

Primary Study on Liquefaction in Bachu-Jiashi Earthquake

【作者】 董林

【导师】 袁晓铭;

【作者基本信息】 中国地震局工程力学研究所 , 岩土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 地震液化是地震作用后所引起的最显著的震害形式之一,对于地震液化现场的调查与勘察试验,是液化判别方法的基本来源。目前我国规范中的液化判别方法,是以30年前我国几次大地震液化调查数据建立起来的经验方法,对于我国不同地区工程地质条件的适用性还需要验证。2003年新疆巴楚地区发生6.8级地震,伴随大面积砂土液化发生,除极震区外,在北东方向距宏观震中40公里的地区及北北西方向距宏观震中50公里的地区均有分布,造成农田毁坏、道路裂缝、建筑物破坏和河流沟渠塌岸等灾害,是唐山、海城地震后近30年我国出现的最具规模的液化现象。本文主要工作和成果包括:(1)阐述了砂土液化问题研究发展过程和进展,介绍了2003年新疆巴楚-伽师6.8级地震基本概况和液化问题概况,阐明了此次地震液化问题的研究意义,提炼出了需要研究的科学问题。(2)对巴楚地区现有调查资料进行收集整理,并通过与唐山、海城地震液化宏观现象和液化震害对比,获取了此次巴楚-伽师地震液化及其震害特征的认识。(3)通过对现有地质资料进行整理,并与唐山、海城地震液化场地工程地质条件进行对比,获取了此次巴楚-伽师地震液化场地工程地质特征和液化发生条件的认识。(4)对巴楚液化区进行了勘察设计,确定了选取液化场地和非液化场地勘察点的基本原则,选取了勘察指标和设备,完成了41个场地的多指标测试,并通过典型剖面结果分析了测试结果的可靠性。(5)利用多指标现场试验数据,结合试验点土层柱状图判定了液化深度,研究了此次地震液化土层特征及与以往地震液化的异同,用本次地震现场标准贯入试验数据对《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011-2001液化判别式进行了检验,对判别成功率问题进行了分析。

【Abstract】 Liquefaction is one of the typical damages caused by earthquakes. Investigation of liquefied sites is the basic source of methods for estimating liquefaction potential. At present, the empirical methods for estimating liquefaction in aseismic design codes adopted in China is based on several major earthquakes occurred 30 years ago in China, thus the feasibility and applicability of the methods need to be verified in different geological conditions.Bachu-Jiashi earthquake (Ms6.8) which occurred in 2003 caused wide soil liquefaction. Except for the meizoseismic zone, areas which were 40km North-East to the epicenter and 50km North North-West to the epicenter have been observed with severe liquefaction phenomena, resulting in damage to farmland, roads and buildings and collapse of river and canal banks. Which is the most severe liquefaction after Tangshan, Haicheng earthquake nearly 30 years.The main contents and achievements of this dissertation include:(1) It describes the research progress and achievements on soil liquefaction, and introduces Bachu–Jiashi earthquake and earthquake-induced liquefaction. Also it explains the research significance on liquefaction and proposes scientific questions.(2) It collects the existing survey data of Bachu–Jiashi earthquake, and compares the liquefaction phenomena with those in Tangshan, Haicheng earthquakes to obtain the knowledge of liquefaction characteristics and hazard in Bachu–Jiashi earthquake.(3) The existing geological data is collected and compared with those in Tangshan, Haicheng earthquakes to obtain the knowledge of geological characteristics of liquefied sites in Bachu–Jiashi earthquake.(4) Investigation of liquefied sites in Bachu area was conducted. The principles to select liquefied sites and non-liquefied sites were determined. Selecting proper indices and equipments, multi-index tests were completed in 41 sites. The reliability of the results is assured by analyzing typical profiles.(5) Using the data of multi-index tests and site histograms, the depths of liquefied soils are determined. The characteristics of soil conditions are analyzed and compared with those in previous earthquakes. Using the standard penetration test data, the formula for estimating sandy soil liquefaction employed in" Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2001" in China is verified. The results of successful judgments are discussed.


