

Research on Mechanism of Wireline Tractor

【作者】 许德宇

【导师】 刘明尧;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 石油是工业和经济发展的重要基础能源,随着石油开采技术的发展,水平井已成为高效开采油气的重要技术支撑。然而,在石油开采中,对水平油井的检测却十分困难。在垂直井和小斜度井,井下工具可依靠重力由缆绳下放到工作位置,在这种情况下,向下的推进力等于重力减去井下流体对其浮力。然而在大斜度井和水平井情况要复杂得多,在水平井必须依靠外加向前的推力才能前进,提供推力的机械,被称为水平井牵引机器人,传统的牵引机器人大致可以分为轮式和蠕动式两类。本文针对内径为114.3mm至193.68mm的井眼研究并提出了一种轮式水平井牵引机器人,它的机体为细长管状,依靠驱动轮前进,可在套管和裸井中使用。牵引机器人的越障机构包括行走驱动单元和柔性支撑单元等组成部分,确保机器人能够越过井管中遇到的障碍物,适应井径的变化,将井下工具及测井仪器运送到水平井指定位置。本文的具体研究内容及主要工作可以概括为以下几个方面:首先,通过大量查阅和整理水平井牵引机器人相关文献和资料,深入细致地分析各种水平井牵引机器人及管道机器人在管道内的运动原理和特点,分析水平井环境对机器人运动方式的特殊要求,通过对各种类型的运动方式对比分析,确定适应井下环境的最优运动方式,并以此为基础,提出了一种水平井牵引机器人机械系统。然后,针对所提出的牵引机器人机械系统的运动力学的有关问题进行了详细的分析研究,包括机器人的管内空间运动方程、管内运动阻力、径向调节运动、越障能力。最后,在Pro/E环境下建立水平井牵引机器人三维模型。通过ADAMS虚拟样机软件对越障机构进行运动学及动力学仿真试验,验证了其越障能力。虽然本文基本实现了研究目标,但整个水平井牵引机器人系统距离实用化还有很长的路要走。在本文的最后总结了整个论文的工作和研究成果,并提出了对未来研究工作的展望。

【Abstract】 Oil is a fundamental energy that sustains the development of industry and economy. With the develop of oil exploitation technology, the horizontal oil wells develop gradually as an important way to raise oil production. However, thelogging of horizontal oil well is very difficult. In vertical wells, and in those wells having only a few degrees of deviation, the axial thrust necessary to convey logging tools, is supplied by gravity. In these situations, the downward thrust applied to the string is equal to the weight of the string, minus any buoyancy force due to fluid downhole. The situation is more complex in highly deviated and horizontal wells.In horizontal wells the string will not move forward further without the input of additional forward axial thrust.This propulsion machines, often referred to as " Wireline Tractor". Most conventional tractors can be loosely grouped into two groups, namely, wheeled-powered and crawlers, this paper puts forward a type of Wheeled Wireline Tractor, which consist of a tubular housing and powered wheels that project from the housing and are designed to engage the inner walls of the casing or open hole, which operating diameter is 114.3mm-193.68mm. The over-obstacle mechanism for Wheeled Wireline Tractor include driving unit and flexible supporting unit. The robot has the adaptability to the change of well diameters, it can cross obstacles and convey the logging tools to the destination.The main content and contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows:On the basis of collecting and mastering a large amount of documents and references on Wireline Tractor,the differences and characters of existing Wireline Tractor and in-pipe robot locomotion modes are analyzed in detail.Considering the demands of horizontal oil wells environment and the exact locomotion mode,which is more suitable for horizontal oil wells environment is selected through comprehensive comparison,and proposed the related new locomotion mechanism of Wireline Tractor.On the basis of the selected locomotion mode and the proposed locomotion mechanism,some topics of in-pipe kinetic character of Wireline Tractor are analyzed and discussed deeply,including its in-pipe moving resistant, spatial motion equation, radial adjusting,capability over obstacle.The 3-D simulation model of the Wireline Tractor is designed by Pro/E, This paper uses ADAMS simulation technology deal with the problem of dynamics and kinematics analysis and proved its feasibility of over-obstacle.Although the major research project has been completed in this thesis,there still exists much research works to be done to make the system suitable for practical application. At the end of this thesis,the author makes a summary of the main research works and contributions,and give some suggests for further research.


