

Design of Mechanical Configuration and Dynamics Analysis during Abstacle-navigation of a Deicing Robot for Power Transmission Lines

【作者】 侯文琦

【导师】 刘建平;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 对输电线路实施除冰是防止冰灾的有效途径。除冰机器人造价低,工作效率高,安全可靠,能够实现在线除冰作业,不影响电力的输送,是一项很有发展前景的课题。目前机器人在高压输电线路上的应用主要是线路巡检。而对线路除冰的应用还鲜有研究。本文对除冰机器人本体设计、越障规划、动力学分析等内容进行了深入的研究。主要研究内容如下:首先,在分析了输电线路结构和除冰作业要求的基础上,指出现有巡线机器人结构运用到除冰作业中的缺陷,设计了一种除冰机器人本体机构,并对其越障的动作进行了规划。通过运动学仿真,验证了动作规划的合理性。接下来,用Lagrange法建立了机器人的多刚体系统动力学模型,推导了机器人逆动力学方程的求解算法,并结合机器人的虚拟样机,不考虑导线的柔性,对除冰机器人单臂越障的过程进行了仿真,根据结果,为除冰机器人最薄弱的关节选择了合适的减速器和电机,验证了除冰机器人本体结构设计的可行性。最后,研究了柔性导线的悬挂形状,并用Lagrange方程建立了机器人的刚柔耦合动力学模型,在ADAMS中用除冰机器人的虚拟样机模型和导线的柔性模型进行了仿真,得到机器人运动与导线变形间耦合特性。验证了即使在考虑导线柔性的情况下,所选的减速器和电机仍能满足要求,从而证明了除冰机器人本体设计的合理性。

【Abstract】 Cleaning the ice on transmission lines is a effective way to resist disaster of ice. With low cost, high efficiency, safety and reliability qualities, deicing robot can cleaning transmission lines without switch off the transmission of electric power. So far, the application of robot on transmission lines is mainly about line inspection. Few people are studying the deicing application on transmission lines. This paper studied the archtecture design, obstacle-navigation planning and dynamic analysis of a deicing robot. The main contents are as follows:Firstly, the structure of transmission lines and the requirement of deicing assignment is analysed. Then we point out the shortcomings of inspection robots as applied in lines deicing task. Based on these analysis, a kind of archtecture of a deicing robot is designed, and the action of obstacle-navigation is planed. Via kinematics simulation the rationality of the action plan is verified.Secondly, the multi-rigid-body dynamics model of deicing robot is established through Lagrange method. Then the proper gearheads and motor of the weakeast joint of deicing robot are selected according to the result of dynamics simulation without considering the flexibility of transmission lines.Finally, the shape of hanging flexible lines is studied. Then the dynamics model of rigidity and flexibility coupled system is established. Via dynamics simulation with considering the flexibility of transmission lines, the feasibility of selected gearheads and motor is verified.Then the conclusion is: the desiged architecture of a deicing robot is rational and feasible.


