Theories on Neo-imperialism and Its Main Features
【作者】 段向帅;
【导师】 车玉玲;
【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 “新帝国主义论”在当今时代的流行并不令我们惊讶,随着冷战的结束和全球格局的变化,特别是美国超级大国地位的确立,“新帝国主义”的论调又开始有所抬头,尤其是到了21世纪,恐怖主义等非传统安全领域的威胁极大膨胀,正好给西方资本主义大国通过军事、经济等手段推行其全球霸权和领导地位以借口,于是它们利用强大的军事优势和经济实力对一些民族国家进行军事打击或者经济掠夺。我们透过这些表面的掩饰,可以看出西方资本主义国家垄断、侵略全球的真实目的,它们在不断地变换手段、改进手法,仍然是资本扩张本性的体现,仍然是在寻求资本获益的市场。本文首先在引言部分提出了“新帝国主义”的问题,讨论了国内外对“新帝国主义”的研究阶段、研究成果和自己对“新帝国主义”问题的关注,因此笔者选题的意义和写作目的就在于,在以前众多学者、专家对该问题分析的基础上提出了自己对于“新帝国主义”的认识和理解。接下来的第一部分对“新帝国主义”的概念进行了界定、对其起源做了简要的分析,然后第二部分提出了“新帝国主义”的三个主要特征:政治军事帝国主义、经济帝国主义和文化价值帝国主义,第三部分则是在回顾古典帝国主义和当代资本主义发展的基础上,对“新帝国主义”在政治军事上的压制、经济上的掠夺和文化价值上的推广等做出进一步的分析,揭示出“新帝国主义”的抬头正是国家垄断向跨国垄断演变中资本扩张本性的产物,为之保驾护航是霸权、战争、超级大国控制下的国际组织以及西方式文化价值观。“新帝国主义”眼前抛掉的是殖民统治和直接占领,中间改进的是剥削的手段,背后不变的是累计资本;而资本与理性、科技的联姻正是“新帝国主义”的内在驱动力。
【Abstract】 At present, we are not surprised that“Neo-imperialism”is so popular around the world. With the end of Cold War and change of global situation,especially establishment of superpower status of USA, discussions about Neo-perialism are rising. Threats in 21st century from the non-trational security aeras such as terrorism surge up. So they provide excuses for western capitalist countries to invade or explore small countries. The real purpose is always Capital accumulation and extension.In the introduction, we raise the issue of Neo-imperislism, discuss latest academic researches from home and abroad, and then, based on these, the author raises views and ideas of his own on Neo-imperialism. Then in Part one we analyze the conception of Neo-imperialism and ite origin. In Part two we explain three main features of Neo-imperialism, next is Part three, in this part, we reveal that“Neo-imperialism”is exploring small countries in politics and military﹑robbing them in economic and spreading western values, then find out that the rise of“Neo-imperialism”results in nature from Capital extension from national monopoly to global monopoly,in the cover of power﹑war﹑hegemony﹑international organization under the control of super power and western cultural values.“Neo-imperialism”gives up colonial rule and direct occupation, improves its ways of exploitation, always roots in Capital accumulation; moreover, the internal drive of“Neo-imperialism”is allies of Capital and science and technology.
【Key words】 Neo-imperialism; Political and military imperialism; Economic imperialism; Cultural imperialism; Capital;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期
- 【分类号】D033.3
- 【被引频次】3
- 【下载频次】356