

Innovation on Actors and Scholars Discussed in the Dramatic Theory Period

【作者】 王烜

【导师】 陶慕宁;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 民国时期是中国戏曲发展的又一高潮,特别是诞生于清代中晚期的京剧经过半个多世纪的磨砺,吸纳了各剧种的优长,在贵族精神的洗礼下艺术性日臻完善,率众山而造极峰。新闻媒体的出现为传播京剧的影响,扩大它的受众,起到了重要的作用。例如久负盛名的《大公报》、《申报》、《北洋画报》都设有戏剧专栏,盛行一时的综合类杂志《立言画刊》、《三六九画报》也都以戏曲作为主要内容。当时还有为数众多的戏剧类专门刊物,如李涛痕主编的《春柳》、刘豁公主编的《戏剧月刊》、张古愚主编的《十日戏剧》等。据笔者观察,当日涉及戏曲的文章可分作三类:一是以戏剧为武器,鼓吹改良群治,再造文明,如《新青年》关于旧戏存废的论战;二是以名伶为中心,介绍他们的技艺、生平和花边琐事,这类文章占据了主流。虽也不乏有价值的见解和材料,但总体品格不高,未脱晚清“花谱”习气。三是以艺术为立场,将戏剧纳入学术研究范畴,提升它的文化地位,本文的研究对象即属此类。本文拟从戏剧观、史料钩稽、研究方法、代表人物的学术贡献几方面入手,于《剧学月刊》管窥蠡测,主要采用与同期刊物横向类比的方法,以清季民初的戏剧思潮为参照,尊重当时的历史环境,不虚美,不隐恶,力求挖掘出它的自有价值。笔者以为,《剧学月刊》有如下几点可资重视:第一,提倡为戏剧立学。编辑部一反旧日视戏剧为“郑卫淫邪之声”的偏见,认为“中国有剧艺有剧业而无剧学”,现在到了为它正名定分的时刻。特别是主编徐凌霄首次提出“皮黄文学”的概念,将京剧作为专门研究对象,提升至学理高度,开启了戏曲研究的一个新方向。第二,坚持科学精神和科学方法为圭臬。月刊同仁大部分是受到中西文化浸染的知识分子,在科学成为时代号角的语境下,他们认可西方治学方法对整理旧剧的参考价值,并且付诸实践。第三,坚持艺术的本体地位。他们既睥睨小报的低俗趣味,也反对把戏剧当做政治的附庸,甚至为口号而放弃艺术。坚持以艺术性为归依,尊重戏剧的自身规律,力图保留旧剧菁华,释回增美。第四,进行了伶人治学的有益尝试。伶人与学人历来此疆彼界,《剧学月刊》却为两者的弥合架构了桥梁。戏曲特别是京剧,作为场上之曲,不谙熟舞台者难以驾驭,这就成为学者涉足的壁垒,艺人囿于文化低下,丰富的感性经验又无法升华至学理层面,故而出现方凿圆枘的窘境。月刊在这方面作出了成功的探索,王瑶卿等人在学者的辅助下将自己的艺术经验尝试着进行理论化梳理,尤为需要注意的是程砚秋。他受托赴欧考察戏剧,将游学所得付诸楮墨,发表了一系列论文,其中就包括被林同华称为“中国导演美学的奠基作”的《话剧导演管窥》。第五,留下了一批珍贵的戏曲史料。这主要体现在对于旧剧本整理的工作中,保留旧有精粹而又翻出新意。应当说,《剧学月刊》对后世戏曲研究者和实践者有着重大指导意义和参考价值。《中国京剧史》称它是“我国现代最有影响和水平的戏曲理论刊物之一”,所言不谬。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese Opera came to a climax again during Republican Period. Beijing Opera which build in late Qing Dynasty learned the best from other type of drama through half a century hardening. With the baptism of the spirit of the aristocrat, it became more and more perfect and reached the limit. The appearance of news media play an important role in expand the influence of Beijing Opera. At that time, the celebrated Ta Kung Pao, Declaration and Northern Illustrated all have drama column. Besides, both of Liyan Pictorial and 369 Illustrated also has drama as their main content. There are also plenty of drama publications, for example, Willow Spring edited by Li Taohen, Drama Monthly edited by Liu Huogong, Drama on the 10th edited by Zhang Guyu, etc. From my own observations, those drametic articles divise can be classified into 3 types. Firstly, the one which advocated improving politics and rebuilding civilization armed with drama, such as the controversy about the abandonment of the old type drama on New Youth. Secondly, the one be the mainstream at that time. They focused on the famous actors and introduced those actors’ skills, life and scandal news. Though, more or less, those articles had valuable statements and information, they lacked refined taste. Thirdly, the one aimed at art. They put drama into academic sphere and advanced its cultural position. The researching object of this thesis will be on this third one.In this dissertation, I will do some research on Theatre Monthly by studying the philosophy of drama, historical materials, studying method and the contributions of the principal leaders. To research the journal Theatre Monthly, this thesis will compare with the publications in the same period and refer to the trends of dramatic thought in the early Republic of China. Respecting the historical environment, I will do my best to explaine the value of Theatre Monthly without any boasting or exaggeration.In my opinion, the following points in Theatre Monthly should be emphasized. Firstly, it advocated taking drama as a subject of academic study. Purging the prejudice, the editorial office did not treat drama as decadent music, but proclaimed that people should give drama a proper position to founded Chinese theatre studies. Especially, the editor of Theatre Monthly Xuling Xiao first mentioned the concept of Pi Huang Literature and researched Beijing opera as specialized researching object. Therefore, the position of Beijing opera was elevated to academic level, and a new research area of drama was developed. Secondly, this journal insisted on the scientific spirit and method. Most staff there was intellect affected by the cultivation of Chinese and West. As science became the mainstream of that era, those people use the west research method to order the old drama. Thirdly, the journal upheld the main position of art. It not only opposed vulgarity, but also refused to regarded drama as subservient to politics or even abandoned art for slogans. Upholding the important position of art, it respected the inherent laws of drama and did its utmost to preserve the essence of the old drama. Fourthly, this journal proceeded good attempt to make actors do scholarly research. In long time, the actors and scholars have been quite distinct from each other, but Theatre Monthly built a bridge between them. On one hand, drama, especially Beijing opera, as a kind of stage arts, is unmanageable without knowing stage appearance well. This circumstance hindered the scholars in getting into drama research. On the other hand, the actors with less schooling could not sublimate their experience into academic theory. Therefore, the incompatible situation appeared. Under this background, the journal made a successful exploration. Wang Yaoqing and some others ordered their own experience according the dramatic theory with some scholar’s assistance. Here, we should pay attention to Cheng Yanqiu who was assigned to go to Europe to investigate drama. He wrote and published a series of papers including the Glimpse of Modern Drama Direct named the foundation stone of director aesthetics of China. Fifthly, the journal left a lot of dramatic information. Through ordering the scenarios, it preserved the old essence and found some fresh idea as well.We should say that, as a tutor and consultant, the Theatre Monthly is extremely significant and valuable to the dramatic researcher and practitioner. It is fair to say that the journal is one of the most influential high level dramatic theory periodicals.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

