

The Effect of Site Types on Platform Value of the Design Response Spectrum

【作者】 李平

【导师】 薄景山;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 防灾减灾工程及防护工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 设计反应谱的确定是抗震设计的基础,也是确定地震荷载的重要方法之一,反应谱平台值是确定设计反应谱形状的重要参数之一,我国现行建筑抗震设计规范(GB50011-2001)在确定设计反应谱的平台值αmax(即地震影响系数最大值)时只考虑了场地基本烈度(或设计基本地震加速度)的影响,而与场地无关,破坏性地震震害以及近年来的研究结果表明,反应谱形状不仅与地震动强度有关,而且和场地密不可分。随着震害经验以及场地强震记录资料的积累,场地对设计反应谱平台值的影响引起了人们的广泛关注和研究兴趣,是当前岩土工程抗震领域研究的热点问题之一。本文在已有研究的基础上就这一问题开展一些研究,进行初步的探索后完成了如下主要工作。1.系统地学习和总结了场地对设计反应谱平台值影响研究现状,较详细地介绍了本文反应谱平台值的确定方法。2.研究了中国大陆境内数百个场地钻孔资料,在此基础上,选取和构造了若干个有代表性的典型场地剖面,按照建筑抗震设计规范规定的方法进行场地分类并作为计算剖面,确定了相应的计算模型和有关参数,用于计算的场地模型既有工程意义也有广泛的代表性。利用目前工程上广泛应用的一维土层地震反应分析技术并结合所选取的土层剖面来研究场地类型对反应谱平台值的影响。3.研究了不同场地在不同强度地震动输入对设计反应谱平台值的影响。通过统计分析法给出了四类场地在不同地震动输入情况下的反应谱平台值的统计平均值,一元线性回归分析方法给出了不同场地反应谱平台值与输入地震动的关系式。4.本文以西昌市防震减灾规划中有代表性的场地为例,通过工程钻探和岩土测试等手段确定场地的计算模型及相关的计算参数,通过概率地震危险性分析确定其输入地震动,计算给出50年超越概率为3%、10%和63%设计反应谱的平台值。与第三章所得出的结果进行对比分析,得出一些对西昌市防震减灾规划有意义的结论。最后,总结了本文的研究工作并对今后的研究问题进行了简要的讨论和展望。

【Abstract】 Determination of the design response spectrum is the basis of seismic design, also is one important method to determine earthquake loading, response spectrum platform value is one of the important parameters to difine the design response spectrum shape.Seismic design of buildings (GB50011-2001) in our country when we determine the value of design spectrum platform (the maximum seismic effect coefficient), the only effects considered is the basic intensity (or the design of the basic seismic acceleration), have nothing to do with the site conditions, destructive earthquakes and recent seismic studies show that the the shape of response spectrum is related not only the intensity of ground motion, but also the closely related site. Following experience with earthquake damage and the accumulation of earthquake records with information on site conditions, the effect of design response spectrum platform value by site has aroused wide attention and research interest, is one of the hot issues of geotechnical earthquake engineering research at present. This paper on the base of some studies carried out some research on this issue, has completed the initial exploration and got the following major tasks.1. The studies of the site effect on the design response spectrum platform value were systematically studied and summarized, the method of determining the response spectrum value platform is expounded in detail.2. Tthe hundreds of site borehole data in the chinese mainland were studed, on this basis, a number of representative and typical site profile were selected orconstructed, and According to the method of the seismic design of buildings site classification is conducted, this profile is as calculated profile,at the same the corresponding computational model and the parameters were determined,the calculated modes are both meaning and representative works. The study of the site on response spectrum platform value use this method which is the current widely used the soil seismic response analysis in engineering and combine with the selected type of soil profile.3. The different sites and ground motion input effects on the design response spectrum platform value were reseached. Statistical analysis platform values were given by four different sites and earthquake input, the relations of different site response spectrum platform and ground motionwere given by linear regression analysis.4. In this paper, as the representative site in Xichang City Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Planning a example, the calculation model and related parameters were determined by engineering drilling and geotechnical test, the input ground motions were determined by probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, the design spectrum platform values of a 50-year probability of exceedance of 3%, 10% and 63% were given. And the results compared with the third chapter, draw some meaningful conclusions about Xichang City Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Planning.Finally, this article summarizes the research work and research issues are briefly discussed and proposed in future.

【关键词】 场地类型反应谱平台值西昌市
【Key words】 site typesresponse spectrumplatform valueXichang City

