

The Conflict and Coordination between Pharmaceutical Patent and Public Health

【作者】 岳新欣

【导师】 范晓波;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着艾滋病、非典、禽流感等世界性重大传染疾病的爆发和流行,一系列公共健康问题日益凸现。拥有世界上3/4以上人口的发展中国家因缺乏药品所引起的跨国界公共健康危机越来越成为全世界关注的焦点。药品专利与公共健康维护的冲突问题也愈演愈烈,成为WTO架构下极为重要而迫切的议题。如何平衡药品专利保护与维护公共健康的关系成为一个复杂的法律问题,也成为知识产权保护争议最大的领域之一。本文将研究发展中国家所面临的药品专利保护与公共健康维护之间的冲突问题。首先,提出药品专利制度与全球公共健康问题,分析药品专利与公共健康维护二者之间的冲突。其次,评析《多哈宣言》和《总理事会决议》等WTO为解决二者之冲突而采取的一系列举措,阐明其不足之处及其局限性。随后,通过比较分析法和案例分析法,探讨发展中国家可采取的协调药品专利与公共健康维护之冲突的对策,寻求缓解发展中国家公共健康危机的措施。最后,着重结合我国的现状,分析我国的药品专利保护制度和公共健康问题,指出我国法律规定的不足之处并提出相关完善建议,同时提出中国解决药品专利保护与公共健康维护冲突的对策。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the outbreak and worldwide spread of gravely infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, SARS and bird flu, a series of public health problems have emerged. Transnational public health crisis resulting from shortage of pharmaceuticals in developing countries whose population accounts for three quarters of the world’s total has become a global focus. The conflict between pharmaceutical patent and public health has been intensifying as well and has become an important and pressing issue. It is a complex legal issue and one of the major disputes in intellectual property as to how to balance pharmaceutical patent protection and public health preservation.This paper studies the conflict between pharmaceutical patent protection and public health confronted by developing countries. First, it brings forward pharmaceutical patent and public health problems and analyzes the conflict between them. Then, it reviews the measures taken by WTO to solve the conflict, such as The Doha Declaration and The Implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration, and illustrates their deficiencies and limitations. After that, the paper particularly explores the countermeasures developing countries can take so as to coordinate the conflict and relieve public health crisis. In the end, it focuses on putting forward some measures to protect public health in China through analysis of our country’s current public health situation and pharmaceutical patent legislation.

  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】216

