 14), returning green stage (March 15 March 26), budding stage (March 27April 14), flowering stage (April 8May 8) and silique mature stage (April 26early June). The flowering stage could be subdivided into early flowering stage (April 8April 17), full flowering stage (April 18April 28) and ending flowering stage (April 29May 8). Orychophragmus violaceus grew slowly at returning green stage; the fresh weight and dry weight increased rapidly at budding stage then reached the maximum at full flowering stage; after full flowering stage, the dry weight increased slowly but the fresh weight decreased rapidly. The plant height reached the maximum in late April; the water content had maintained above 80% from returning green stage to the end of flowering stage.2.Nutrition characteristics of Orychophragmus violaceus.The contents of N and K were high, but P was low in Orychophragmus violaceus. At full flowering stage, the contents of N, P and K were 2.96%, 0.42% and 2.75% respectively. From returning green stage to silique mature stage, N, P and K contents kept decreasing. The accumulation amounts of N and K were large, but P was small. At full flowering stage, the plant had accumulated 86.29%, 93.98% and 86.46% of total N, P, and K respectively. It was the most suitable time to plough the plants into soil from full flowering stage (April 23) to ending flowering stage (May 5).3.Effects of fertilization on Orychophragmus violaceus.Among N, P and K, N showed the greatest influence on fresh grass yield. The biomass could increase significantly by proper nitrogen application. There was the same variation for the nutrient accumulations in fresh grass. The best fertilizer application rates were N 125145 kg/hm2, P2O5 7090 kg/hm2, K2O 4065 kg/hm2.4.Effects of sowing date on Orychophragmus violaceus. Sowing date could influence on growth and development of Orychophragmus violaceus significantly. Sowing late decreased fresh grass yield, nutrient accumulations and seed yield obviously. Under the experimental conditions, the optimal sowing date was in mid-September.5.Decomposing pattern of Orychophragmus violaceus.The decomposing rate of Orychophragmus violaceus was 76.35% after covered in soil for 125 days. The contents of N and K were decreased by 39.52% and 69.72% respectively within 14 days; the content of C was decreased in the first two weeks and changed little later; the content of P was increased first and then decreased quickly; the C/N ratio of Orychophragmus violaceus was increased slowly from 9.74 to 17.82. The nutrient release rates of N, P and K were 88.93%、84.80% and 96.75% respectively. N and K released quickly at the beginning by the rates of 50.01% and 74.47% respectively in the first two weeks; P released slowly at the beginning but quickly later.6.Effects of Orychophragmus violaceus on chemical properties of soil.The contents of soil total N, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available P and available K were increased after plough Orychophragmus violaceus; the soil pH and C/N ratio were decreased. These effects were more obvious with increasing the application amounts of Orychophragmus violaceus. But the influence on increasing the content of soil organic matter was little.7.Green manure effects of Orychophragmus violaceus.Maize grain yield was increased and fertilizers could be replaced partly by plough Orychophragmus violaceus. Compared with the conventional fertilization, treatments of green manure combined with chemical fertilizers, which were 100%, 85%, 70%, and 40% of the conventional amounts, could increase maize biomasses by 12.44%20.20%, increase maize yields by 3.52%11.52%. The accumulation amounts of N, P and K were increased by 11.06%25.37%, 1.38%27.27%, 41.61%60.00%; the fertilizer recovery efficiencies of N, P and K were increased by 16.18%39.11%, 0.87%15.82%, 57.25%144.34% respectively. The N and P accumulation of maize maintained high rates in late growth stage and the highest accumulation rate of K was increased significantly in all treatments of green manure combined with chemical fertilizers. In this experiment, after combined with green manure, it was best to reduce the chemical fertilizer amounts by 30%. As a result of only 1 year, the effects of yield increase and fertilizer replacement by using Orychophragmus Violaceus as green manure should be studied in-depth through locate experiments in future.


