

On the Bioflocculation-regeneration System and Its Characteristic Parameters

【作者】 刘娟

【导师】 刘绍根;

【作者基本信息】 安徽建筑工业学院 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 基于活性污泥对有机污染物的吸附去除原理,开发出来生物絮凝—再生工艺,在降低基建投资和运行费用的情况下,能显著去除城市污水中的污染物,对于我国经济欠发达地区尽快兴建城市污水处理厂具有重要的应用价值。国内外对生物絮凝—再生处理工艺的系统构成、反应器结构及部分影响因素如回流比、絮凝时间等进行了研究。但对其工艺原理的认识尚不清晰,且缺乏相关方面的研究,因而使研究结果缺少普适性。本论文通过系统的试验,研究了该工艺的主要影响因素,并对相关特性参数进行测定,解析其原理。本工艺采用同步培养驯化法进行污泥的培养,在培养阶段COD、氨氮、磷酸盐的去除率都在增加,污泥浓度在增加。培养一周以后,装置运行稳定,絮凝池的污泥浓度达到1800mg/L,再生池的污泥浓度达到4500mg/L,有机物的去除率较为稳定,污泥的吸附性能和沉降性能逐渐变好。经过对生物絮凝—再生的实验研究,曝气量、回流比、氧化时间、絮凝时间分别为70L/min,50%,2h,30min是本工艺最佳的运行工况。在生物絮凝—再生工艺中,由于污泥产量较高,因此YH是表征本工艺特性的一个重要的参数,不仅影响到污泥产率和需氧量的计算,而且对某些污水组分和动力学参数的计算也有影响显著。而污水组分易生物降解物质(SS)和缓慢生物降解物质(XS)惰性悬浮有机物(XⅠ)惰性溶解性有机物(SⅠ)也是表征本工艺特征的参数。本论文中研究了把每一个参数的测定方法,实验结果表明异养菌产率系数YH为0.71 g [COD]/g [COD]高于经验值。生物絮凝间歇试验中,本文对污泥的吸附性能和再生性能进行了研究,絮凝池的污泥在去除率等方面要小于再生池的污泥。对活性污泥和灭活性污泥进行了比较研究,发现活性污泥的比灭火性污泥的吸附效果要好。

【Abstract】 Based on the mechanism of the process to remove contaminants ,bioflocculation-regeneration was developed, which can easily remove pollutants from urban sewage under the condition of reducing infrastructure investment and operating costs. It has high application value to build urban sewage treatment plants in underdeveloped areas in China. The structure of the bioflocculation-regeneration system , the reactor structure and partial influencing factors including the reflux ratio and the hydraulic retention time are studied in China and abroad. But its process principle is not clearly understood and short of relevant researches, which make the study results lack of adequate generality. This paper studied the main factors of the process and determined the correlative parameters with analysis on their principles by systemic experiments.The cultivation of activated sludge adopted the method of simultaneous cultivation and domestication. The removal rates of COD, PO43--P and NH3-N increased as well as the sludge concentration during the cultivation period. A week later, the equipment worked stably. The sludge concentration of flocculator reached to 1 800 mg/L and 4 500 mg/L in the regenerated reactor accompanied with stable removal rate of organic compounds. Meanwhile, adsorption property and settling performance of sludge gradually improved.Through the research of bioflocculation-regeneration process, the values of aeration flux, recycle ratio, aeration time, flocculating time and SRT were 70L/min, 50%, 2h, 30min, which were the best running conditions.In bioflocculation-regeneration process, due to high sludge yield, the yield coefficient for heterotrophic bacteria is an important parameter. Not only affected the calculation of Sludge yield and oxygen demand, but also affected components of water and the calculation of kinetic parameters. There are many parameters that characterized this process’s characteristics. It contains, readily biodegradable substrate(SS),slowly biodegradable substrate(Xs),Inert suspended organic matter (XI), Inert suspended dissolve substrate(SI).In this paper every parameter were researched. The result indicated the yield coefficient for heterotrophic is 0.71 g [COD]/g [COD]. The result is higher than experience. By Intermittent trials of biological flocculation, sludge adsorption and regeneration were studied tn his paper .The sludge in the flocculation to be less than that in the regeneration in some aspect like the removal properties. Inactivation of activated sludge were compared and found that the adsorption of activated sludge were better.


