

Auto Parts Cold Rolling Precision Forming Strategic Alliance Combination of Industry Academic Studies and Scientific Research

【作者】 杨莹

【导师】 胡斌祥;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 汽车运用工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车工业是国家的支柱产业,是国家的根本利益所在,发展汽车制造业是汽车工业的需要,而汽车零部件工业是发展汽车工业的基础,汽车关键零部件加工制造迫切需要先进的冷辗精密成形技术的支撑。在我国汽车零部件冷辗精密成形技术的发展与欧、美、日等国相比差距很大,是因为科技力量主要集中在大学和科研机构,企业的科研人员少,创新能力严重不足。借鉴世界产业技术创新的成功经验,汽车零部件冷辗精密成形企业、科研机构、大学结成产学研战略联盟,以加强汽车零部件冷辗精密成形企业自主研发和自主创新的能力,提高国际竞争力。近20年来,跨国公司之间的战略联盟形成与发展非常迅速,越来越多的中小型公司也参与战略联盟。战略联盟在西方企业界,被称为20世纪80年代最重要发展非常快的一种新生的组织形式,是合作与竞争并存的竞争形态,是当今企业选择的新的发展模式。是经济全球化不断加快、技术革命日新月异,市场需求个性化愈演愈烈,从而导致区域经济集团化,国际分工深化和科学技术迅猛发展的产物,在世界经济发展中发挥越来越重要的作用。成为企业界、学术界关注的焦点。本文运用文献阅读法,获得研究所需的主要素材。分析了国内外汽车零部件冷辗精密成形企业的现状及发展趋势。接着用企业竞争优势与价值链的理论、资源依赖理论、交易成本理论、组织学习理论来阐述汽车零部件冷辗精密成形联盟产生的背景及价值。并运用经济学和管理学的一些原理对战略联盟产生做出解释,从而给出战略联盟的总体轮廓。用归纳推理法对我国汽车零部件冷辗精密成形产学研战略联盟的理论、组织模式、运行机制及运行机制的动态演化进行了尝试性的研究。为适应世界经济一体化要求,加强汽车零部件冷辗精密成形企业的自主创新能力建设,强化企业在技术创新中的主体地位,指出了建立以企业为主体、市场为向导、产学研相结合的技术创新体系。要提高我国汽车零部件冷辗精密成形企业的核心竞争力和产业竞争力,缩小与发达国家在汽车零部件冷辗精密成形技术方面的差距,是结成产学研战略联盟的必然选择。是建设有中国特色国家创新体系的重要举措。提出了我国汽车零部件冷辗精密成形产学研战略联盟存在的问题及改进的建议。我国汽车零部件冷辗精密成形产学研战略联盟日益成为各创新主体的内在需求。战略联盟是连接和强化科技、教育与经济系统交叉关系的重要载体。是科技资源的优化配置,符合国家战略目标。政府要在政策环境上、资源配置上给予倾斜,金融机构要创新业务模式,要给予稳定的金融支持。

【Abstract】 The development of China’s auto parts in the cold rolling precision forming technology’s field lags far behind other countries, such as Europe, the United States, Japan, because scientific and technological strength are mainly concentrated in the universities and research institutions, enterprises have fewer researchers, innovation seriously inadequate. Draw on the successful experience of industrial technological innovation, cold rolling precision forming auto parts enterprises, research institutes, universities, Research Strategy Alliance formed to enhance the auto parts cold rolled precision forming technology’s development and applications.In the past 20 years, the formation and development of strategic alliances between multinational companies are very rapidly, more and more small and medium sized companies involved in strategic alliances. In the 20th century’ 80, strategic alliance in the Western business community known as the most important and rapid development of new forms’ organization, cooperation and competition coexist, is a new business development model. Accelerating economic globalization, rapid technological revolution, intensified market demand for personalized, leading to regional economic integration, deepening the international division of labor and the rapid development of science and technology, the product of economic development in the world play an increasingly important role. Became a focus of business and academic field.Through research, collect data, access anthology, after induction and deduction, this paper analyzes the domestic and foreign auto parts enterprises cold rolling precision forming situation and development trend, then the concept of strategic alliance, type, theory, history and present situation, the basic features. Strategic alliance accelerates development in the enterprise, while there are risks and instability. This paper try to analyze the Chinese auto parts and cold rolling pattern precision forming Research Strategy Alliance, the dynamic evolution mechanism and mechanisms, to meet the world’s economic integration requirements, strengthening the auto parts and precision forming of cold rolling capacity of independent innovation of enterprises Set, and strengthen technological innovation in the subject, noting that the enterprise as the main body, market as guide industries and academe after match the technological innovation system. To enhance major competitiveness and industrial competitiveness of our auto parts cold rolling precision forming enterprises, narrow the gap with developed countries, to form the combination of industry academic studies and scientific research Strategy Alliance of auto parts cold rolling precision forming is necessity selection. With great significance in construct a national innovation system with Chinese characteristics. Bring out problems and solutions of Chinese auto parts cold rolling precision forming molding Strategy Alliance.


