

The Influence of Ancient Lifestyle on the Change of Farniture’s Shape and Stractare

【作者】 张禄

【导师】 徐晓庚;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 家具作为社会物质文化的产物,反映着一个国家和民族传统文化特色,也是一个国家和民族的历史发展的生成物。家具即满足于人们生活的物质需求,又满足人们对于美感的需求,所以家具的形制是随着人类生活方式与审美方式的变化而变化。本文共分五章,除了绪论及结论之外,正文为二、三、四章三部分。包括:对起居方式影响较大的几种家具;中国古代起居方式的变化;中国古代家具形制的变革。第一部分,“对起居方式影响较大的几种家具”是从起居方式的角度,重点介绍几种在家具史上有转折意义的家具。从“席”到“床榻”再到“胡床”最后到“椅凳”,按照历史发展的顺序,将中国古代起居方式发展过程中,影响坐卧方式的家具进行分析。第二部分,“中国古代起居方式的变化”,从历史的角度,主要分析历个朝代起居制度的变化与发展。从席地而坐到席地跪坐,再到垂足而坐的出现,最后垂足而坐渐渐代替席地而坐成为我国唯一的起居生活方式。第三部分,“家具形制变化的变革”,以朝代为经线,以起居家具为纬线,介绍中国古代家具发展的主要阶段。分别从“坐卧家具”、“起居家具”和“承置家具”这几个部分来探讨当时时代背景下的家具环境。

【Abstract】 As the outcome of social material culture, furniture reflects the traditional cultural characteristic of a country and race, and it is also their result through historical development. It not only caters for people’s material needs, but also reflects people’s desire for beauty. As a relust, the shape and structure of furniture varies with people’s lifestyle and aesthetic taste.The thesis consists of five parts. Excerpt from the preface and conclusion, the main body is divided into three parts, including the second, the third and the fourth chapter. It mainly contains the following contents, including a few kinds of furniture which greatly influences people’s lifestyle, the change of China’s ancient everyday actions and the revolution of the shape and structure of China’s ancient furniture.The second chapter lays emphasis on the introduction of several significant furniture in history from the angle of people’s lifestyle. In the order of historical development, it mainly analyzes the furniture which affects people’s sitting and lying style. The furniture experiences the change from mat to bed, then from folding chairs to chairs and stools.The third chapter mainly analyzes the development of the system of people’s lifestyle during several dynasties from historical view. China’s every day actions has experienced from anciet kneeling pisition to straight sitting position, which finally become our Chinese unique lifestyle.The fourth chapter introduces the developing phases of China’s ancient furniture through dynasties. It mainly explores the furniture environment at the current times from the following aspects, including sitting and lying furniture, domestic furniture, and furniture which contains staff.


