

Finite Element Analysis of a Multiple Tube Side Heat Exchanger with Expansion Joint

【作者】 蒋怡

【导师】 冯武文; 赵军;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 化工过程机械, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文应用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对某一台带三层Ω型膨胀节的四管程换热器进行了有限元分析。本课题主要做了以下研究工作:首先,为简化计算模型,研究了三层Ω型膨胀节和单层Ω型膨胀节在刚度和强度上的等效问题,并采用刚度等效后的单层Ω型膨胀节作为之后建立换热器整体模型的膨胀节。其次,在分析换热器几何结构和工艺条件的基础上,建立了带单层Ω型膨胀节换热器的有限元模型。考虑到结构的复杂性,建立模型时对管板和换热管进行了简化。第三,对换热器整体及换热管进行了传热计算,得到了换热器的整体温度场。然后,改进膨胀节的加强方式,建立新的有限元模型。最后,进行了换热器在管程压力、壳程压力、温度载荷及其组合载荷工况作用下的强度计算,得到了各种工况下的整体和局部的应力强度。同时,根据有限元的计算结果,依据JB4732-1995《钢制压力容器-分析设计标准》,对换热器整体和膨胀节部分进行了应力评定。计算分析表明,经改进膨胀节加强方式后的换热器整体及局部均满足强度要求,该加强方式是可行的,该换热器是安全可靠的。本文的分析计算结果对此类复杂状况换热器的设计优化提供了一定的计算依据。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, a four-tube side heat exchanger with the 3-layerΩexpansion joint is studied by the fnite element analysis in using ANSYS software.In this thesis, research works are done as follows. First of all, the monolayerΩexpansion joint is compared with the 3-layerΩexpansion joint in strength and stiffness. The equivalent stiffness of monolayerΩexpansion joint is used in the whole heat exchanger.Secondly, geometric model and finite element analysis model of the whole heat exchanger with monolayerΩexpansion joint are built, it is based on the dimensions and processing of the equipment and consideration of its complexity.Thirdly, temperature field and thermal stress of the heat exchanger are calculated by using the heat transfer calculations which are handled with the shell and tube of the heat exchanger.Fouthly, geometric model and finite element analysis model of the heat exchanger with the improved strength mode of the expansion joint are built. Once more, temperature field and thermal stress of the heat exchanger are calculated.Finaly, the strength of the heat exchanger is analyzed by the finite element model under various of combined loads from pressure in the tube, shell and temperature changing, and then stress intensity under the various of cases and location are obtained. Then according to the JB4732—1995《Steel pressure vessels—Design by analysis》, stresses in results of finite element analysis are assessed.The analysis results show that the whole model and its elements of the heat exchanger meet the strength requirement by using new strength mode of the expansion joint. So the new mode is feasible, the design of the equipment is safe.This analysis results can be used as useful reference data to optimized design in the complex heat exchanger.


