

Research of SPWM Variable Frequency Power Based on DSP

【作者】 朱子庚

【导师】 龚跃玲;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 变频电源是一种将工频电通过一种功率转换装置(AC-DC-AC)按照实际需要转换成在一定范围内频率和电压可调的正弦交流电的电力电子装置。变频电源的难点是逆变控制系统,随着数字信号处理器的发展和运算速度的提高,控制系统中的一些难题逐步得到了解决。由数字信号处理芯片组成的逆变控制系统,无论是在集成度、抗干扰性、灵活性,还是在在线控制、精确度等方面都达到了前所未有的发展。本课题基于TI公司的2000系列数字信号处理器,首先,深入研究逆变电源中的滤波电路、整流电路、功率因数校正电路、逆变电路。滤波设计采用有源滤波技术(APF),它主要是采用指令电流运算和电流跟踪控制环节在DSP调节下实现控制,采用注入的谐波电流和无功补偿用来抵消由非线性负载引起的谐波电流污染和无功损耗,注入的补偿电流的分量大小、方向与谐波电流的大小相等、方向相反,达到补偿,实现滤波效果。功率因数校正采用有源功率因数校正技术(APFC),用DSP控制实现电流跟踪电压波形,达到功率因数的校正效果。脉冲宽度调制技术是逆变控制系统设计的难点,本课题深入研究了几种SPWM的数字化生成方法(包括切线逼近采样法和割线逼近采样法)。并针对每种方法进行了比较得出最优化的方法。由于逆变设计中加了死区,课题还对调制中的死区效应进行分析,并进一步研究了死区补偿的几种常见方法。然后,根据要求提出了硬件设计方案:主要包括以DSP为控制核心的采样保护电路、有源滤波电路、逆变开关保护和缓冲电路、基于液晶和矩阵键盘的人机交换平台等。软件部分主要给出了逆变系统的总体设计,包括A/D采样子程序、液晶显示、SPWM生成算法等。最终,课题根据以上提出的设计方案,在Matlab和Simulink中对整个控制系统进行建模,得出仿真波形,并对仿真图进行分析,验证方案的可行性。为后续逆变电源的研究和设计建立一个坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Variable frequency power supply is a electronic devices that can bring AC power to another to some extent frequency and voltage adjustable sinusoidal AC power according with actual needs through a power converter (AC-DC-AC).This approach is what we used to say the indirect conversion. In the design, the inverter control system is the core and difficult of variable frequency power supply. With the development and improvement of operation speed of the digital signal processor, the some problems of the control system are gradually solved. Formed by the digital signal processing chip inverter control system, whether in the integration, immunity, flexibility, or in-line control, precision and other aspects reach the development unprecedented.The subject based on TI’s 2000 series digital signal processors, in-depth study of filter circuit, rectifier, power factor correction circuit and inverter circuit. In the filter design, where adopt active power filtering technology (APF), which mainly uses command current operation and current tracking control link to achieve control in the DSP adjust. In the power factor correction, uses active power factor correction technique (APFC), DSP-based control for current tracking voltage waveform. Pulse width modulation is difficulties and focus in the inverter control system. This task in-depth study of several digital SPWM generation methods (including the tangent approximation sampling method and the secant approximation sampling method). And for each method were compared, finding the most optimal way. As the inverter design added a dead zone, subject also explained the dead zone effect in the modulation of is and further study several common methods of compensation of the dead zone.Then, proposed the hardware design according to the request. Mainly including sampling protection circuit, active filter circuit, inverter switching protection and buffer circuit, the Human-computer exchange platform based on LCD and matrix keyboard. Some of the main inverter is given software system design, including the A/D sampling subroutine, LCD, SPWM generation algorithm and so on.Finally, the subject based on the proposed design scheme above, in the Matlab and Simulink, we model the whole control system, gives the simulation waveforms, analyzed the simulation graph, verify the feasibility. Build a solid foundation for the follow-up research and design of the inverter.


