

Study on the Initial Conditions and Life Cycle Assessment of Biomass Energy Utilization System

【作者】 刘俊伟

【导师】 李秀金; 田秉晖;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 环境科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着能源危机和环境污染问题不断加剧,生物质能由于其可再生性和环境友好性的特点,必将成为未来可再生能源的重要组成部分。但是随着生物质产业的发展,在现实运行中存在很多问题,而且目前缺乏对生物质能资源化利用系统缺乏全面的评价。本文以生物质能资源化利用系统的初始条件为切入点,从主要的生物质资源的总量及分布格局、资源供应系统及成本构成、可供应潜力、开发利用的技术及相关的政策因素等方面进行了全面的分析,期望从宏观层面上为我国生物质能开发利用提供理论依据。在生物质产业的初始条件中,由于生物质资源的可供应潜力对生物质建设项目的顺利运行起着至关重要的作用,决定着生物质能利用系统能否正常运行。为了避免由于对原料的可供应潜力估计过于乐观,造成项目原料供给不足,使原料成本难以控制,导致投产项目难以运营的现象发生,研究如何对生物质资源的可供应潜力进行评价十分重要。本文提出了对评价生物质资源可供应潜力的指标体系,并以北京市为例,对秸秆资源的供应潜力进行了评价。在对生物质能利用系统的初始条件进行了分析的基础上,本文根据生物质利用系统的特点,综合生命周期评价体系框架,借鉴国内外的研究成果,提出了生物质能利用系统的3E-生命周期评价方法。该模型主要包括环境影响负荷、净能量比及生命周期成本三个评价指标。并创新性的提出在进行生命周期成本分析时并将外部环境成本纳入生命周期成本中。根据建立的生命周期评价方法,以浚县生物质发电厂为研究案例,进行了生物质发电系统的生命周期综合评价,并将评价结果与常规燃煤发电厂进行对比,得出生物质发电系统总的环境影响负荷小于常规燃煤发电,评价结果表明生物质发电是一种环境友好型的发电方式。但是由于生物质发电在我国还刚刚起步,原料供应模式尚不完善,发电技术还不成熟,导致其常规发电成本高于常规燃煤发电。但在进行生命周期成本分析时,若将外部环境成本考虑在内,将外部环境成本内部化,则可以体现生物质发电的环境优势,有利于促进生物质产业的发展。

【Abstract】 With the energy shortage and growing environmental pollution problems, biomass will become the important part of renewable energy, because of its regeneration and environmental friendly features. But with the development of biomass industry, there are many problems in real operation. Currently, biomass utilization system lacks a comprehensive evaluation.In this paper, as the entry point of the research on biomass industry, the "initial conditions" have been comprehensively analyzed from some aspects, such as the total distribution of biomass resources, biomass energy resource supply system, supply potential, technology and policy factors. Expecting that these Comprehensive analysis the can provide theoretical basic for the development and utilization if biomass energy from the macro level.As the supply of biomass resource plays a vital role in biomass utilization system, it determines whether the system can be operated smoothly. In order to avoid raw material supply shortage and high cost caused by overly optimistic estimates of raw material supply, resulting projects is difficult to put into operation. The study of how to evaluate the potential supply of straw resources is very important. According to the proposed evaluation index, this paper makes the evaluation of straw supply potential of Beijing.After analyzing the utilization of biomass resources based on the initial conditions, according to the characteristics of biomass power generation projects, comprehensive analysis of life cycle assessment framework, this paper proposed life cycle comprehensive assessment model of biomass utilization system based on the home and abroad study results. The model includes three indexes:environmental impact load, net energy ratio and life-cycle costs.The paper also proposed that the external environment cost should be calculated when analysis the life cycle cost.On the basis of the modle of life cycle assessment,choosing Xunxian biomass power generation system project as study case. Evaluation results show that biomass power generation project is an environmental friendly power generation. The environmental impact load of Biomass power generation system is less than that of conventional coal-fired power generation. But the life-cycle cost of Biomass power generation is higher than that of coal-fired power generation, because the system has just started and technology is not mature in China. If taking environmental costs into account when conducting economic analysis, the advantage of biomass power generation can be reflected, help to promote the development of biomass industry


