

Experimental Study on Modified Montmorillonite Composite Flocculant for Treating Paper-making Wastewater

【作者】 程杰

【导师】 曾德芳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 造纸是能耗高、环境污染严重的行业之一,其污染特性是废水排放量大,其中COD、悬浮物(SS)含量高,成分复杂,可生化性差、色度严深,成为难处理工业废水之一。虽然至今在造纸废水处理技术方面的研究历时已久,也取得了一定的成效,但国内外却一直都没有找到一种较为高效低耗的处理方法。因此,对造纸废水处理技术的研究一直是当今环保领域研究的重点和难点。本文对铝交联蒙脱石、CF-PAC(复铁聚合氯化铝)和PAM(聚丙烯酰胺)复合絮凝剂用于造纸废水处理进行了深入细致的研究。无机絮凝剂CF-PAC、铝交联蒙脱石主要起吸附作用,PAM等有机高分子絮凝剂主要起架桥作用,将细小的絮粒凝结在一起形成更大更致密的絮体,并使聚合度和凝聚力大大增强,从而使其沉降速度和吸附效率大大提高,起到优于单一絮凝剂的絮凝效果。研究过程主要分为以下两个部分。第一部分研究了改性蒙脱石的制备工艺。研究探讨了铝交联剂制备方法、蒙脱石悬浊液浓度、铝交联剂的用量(投料比)、交联反应温度、交联反应时间等各因素对絮凝剂性能的的影响规律,确定了铝交联改性剂的最佳制备工艺件,本实验制备改性蒙脱石的最佳工艺条件为:反应温度为30℃,OH-:Al3+摩尔数比为2.4:1,蒙脱石悬浊液浓度为3%,交联剂和蒙脱石的比例为4.0 mmol:1g。第二部分是铝交联蒙脱石、CF-PAC和PAM复合絮凝剂用于造纸废水的应用研究。确定了铝交联蒙脱石、CF-PAC和PAM复合处理造纸废水的最佳配方和投加顺序等,考察了pH值、反应温度、搅拌速率、搅拌时间、沉降时间对絮凝效果的影响规律,得到复合絮凝剂处理造纸废水的最佳配方和工艺。每升废水投加3%改性蒙脱石乳液7mL,5%CF-PAC 5mL,0.1%PAM 4 mL,搅拌速率120 r/min,,搅拌时间10min,沉淀10min,CODcr去除率为45%,成本为0.48。通过本复合配方与原厂的复合配方相比较:CODcr去除率提高了12.8%,药剂成本下降9.1%,经济效益十分明显。

【Abstract】 Paper industry is one of the industries with serious pollution and high egergy consumption. The pollution characteristic of papermaking wastewater is large amount of sewage discharge, including high concentration of COD and suspended solids (SS). Papermaking wastewater is one of the difficultly treated wastewater because of its high concentration of pollutants, complex composition and bad biodegradation. Scientists have studied the technology of papermaking wastewater treatment for a long time and obtained some achievement to certain degree, but a kind of high effect and low cost approach has not been found at home and abroad. Therefore, the research of papermaking wastewater treatment is an important and difficult point in the field of environmental protection.The preparation of modified montmorillonite was studied in the first part of this paper. The effects of the preparation of aluminum cross-linking agent, the concentration of montmorillonite suspension, the dosage of aluminum crosslinking agent (feed ratio), the temperature and time of cross linking reaction and other factors on the properties of flocculants.The optimum conditions of the preparation of modified montmorillonite in the laboratory were:(1) temperature:30℃. (2) Molar ratio of OH-:Al3+=2.4:1. (3) Concentration of montmorillonite suspension:3%. (4) Ratio of cross linker and montmorillonite:4.0 mmol:1 g.The application of the aluminum cross-linked montmorillonite, CF-PAC and PAM combined flocculant for papermaking wastewater was studied in the second part. The optimum formular and dosing order of the aluminum cross-linked montmorillonite, CF-PAC and PAM combined flocculant for papermaking wastewater treatments were determined. The effects of the pH value, temperature, stirring speed, stirring time and settling time on the flocculation properties were investigated, and then the optimum formulation and process parameters of the composite flocculant for papermaking wastewater treatment were determined. Results showed that, when 7 mL 3% modified montmorillonite lotion, 5 mL 5% CF-PAC and 4 mL 0.1% PAM were added in 1 litre wastewater, stirred at the speed of 120 r/min for 10 mins, and then settled for 10 mins, the CODcr removal rate was 45% and the cost was 0.48 yuan/t. Compared with the traditional complex formulation, the CODCr removal rate of the novel composite flocculant described in this paper was increased by 12.8%, while its cost was decreased by 9.1%. Therefore, the novel composite flocculant showed obviously economical benefits.


