

Analysis of Friedman’s Theory of Legal Development

【作者】 张烩

【导师】 周祖成;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当下,希腊金融危机触及了西方语境中法律全球化的软肋,即所谓最完善的美国商法和毫无风险的金融衍生品都是“西方学者的自吹自擂”。而弗里德曼作为西方杰出的法社会学者,对全球化下的法律发展的做出了自己的解释与预测,弗里德曼把法律变化与社会变化的关系问题作为自己的终身问题,并且一直坚持社会变迁型塑法律文化,法律文化影响法律制度,法律制度又反作用于社会变迁的思路来解释社会的发展。本文通过对弗里德曼法律发展理论中的三个基本概念——法律、法律制度和法律文化——的梳理,进而以法律文化作为切入点,来检视他的法律发展观点。首先,弗里德曼基于社会学的视角考察法律和法律制度,这是其独创。弗里德曼采取一种外部观察的方式,试图从社会科学的视角来看待法律,也就是将法律制度视为许多社会制度中的一种,按照行为来描述、解释法律制度,清晰的描述了动态的法律制度运行过程。在这一动态过程中,弗里德曼强调了被他称为“法律文化”的作用,法律文化既是弗里德曼法律发展理论中的分析性概念,又是实质性变量。其次,弗里德曼论述了西方工业化、现代化和现代法律文化间的逻辑,这是其发展理论的核心内容。他认为现代性的特征就是经由科技带来的社会迅速变革,现代科技不仅改变了人们的生活环境,还由此改变了人们看待世界的方式。与19世纪相比,个人主义观的内涵在20世纪发生了根本转变,亦即由政治、经济领域的个人主义转向表现型个人主义。而表现型个人主义观的内涵体现于个人选择的广度和深度的扩大、法律对个人选择权利的尊重和保护,法律的合法性基础正是基于人们愿意以法律德方式来保护其选择权。于是,在弗里德曼的视野中“现代工业化、法律文化、法律制度的变迁”形成了一个美好的循环。最后,弗里德曼认为现代化带来的文化的趋同最终会使法律全球化,且法律全球化可能遵循美国法律目前的模式——选择的共和国的道路。这暴露了他的思想中不足的一面,撇开文化霸权论不谈,至少他的理论路数本身就有缺陷。即使在现代化、全球化的驱使下,文化逐渐呈现趋同性是一个事实问题,但完全抹杀文化的差异性,得出世界文化趋美国化的结论有失客观。法律全球化、法律文化、法律技术趋同化无法完全消灭法律文化的独特性,全球化带来的是文化的冲突和共生以及由此而产生的文化的新发展,而不是文化同一于美国文化模式。

【Abstract】 The moment, the Greek financial crisis hits the failing of global law, known as the most perfect of the United States and without the risk of commercial and financial derivatives are "Western scholars boast." Friedman as a West prominent sociologist, widely publicized in recent years, the so-called globalization of law, and thought that Chinese law is quite confident the Western trajectory. Friedman regards the legal culture and social development as their lifelong problems, adhering to the social changes to shape the legal culture, and legal culture affecting the legal system, legal system, then opposing the idea of social change to explain the development of society. This paper analysises the theory of Friedman’s legal culture in the three basic concepts, legal, legal system, legal culture of the comb, and analysises his legal point of view of globalization by an entry point of a legal culture.First, Friedman’s study based on the perspective of sociology of law and the legal system, which is his originality. Friedman take an external observation of the way, trying to look at the social science perspective the law, that is, the legal system as one of many social systems, in accordance with behavior to describe, explain the legal system, a clear description of the dynamic process of the legal system works. In this dynamic process, Friedman emphasized what he called "legal culture" the role of legal culture is not only Friedman’s analysis of legal development in the theory of the concept, but also the substantive variables.Second, Friedman discusses the Western industrialization, modernization and inter-cultural logic of modern law. He believes that the characteristics of modernity is that through the rapid changes brought on by technological society, modern technology has not only changed people’s living environment, but also changed the way people look at the world this way. Compared with the 19th century, meaning the concept of individualism in the 20th century saw a fundamental change, that is, by the political and economic individualism turned to expressive individualism. The connotation of the concept of expressive individualism embodied in the individual choice to expand the breadth and depth of legal respect for the rights of individual choice and protection of the legitimacy of the law is the law people are willing to Germany-based approach to protect their right to choose. Thus, in Friedman’s vision of "modern industrial, legal culture, legal system changes" have reached a good cycle. The last, Friedman believed that modernization brought about by the convergence of culture and globalization of law will ultimately, And the globalization of law likely to follow U.S. law, the current model-the path of the Republic of choice. This exposes the lack of thought of his side, leaving aside the cultural hegemony theory aside, at least his theory into large ones was inherently flawed. Even in the modernization and globalization driven by the convergence of culture is being presented is a question of fact, but totally obliterate cultural differences, come to the conclusions of the World Cultural increasingly Americanized lack of objectivity. Globalization of law, legal culture, legal technology, the convergence of legal culture can not completely eliminate the unique nature of globalization, the cultural conflicts and symbiotic, rather than the same culture, the rule of law model of unity.

  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】176

