

The Research and Application on Area Rainfall Meteorological Based on GIS

【作者】 陈晴

【导师】 谈冉;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 面雨量是指某区域范围内单位面积的平均降雨量,能够比较客观地反映该区域内的降雨情况。它是描述某一区域水资源量的一个重要参数,是洪水预报中重要的指标之一,也是水分循环研究中一个重要的基础数据。开展面雨量研究和应用能更好地为各级政府和有关部门组织防灾抗灾、水库调度等决策提供重要的依据,对增强气象服务的针对性和实用性是一项很有意义的工作。地理信息系统(GIS)是一种采集、存储、管理、查询检索、分析处理和应用地理信息的计算机系统,其强大的分析、处理和挖掘海量地理数据的能力,空间分析能力和丰富的可视化效果,使得它在气象领域的应用越来越广泛深入。论文以项目“面雨量服务系统”为依托,采用引进与自行开发相结合的技术路线,基于ArcGIS Engine进行二次开发,利用ArcGIS相关技术研究在.NET平台下,有效地支持面雨量监测与预报中心各项上报材料的制作与发布,各类信息的统计、分析处理,服务产品图形定制和加工制作,形成基于GIS的专业气象服务基础平台。论文选取了其中的数据管理与检索分析,系统自动出图两大功能模块进行探讨,研究剖析其关键技术和业务流程。在数据管理与检索分析模块中,介绍了面雨量支持的Micaps数据格式,建立基于GIS的流域面雨量数据的数据库,研究高效读取Micaps数据、文件数据的方法,实现数据的实时入库和数据的加载。在数据查询检索的设计中,将GIS、气象学科结合数据库技术进行研究,实现面雨量数据的查询功能。采用了参数化界面生成和配置,数据的查询、查询界面、查询语句都可在数据库中直接进行配置,从而实现了不修改代码,不重新编译系统即可添加面雨量气象要素查询检索功能的能力,提高了效率。在系统自动出图模块中,在对面雨量常用算法进行比较研究后选择了Cressman插值算法作为对面雨量服务系统空间分布的插值算法,提高了降水空间分布图的精确性和图形的美观性。同时利用ComGIS技术开发各类组件,研究利用ArcGIS ModelBuilder建模技术通过类似工作流图的方式将各类组件搭建起来,为服务产品制作特定的处理模型,使用ArcMap制作专题图模板,实现包括矢量以及多种格式的图像输出。结合气象服务产品后台加工系统对模型运行状况进行监测,实现系统的自动制图输出功能,满足对面雨量服务系统专题图的需求,提高了自动化程度,改善了服务手段。

【Abstract】 Areal Rainfall is average rainfall of the unit area within a certain region and be able to reflect the situation of rainfall in the region objectively. It’s an important parameter which describes a certain regional water resources, one of the crucial indicators in flood forecasting and a main basic data in study of water cycling. To carry out research and application of Areal Rainfall can help government organizations and relevant departments at all levels to organize disaster prevention, disaster fighting and provide an important basis for the decision-making in reservoir dispatching.It’s also a significant work for enhancing the pertinence and practicality of the meteorological services.Geographic Information System (GIS) is a kind of computer system which can collect,store,manage,search,analyse,process and apply the geographical information. It becomes wider and wider in application of meteorological field for its powerful capacity for analyzing, processing and mining massive geographical data, spatial analysis and rich visualization.This paper was based on the project Areal Rainfall Service System.With the use of the introduction combined with self-developed technical line and the second development on ArcGIS Engine, the paper discussed how to use ArcGIS related technologies on.NET platform to support rainfall monitoring, the production and release of the submitted materials in Prediction Center, to support statistics,analysis and processing of various information,to customize and manufacture product graphics,thus formed professional meteorological services platform on the basis of GIS.The paper choosed two function modules of system for discussing.One was data mangnament,inquiry and analysis,the other was system automatic drawing.It Studied and analyzed the key technology and business process. In the module of data mangnament,inquiry and analysis,the paper introduced Micaps data format supported by the areal rainfall,established GIS-based database of area rainfall data,discussed how to read Micaps data and file data efficiently and achieved the result of data real-time storage and data loading.In the design of data searching, the paper studied the GIS,meteorological combined with database technology to achieve surface rainfall data query capabilities. Data query, the query interface and sql could be configured in the database directly after using the parameterized interface generation and configuration. So we could add query search function of rainfall meteorological element without modifying and recompiling code,thus improved the efficiency. In the module of system automatic drawing, the paper chose Cressman interpolation algorithm for spatial distribution graphics in the Areal Rainfall Service System after a comparative study of commonly used algorithms about areal rainfall,thus made the spatial distribution graphics of precipitation become more accurate and beautiful.At the same time,the paper discussed the method of developing various components by using ComGIS technology and how to use ArcGIS ModelBuilder modeling technology for building specific processing model for service product similar to work flow diagrams.We made thematic maps by using ArcMap to achieve a variety of formats including vector and image output. Combined with the background processing system of Meteorological Service Products,we monitored the operating conditions of the model to achieve automatic mapping output function of the system and meet the demand of specific thematic map in Areal Rainfall Service System.Thus,we increased automation and improved service means.

  • 【分类号】P208;P426.613
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】299
  • 攻读期成果

