

The Inquiry of the Responsive Law

【作者】 董建丽

【导师】 周祖成;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法学理论, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪60年代美国社会发生剧变,越南战争的受挫导致政府信仰危机、民权运动、民众罢工、贫富差距的扩大、犯罪率的上升、环境污染、城市骚乱等诸多社会问题聚集在一起,社会矛盾激化。在这种社会背景下,产生了软性法治取代硬性法治的要求,伯克利学派的主要代表人物塞尔兹尼克和其弟子诺内特所提倡的回应型法律模式正是对这一时代的呼应。伯克利学派在继承古典法社会学传统理论的基础上,打破常规将法社会学与自然法哲学相结合,以自然法哲学为指导思想,以法治观为中心,在庞德社会控制理论的基础上,更关注的是目的性与合法性,并将合法性作为法律社会学的核心观念。这一思想主要体现在塞尔兹尼克和诺内特合著的《转变中的法律与社会:迈向回应型法》一书中,他们在马克斯·韦伯,昂格尔等前人划分法律类型的基础上又独具创意地提出三种类型的法律模式,即压制型法、自治型法和回应型法,通过详细论述,可以看出压制型法使法律机构被动地适应社会环境;自治型法则是为保持机构的完整性,是一种盲目的接受完整性的形式主义;而回应型法却能够很好地处理开放性与完整性之间的矛盾、恰当地调整二者之间的张力,它赋予了国家制度自我修正的精神,能够将法律有效的融合于社会之中。本文从合法性与目的性、道德观与价值观、秩序观与法律观、义务与文明以及完整性和开放性等几个方面来论述回应型法律模式具有存在和发展的合理性,有其存在的现实意义。虽然回应型法理论自身存在不足之处,作者在书中也体现出一些不自信和担忧,但是这些只是细微的问题,随着实践的发展、随着社会的变革这种法律模式必将得到完善。在分析其理论意义后,笔者从行政、司法和公共秩序等方面考虑,提出了一种良好社会秩序的建构,以促进法律的内部发展、有效地维持社会秩序,从而促进整个社会的安宁、和谐、进步与发展。我国正处在社会主义法治建设时期,找出一种适合当前国情的法律模式是非常重要的,也是亟待解决的问题。因此,借鉴回应型法律模式,将该法律理论框架与当今社会现实相结合,既有一定的理论意义又有一定的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the 1960’s ,drastic changes, the Vietnam War, frustration led to the crisis of faith, the civil rights movement, people strike, the expansion of the gap between rich and poor, rising crime rates, environmental pollution, urban riots, and many other social problems together, and social contradictions intensified. In this social context, resulting in a soft rigid rule of law replaces the rule of law requirements, the main representative of the Berkeley school, Selznick and his disciples advocated by Nonet-type pattern of the law is a response to this era echoes.Berkeley School of inheriting the traditional theory of classical sociology of law, based on the sociology of law to break the routine will be combined with the philosophy of natural law to natural law philosophy as the guiding ideology, the rule of law concept as a center in the Pound on the basis of social control theory, more concerned about the purpose and legitimacy, and legitimacy as the core concept of sociology of law. This idea is mainly reflected in Selznick and Nonet co-author of quot;Changing Law and Society: Towards a model law to respond to, they are at the Max ? Weber, Unger predecessors such as the legal division Also based on the type of unique ideas put forward three types of legal model, namely, repressive law, autonomy-based method and response-based method, through detailed discussion, we can see that repressive law so that legal institutions passively adapt to social environment; self-government -type rule is to maintain the integrity of institutions, is a blind acceptance of the integrity of the formalism; and response-based method was able to handle very well and integrity of open conflict between the right to adjust the difference between the tension, it gives the national spirit of self-correcting system, the law can be effectively integrated in society.In this paper, legitimacy and purpose, ethics and values, order and legal view of the concept of obligation and civilizations, as well as the integrity and openness to describe several aspects of response-type pattern of the law with the rationality of the existence and development, has its existence practical significance. Although the response to its own model law theory shortcomings, the authors in the book also reflects a number of non-self-confidence and fear, but these are just a minor problem, with the development of the practice, as society changes in this pattern of the law is bound to be improved . In the analysis of its theoretical significance, the writer from the administrative, judicial and public order considerations, proposed construction of a good social order in order to promote the law internal development, and effectively maintain social order, thereby promoting the social peace and harmony , progress and development. China is in a period of socialist rule of law, to find a model appropriate to the current legal situation is very important and urgent issues. Therefore, the reference type to respond to the legal model, the theoretical framework of the law combined with the contemporary social reality, both have a certain theoretical significance and practical significance.

  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】465

