

The Civil Law Protection of the Property Right for the Original Owner in Eminent Domain

【作者】 高长

【导师】 谭启平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市房屋拆迁,是指因国家建设、城市改造、整顿市容和环境保护等需要,由建设单位对现存建设用地上的房屋进行拆除,并对房屋所有者或使用者进行补偿或视情况进行安置的活动。随着城市的不断发展,城市房屋拆迁方兴未艾,由此引发的矛盾和冲突不可避免。房屋拆迁涉及宪法、行政法、民法、诉讼法等多个法律领域,而民法是以民事主体的权利保护为宗旨和中心的,作为被拆迁人,要在众多的法律部门中寻求比较完善的救济,则非民法莫属。在城市拆迁这一行政干预较强的活动中,要从民法中找到能与之抗衡的民事保护方法,就需要把这一行为分解出来,再寻求有效的保护方法。全文除引言外,在结构上共分为五个部分:第一部分,城市房屋拆迁典型案件及争议。该部分简要回顾了山东省菏泽市牡丹区香格里拉广场建设项目拆迁事件并对案件中涉及的问题进行分析,该事件中拆迁人与被拆迁人就拆迁补偿的分歧主要集中在拆迁目的即是否为公共利益、拆迁补偿标准和拆迁补偿程序等方面。第二部分,案件引出的问题。改部分分析了香格里拉广场建设项目拆迁事件存在的问题,何为公共利益难以界定,土地使用权是否需要补偿存在争议,补偿范围较窄,无形损失补偿缺失或不足,评估机构缺乏独立性而且其活动易受干扰。第三部分,我国城市房屋拆迁的现状和性质。随着城镇建设步伐加快,我国城市房屋拆迁规模很大,但由于指导拆迁的相关法律法规滞后或存在众多弊端,拆迁工作具有复杂性。拆迁性质因拆迁目的的不同存在差异,对公益拆迁与商业拆迁应该做不同定性。第四部分,我国城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人的财产权类型。城市房屋拆迁涉及多种财产权,基于房屋的财产权包括房屋所有权和担保物权,基于土地的财产权包括土地使用权和抵押权,而其他财产权主要包括生活设施和债权。第五部分,城市房屋拆迁中被拆迁人财产权的民法保护。本文建议出台统一的有关拆迁的法律或先进行授权立法,合理界定公共利益,严格区分公益拆迁和商业拆迁,确立所有权的平等和全面保护原则,实施论证、行政听证等程序确保拆迁科学有序进行。

【Abstract】 Eminent Domain or expropriation refers to the fact that the government compensates the original owner or user or provides a room for them for the purpose of national construction, urban renewal, environmental protection, etc. With the acceleration of urban construction and citification of country, it is inevitable that there exist contradictions and conflicts in booming expropriations. Eminent Domain or expropriation is closely related to several legal fields, such as constitution, administrative law, civil law, procedural law, etc. However, civil law takes right protection of the civil subject as its aim and the centre. So it’s better for the house owner to select civil law to protect their rights. Besides the lead-in, this article has the following five parts:Part one introduces the expropriation affair happened in Heze, Shandong in which the expropriators and the expropriated can’t reach an agreement on core matters concerning the purpose of expropriation, compensation criteria and procedures.Part two analyzes the problems reflected in the case. The following conclusions can be drawn from the case above that it’s hard to define the public welfare; there is no compensation for the land-use right; the compensation is inadequate; evaluation agencies are short of independence and their activities are liable to be interfered.Part three discusses the current situation and nature of the eminent expropriation. It’s popular and complex in china and there are many aspects needing to be improved regarding the laws and regulations of expropriation.Part four analyses the categories of the property rights of the expropriated in the process of city expropriation. The property rights based on the house include the house ownership, and the rights based on the land include the land-use right and mortgage right. Other property rights include the ownership of the life necessities and credit.Part five puts forwards some ways to protect the property rights of the expropriated from the perspective of civil law. An eminent domain law should be established or the state council is entitled the right to pass regulations. The public welfare should be defined reasonably. The principle of equal and adequate protection should be established. Argumentation and hearing should be put into practice to ensure the scientific and orderly expropriation.

  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【下载频次】440

