

Research on the Dynamics Theory Model of Magnetic Floating Raft Active Isolation System

【作者】 黄海

【导师】 胡业发;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 振动控制技术是振动工程领域的一个重要分支,其主要任务就是通过一些手段使受控对象的振动水平满足人们预定的要求。舰船的减振降噪问题很久以前就引起了人们的重视,其中振动隔离技术是舰船减振降噪问题中研究最多的一项振动控制技术。隔振又可分为被动隔振和主动隔振。被动隔振是在振源与隔振对象之间加入弹性和阻尼元件,以耗散振动能量而达到隔振的目的。由于它不需外界能源,结构简单,易于实现,经济性与可靠性高,已广泛地应用在多种工程领域中。但被动隔振存在低频隔振效果不理想等固有缺点,随着科学技术的发展,被动隔振在很多方面已经很难满足人们的要求。为了达到更好的隔振效果,人们对主动隔振技术开展了深入的研究。磁悬浮隔振技术是最近几年发展起来的一种振动主动控制技术,磁悬浮隔振系统的刚度与阻尼取决于系统的结构参数、平衡位置和控制系统,而且还可以根据需要在稳定范围内实时改变。磁悬浮隔振系统的主要元件就是磁悬浮主动隔振器,其核心技术是磁悬浮支承技术。磁悬浮支承技术是一种典型的高性能机电一体化技术,具有无接触、无摩擦、精度高、功耗低、噪声小、洁净高等优点。磁悬浮隔振器的刚度和阻尼可以根据控制参数的变化而实时改变,这为改善浮筏系统的隔振性能提供了很好的技术基础。因此,磁悬浮主动隔振技术将是振动主动控制的一个重要发展方向。本文将磁悬浮支承技术应用于浮筏隔振系统,设计了一种磁悬浮主动隔振器,将磁悬浮主动隔振器和传统被动隔振器相结合,组成一个半主动式磁悬浮浮筏隔振系统。系统利用磁悬浮主动隔振器刚度和阻尼可控可调的特点,对宽频域的振动能起到很好的抑制作用。文中从振动控制与隔振理论分析入手,在研究浮筏隔振系统动力学模型和磁悬浮主动隔振器力学模型的基础上,采用动态子结构综合法建立了磁悬浮浮筏主动隔振系统的动力学模型。为研究磁悬浮浮筏隔振系统的隔振性能奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Vibration control technology is an important branch of vibration engineering field, its main task is making the vibration level of controlled objects to meet people’s scheduled standard by some means. Noise and vibration reduction problem of ships caused people’s attention long ago. And people have done much research on vibration isolation technology. Vibration isolation can be divided into passive vibration isolation and active vibration isolation. Passive vibration isolation which is adding elastic and damping elements between the source and isolation target, and the elastic and damping elements dissipate vibration energy to achieve the purpose of vibration isolation. Because it does not need external energy, has simple structure, easy to realize, economy and has high reliability, passive vibration isolation has been widely used in various fields in engineering. But passive vibration isolation has inherent defect such as in low frequency vibration isolation effect is undesirability. With the development of science and technology, passive vibration isolation has been difficult to meet people’s requirement in many aspects. In order to achieve better vibration isolation effect, people begin to do deep research on active vibration isolation technology.Maglev vibration isolation technology is an active vibration control technology which is developed in recent years, the stiffness and damping of maglev vibration isolation system depends on the structure parameters and equilibrium position of the system and control system, and they also can change in stable range in real-time according to need. The maglev vibration isolator is the main components of maglev vibration isolation system, and its core technology is maglev supporting technology. Maglev supporting technology is a typical kind of high-performance mechatronics technology, and it has no contact, no friction, high precision, low power consumption, and low noise, high clean and so on. The stiffness and damping of maglev vibration isolator can change in real-time according to control parameters; this provides a good technology foundation for improving the vibration isolation performance of raft vibration isolation system. Therefore the maglev active vibration isolation technology will be an important developing direction of active vibration control field.This paper applies maglev supporting technology to the vibration isolation field, designs an active vibration isolation component which is the maglev vibration isolator, and combines the maglev active vibration isolation component and the traditional passive vibration isolation components together to make an active vibration isolation system which is maglev floating raft vibration isolation system. The system uses the controllable and adjustable characteristics of stiffness and damping of maglev active vibration isolator to restrain the vibration in a wide frequency region. This paper does research begin with analyzing the theory of vibration control and vibration isolation, and then analysis the dynamics model of the floating raft vibration isolation system and maglev active vibration isolator, on the basis of this, the dynamics model of maglev floating raft vibration isolation system is deduced by dynamic substructure method. This laid a foundation for studying vibration isolation performance of maglev floating raft vibration isolation system.


