

Design and Research of Powertrain of Plug-in PHEB

【作者】 周炳峰

【导师】 吴森;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在国家提倡节能环保,发展新能源汽车的大背景下,以节能和环保为特点的替代传统汽车的燃料电池电动汽车、纯电动汽车、等新型车辆成为汽车研发的热点与方向,其中尤其以混合动力汽车的研究和产业化发展速度最快。本文通过介绍和比较几种形式的混合动力汽车,肯定了并联式混合动力汽车的突出优势。在并联混合动力汽车中,动力耦合方式是其中的难点部分,耦合方式的选择和控制策略的制定影响整车的动力性和经济性。现有的并联混合动力汽车有两种耦合方式:一种以日本丰田公司的Pruis并联混合动力汽车为典型代表,它采用行星齿轮机构,其主要优点是空间尺寸紧凑;另外一种方式是将发动机、离合器、电机、动力耦合装置和变速器分开,发动机和电机通过耦合装置进行力矩合成。其主要缺点是传动机构零件多,传动系布置困难。本文在比较以上两种方式的基础上,设计了一种新的耦合装置,将发动机和电机通过离合器结合在一起,电机和变速箱做成一体。这样减少了传统并联耦合方式中电机和变速箱之间的离合器,使其结构更加简化,并且其能够实现自动换挡。介绍了该装置的换挡原理,通过电机的主动同步来完成传统汽车上通过同步环所完成的同步过程;离合器控制方法,阐述了在本方案中离合器的使用和传统汽车中离合器使用的不同点,并通过压力和速度控制两种方式实现发动机和电机的平稳接合。整个装置主要通过气动方式进行控制,通过实验和实车测试验证,整个装置具有实用价值。本论文采用插电式并联混合动力方案,这就要求增加纯电动驱动模式下行驶距离。在本文中提出了一种以转速控制策略为基本规则的控制策略,在低速状态下主要以纯电动模式进行工作。在汽车的时速达到规定值时,进入发动机驱动的工作模式,发动机驱动工作模式以发动机稳态特性为基础,在发动机工作模式下,通过控制电机的工作模式来保证发动机经济性与排放性,合理地对发动机和电机的输出动力进行实时分配。最后利用ADVISOR软件在matlab/simulink环境下对本方案的动力系统进行动力性能仿真,以来验证所设计的动力系统和控制策略的设计是否正确。并利用UG三维绘图软件对此动力耦合系统进行三维建模,并利用ADAMS对该动力耦合装置的换挡过程进行仿真,为变速箱进行优化设计提供依据。在AVL试验台上对离合器控制装置进行验证,为将来离合器控制装置的设计和优化提供帮助。

【Abstract】 Under the tendency of the energy saving, environmental protection and new energy vehicle, the fuel cell vehicle, pure electric vehicle and so on become the hot spot, especially the research and development of hybrid electric vehicle to be the fastest area.The thesis introduced and compared several kinds of hybrid electric vehicles, extruding the advantage of parallel hybrid electric vehicle. In the parallel hybrid electric vehicle, power coupling is the difficult point. The choice of coupling and the control strategy affect the power and economy. Now there are two kinds of power couplings:one is the Pruis of Toyota Company, which adopts the planetary gears and whose advantage is its compact size. The other one is that puts the engine, the clutch, the motor, the power coupling device and the gearbox apart. The torque is combined together by the engine and motor through the power coupling device. Its disadvantage results from the complex transmission parts and its arrangement.The thesis designs a new coupling device based on the comparison of the two structures above, which combines the engine and motor through the clutch and makes the motor and gearbox as a whole. In this way, the system makes a simpler structure without the traditional clutch and can shift automatically.This thesis introduces the shifting theory of the device that using the motor to complete the synchronization instead of the traditional synchronizing ring and the control strategy of the clutch, elaborate the difference between the clutch in this system and the traditional ones that achieve the unite of the engine and motor through pressure and speed control. The whole device is controlled by gas and it is tested through experiment and on-board test.The thesis adopts the Plug-in parallel hybrid electric project which means that it should increase the distance under the pure electric mode. The article puts forward a control strategy based on the speed control that in the low speed circumstance, the system works under the pure electric mode. And when the speed reach the required value, the engine become the power source and the engine works based on the steady characteristic curves. Under this mode, by controlling the motor performance the system give a balance of the economy and emission and distribute the power proportion of engine and motor logically and simultaneously.At last, the design is simulated in the ADVISOR to testify the validity of the power system and control strategy. And the 3-D model of the system is modeled in UG and the shifting procedure is simulated in the ADAMS to provide proof to the optimum design. It is also tested on the AVL test board and provides assistance for further design and optimization of clutch.


