

Research of Wireless Sensor Network Routing Protocol Based on Security Constraints

【作者】 燕春

【导师】 李腊元;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络技术是一种集传感技术、微电子技术、通信技术、网络技术、信息技术等于一体的新兴技术。作为典型的无线传感器网络,其自身的自组织、动态性、易部署等特点使其有着广阔的应用前景,无线传感器网络技术可以应用于军事、安全生产及工业控制、环境地质监测、医疗护理、办公自动化、智能交通、空间探测等众多领域,而随着相关技术的发展,这必将极大地改变人们现有的生产生活方式。正因为无线传感器技术有着如此广的应用范围及将会对社会产生的深刻影响,目前很多国家都对此领域投入了巨大的人力、财力和物力进行相关的基础科学研究。目前无线传感器技术的研究重点主要集中于数据链路层及网络层,而网络层的路由协议研究则是各国学者的研究重点和热点。由于无线传感器网络有其自身的特点,这使得传统的有线及无线网络的路由协议不再简单地适应,而由于现阶段传感器节点技术及能源问题的局限,使得网络中的能耗问题一直是路由协议研究的重点及难点。同时由于无线传感器网络的应用相关性,在某些具体应用中的安全考虑也使得无线传感器网络的安全研究日益成为路由研究中的一个重要方向。此外,像节点定位、数据融合、网络中间件等技术也是无线传感器网络技术研究的重要方向。本文重点分析了无线传感器网络中的分簇式路由LEACH-C协议,指出了LEACH-C协议存在的能耗问题及安全问题,并在LEACH-C的基础上提出了改进思想。对于能耗问题,提出了基于多跳式的改进思想,然后在理论上给于了证明,最后在NS-2仿真平台上进行实验仿真;对于LEACH-C中的安全问题,提出了基于信标的安全认证机制,此认证机制可以充分保证网络中基站及节点的身份合法性及其通信时的安全问题。本文共分7章,各章内容归结如下:第1章详细了介绍无线传感器网络发展历史、发展过程及研究现状,总结了无线传感器网络的特点及相关的应用技术。第2章详细分析了无线传感器网络的框架结构,并具体分析了网络的通信协议栈,介绍了无线传感器网络的物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层及应用层的研究现状及存在的问题第3章主要分析了LEACH及LEACH-C协议的实现机制和工作原理,并具体分析了LEACH协议中使用的网络模型。第4章主要介绍了LEACH-C协议中存在的能量问题,并针对此问题提出了自己的改进思想,并从理论上进行证明。第5章主要介绍了LEACH-C协议的安全问题,并针对安全问题提出了基于信标的身份认证的思想,最后详细分析了改进后的安全状况。第6章主要是在NS-2平台上对第4、5章的改进进行了实验仿真。第7章对全文进行了总结,并提出了对未来工作的展望。

【Abstract】 Wireless Sensor Network technology is an emerging technology set of many other technologies, including microelectronics, communication technology, network technology, information technology, and so on. In a typical wireless sensor network, because it is self-organization, dynamic and easy to deploy, it has broad prospects for application. Wireless Sensor Network technology can be used in military, security, production and Industrial Control, environment monitoring, medicine care, office automation, intelligent transportation, and space exploration and so on. With the development of related technology, the WSN will greatly change the life way of people and the style of production. As to such a wide range of applications and profound impact on society, many countries have invested huge human, financial and material resources to the basic scientific research.Currently the research on wireless sensor technology focuses on the data link layer, network layer, and the routing protocol of network layer is the research priorities and hot spots. As the Wireless Sensor Network has its own characteristics, which makes the traditional wired and wireless network routing protocols not adaptable for WSN, and with the limitations of the sensor node technology and energy question, the problem of network energy consumption is difficult and important for the protocol study. While the WSN is related to the application, the security in some specific applications makes the research of WSN routing security increasingly be an important direction of research. Moreover, node localization, data fusion, network middleware technologies in the WSN are also important research directions.This thesis focuses on the LEACH and LEACH-C protocol of WSN, and points out the energy consumption and security issues. This thesis gives a forward idea based on LEACH-C. For the energy problem, this thesis suggests a way of multi-hop in LEACH-C, and proves in theory and simulates in NS-2 at last; for the security problem, this thesis gives an authentication based on beacon, which fully guarantees the legitimacy of the base station, nodes and the communication. This thesis has seven chapters as below:Chapter 1 describes in detail the history, the development and research status of wireless sensor networks, and summarizes the characteristics of wireless sensor networks and the technologies related to application.Chapter 2 dentally analysis the frame structure of wireless sensor networks, and the protocol stack for network communication, and introduces the research status and existing problems of the network physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer.Chapter 3 analyzes the implementation mechanism and principle of LEACH and LEACH-C, and the network model used in the LEACH protocol.Chapter 4 introduces the energy issues of LEACH-C protocol and puts forward an improvement idea, and theoretically proved it at last.Chapter 5 introduces the security issues of LEACH-C protocol and gives an authentication based on beacon, and finally analyses the improved security situation.Chapter 6 introduces the simulation on the ideas of Chapter 4,5 in the NS-2 platform.Chapter 7 summaries this thesis, and point out the future works.


