

Research on Crowd Evacuation of Emergency Signs

【作者】 杜丽娟

【导师】 郑小平;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 应急标识是公共安全设施的重要组成部分,一直被要求设置在人员众多的公共建筑、大中型酒店餐厅、高层公共建筑、地下建筑、高危厂区等。近年来伴随高密度的大型群体活动越来越多,应急标识的作用越来越受到关注。大型群体事件发生后当务之急就是群体疏散,而应急标识问题对群体疏散效率的提高有着深刻的影响,它为疏散人群提供信息支持,减少生命损失。目前关于应急疏散标识的研究,大多从技术层面研究应急疏散标识可见距离的拓展问题和应急疏散系统智能化问题。具体可以分为两类:一类是通过在实际场景中进行真人疏散实验来考察应急标识的作用;一类是通过建立数学模型以及计算机仿真来研究应急标识的作用。这些成果表明了应急疏散标识对疏散者有指示效应并且对疏散效率有着明显影响。相比国外研究者注重理论和方法的探讨,国内学者对应急标识的设置规范性更感兴趣。总的来说,关于应急疏散标识的作用和优化设置研究都还处于初步探索阶段。本文通过建立导入马尔可夫过程的元胞自动机(CAMP)模型,并进行大量仿真实验,将实验结果与真人实验和现有研究成果进行对比分析。实验结果显示CAMP模型对于疏散过程具有很好的精确、稳定和有效的仿真效果,能够形象地推演疏散过程的真实情形。基于CAMP模型,分别对不同应急标识数量和不同数量疏散者的情况进行疏散仿真模拟。研究表明,在疏散环境相同的情形下,存在一个应急标识数量的拐点值,而且该拐点值对不同数量的疏散者作用效果是相同的。此拐点值为建筑物设计时应急标识数量的选择提供参考,同时为紧急疏散方案提供决策依据。本文的研究结果,将有助于高密集大建筑空间的应急标识布局设计;在发生突发群体疏散事件时,能够帮助安全管理人员组织群体疏散,降低人员伤亡。

【Abstract】 Emergency signs are an important part of the public safety facilities. They have been asked to set in some large-scale places, such as, intensive public buildings, medium and large restaurant, high-rise public buildings, underground buildings, and other high-risk plant. With the development of the society, there are more and more crowd activities. And human gives his attention to the effect of emergency signs icreasingly. Apparently, the urgent affairs are evacuating the crowd pedestrians after emergent things. However, there is an important effect of emergency signs to crowd evacuation. Emergency signs can not only provide guidance for the pedestrians, but also reduce loss of life.Foreign scholars have done some research on emergency signs by technology. These approaches can be divided into two categories. The first is is experimentation, which investigates the evacuation by real people in real scene. The other is emulation mode, which establishes mathematical models or computer simulation to study the emergency signs. Compared to the foreign scholars focusing on theory and method, domestic researchers are favourite to the standard of the emergency signs’setting. In conclusion, it is an pilot study to the optimization of the emergency sign.Emergency signs are widely used in architectural design and regional security planning. Firstly, a cellular automata based on markovian processes (CAMP) model was proposed. After comparison and analysis of the simulation results by CAMP model and an extended lattice gas model (Motonari Isobe et al.), it is argued that the simulation of CAMP model is closer to the experiments of people than Motonari Isobe et al.’s model.Then, many other simulations of crowd evacuation of different number of emergency signs and different number of evacuates were made based on CAMP model. It is pointed out that there is a knee point of the numbers of emergency signs for the same evacuation environment, and the point isn’t effected by the numbers of evacuates.The results of our study will be helpful to research the layout of the emergency signs in high-density large architectural space. After the emergency event, pedestrians can evacuate effectively with the help of emergency signs.


